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the unofficial shawn baharin

Shawn Baharin
Career Background
What You Didn't Know...
Images of The Man

For The Fans
Hot Off The Press!
Mailing List
The Chatroom
Voting / Polls
Trading Post

I Need Shawn!
Concerts,Shows and Appearances
Show Bookings

The Music
Online Listen
Song List and Lyrics
Links to Other Shawn Fan Sites

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AboutThe Webmaster
The webmaster and site administrator is an entertainment journalist who is personally acquainted with Shawn Baharin.To know more about
preschoolplaypen. Tumpang glamer sikit yeak Shawn...

Site Updates
April 1 2000 - Site conceived.Construction begins
May 1 2000 - the unofficial shawn baharin site officially opened
March 5 2001 - Slight facelift for the unofficial shawn baharin site. Image revamp.
October 10 2001 - Minor site updates. Check out developments in FRESH!!! under latest news on the main page.
To Be Announced Soon!- Exclusive chat session with Shawn Baharin himself! Most probably on his upcoming second album. Chat session by 2001 end.

the unofficial shawn baharin
Welcome to the unofficial shawn baharin, the premiere one-stop site for Malaysia's "Best New Artiste" as declared by the Akademi Industri Muzik for the year 2000. Performing for the first time at the academy's Anugerah Industri Muzik 2000 awards show on April 15 2000, Shawn, who also appeared as a presenter, got the most exposure so far in his just over a year-old career. Still,Shawn Baharin has a long way to go, and sensing his potential, this site was created to give him the honour he well as to spur his efforts to go further.

This is undoubtedly going to be,or rather is one of the best sites on a local artiste, be it for a solo or group act, available online. One of the main reasons is simply going to be that we will have the full cooperation of Shawn himself on this effort. Hence, the webmaster and site administrator gives you his personal guarantee of having the most personal and up up to date info on Shawn than any site or press interview you're going to get. The only reason we're tagging this site as an "unofficial" site is because the record company isn't paying us to do it.

We're going to achieve a lot of firsts with this site. For a fan site dedicated to a local artiste (even though, I don't think of this as one),this is going to be one of the first to offer you a chance to chat with Shawn himself. We will chat with Shawn in our very own chatroom at dates to be announced soon. If you can't make it on those dates, or can't wait, forward any queries you have to us, and we will get his reply and post the Q & A for you to view. Personal replies guaranteed!

This site will also feature info you'll never know about Shawn from anywhere else, more images of him than on any other site (including several exclusive ones pics just for the this site). It will also list Shawn's appearances, shows or concerts so that you can catch him at the location nearest to you or on your favourite programme on the tube...Not enough? Email us with your suggestions on what to add, and we will...or contribute something and we will after verifying it for truth,post it, credited to you.

Just a reminder...there are pornographic pics on the internet of several Malaysian male artists which have been making their rounds. Shawn has been one of the latest targets of the cheaply done super-imposed fakes. So don't bother circulating those around cause it's embarassing to see such shoddy workmanship. Take some pride in your work you porno peddlers!!! Hahaha...

latest news!

FRESH!!!So anyway the latest on Shawn is the second album is in the pipeline. Whether or not 'menjadi ke tidak' leaves to be seen. The delay is no thanks to the powers that be at his recording company. So apa nak buat kan. All I can say is I hope they resolve things. Chances are Shawn's music will shift to his first love, more R&B soul etc numbers with a fair dose of credible dance. Forget Ricky Martin. That's not him, never was and never is and never will be. Thank the record company for that image. Toodle-doo...see ya all. I promise to update the whole page soon. I'm sorry I haven't updated the page in a while, but next week will see a design (slight change lah actually) and in content...(more like finally adding in more...hahaha) So watch out for the latest on the unofficial shawn baharin.

copyright © 2000 the unofficial shawn baharin. all rights reserved. no material or images from this site may be used in any manner without prior expressed permission from the site administrator. this site was created on april 1 2000.