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Lance Bass

Lance Bass

Full name: james lance bass

birthdate: may 4th, 1979

time of birth: 1:20 pm

birthplace: laurel, mississippi

parents: jim and diane bass

siblings: sister stacy and brother-in-law, ford lofton

nicknames: scoop, stealth, lansten, poo-fu

usual hair style: spikey

natural hair colour: light brown/dirty blond

usual hair colour: bleached tips

eye colour: green, VERY green

height: 5'11" (even though to me he seems shorter)

weight: 155 pounds

shoe size: 11

fave colour: red and blue

fave foods: french toast and mexican

fave ice cream flavour: butter pecan

fave drink: dr. pepper or an almond flavoured cappuccino

fave holiday: christmas

fave type of music: anything from rock to r&b to pop to country

fave singer: garth brooks

fave books: to kill a mockingbird, the outsiders

fave movies: clue, armageddon, the sixth sense

fave babes: jennifer aniston, sarah michelle gellar, kelly packard

fave actor and actress: tom hanks and lucille ball

fave tv shows: south park, friends and seinfeld

fave cologne: ckbe

fave things to do: horseback riding, jetskiing, clubbing

fave song on the *n sync debut album: god must have spent a little more time on you

fave song on "no strings attached": it makes me ill