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This Time Around - Introducing Michael Fredo

Last Updated: June 13, 2000

Hey everyone! My name is Lindsey and welcome to "This Time Around - Introducing Michael Fredo" This page is dedicated to a great new artist, Michael Fredo. I met him once, he came to my school and i even got his autograph. He is really nice and sweet. This page is under some major construction, so bare with me!.

Oh yeah, I also have a voice mail thingy, it's mad cool,and it's free! Yep, free is good. So leave me a message. The number is:

1-888-3924832 ext. 291-340-0871

|Bio |Lyrics|Transcripts|News|Pictures of Michael|Message Board|Contact Michael|Tour Dates|Links|Chat|Quiz|Fan Encounters|Tell A Friend|Promote Michael|Contest|

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