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Ok copy whats in the box then click the order here button.And the paste it in the email and add pictures (if what you order asks you to give pictures).If you have any questions or answer please email me.Once all forms are sent we send are mailing address for you to send the money to .Thank You.When it says sp that means subpage.Its not used often.


Website are 20 dollars .If there r more than 10 sp its 50 cents 4 every sp after that


Layouts are 2 dollars .And now if you buy three layouts its 5 dollars.


Sponsership is 5 dollars which includes Small Prizes sponsered by us We will have a chat Host once every 2 weeks host a chat We even have a list of your members .Just incase When its the Pres of the site/zine Bday we give a 20 % discount 4 the day to the members of the zine or people who go 2 the site