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 Bryan used to be a bit of a bully as a young lad! Don't worry though - he was only acting! He played the school hard nut in an Irish TV series called Finarr's Class and had to pretend to beat people up!
 Although Mark loves living a pop star lifestyle, he reckons the idea of being really famous scares him to death!
 Nicky drives a Peaugot 306 convertible, which he got for a really good price with the help of Ronan.
 Westlife share the same stylist as the Spice Girls and David Beckham. His name is Kenny Ho.
 Before Nicky joined Westlife, he was a budding TV presenter. He went for lots of auditions and would love to have his own show one day.
 Bryan went to the same school as Mikey from Boyzone.
 Nicky's a really romantic lad at heart. He once flew home and hid in his girlfriend’s room to surprise her!
 Before he joined Westlife, Shane used to help out with the cooking and washing up in his parent’s restaurant in Ireland.
 Mark's absolutely terrified of birds.
 Ronan look alike, Nicky, once impersonated the man himself at a gig to get backstage. When the real Mr. Keating tried to get backstage, he couldn't because the security guards thought they'd already let the real Ronan through!
 Bryan used to be a huge fan of Superman comics. His Mum has still got his Superman duvet cover ironed and waiting for him when he visits.
 The band's co-manager, Louis Walsh, has given each of the lads a Spice name, which reflects their personalities, but they won't let on what they are!
 The lads have a special routine, which they go through before a performance. First they gather round in a circle while somebody says a prayer. Then they say a quick Hail Mary, count to three in Irish and finally enter the stage.
 Were you standing next to a strange man in a woolly hat last time you saw Westlife in concert? Well lucky you if you were because it was probably Ronan! He sometimes hides in the audience at gigs to make notes on the lad’s performance and help suggest ways they could improve.
 Kian pierced his own ear when he was younger. "I did it with a pin and it really hurt!" he says.
 Before Westlife were famous, they used to play in small clubs that didn't have any dressing rooms so they sometimes ended up getting changed in the toilets!
 Shane never really relaxes on his holidays. "I rarely sit down and do nothing", he says. "I don't like lying there getting a tan. I prefer to be up and doing something".
 Mark never goes anywhere without his protective charm. "I've got a thing like two teabags on a string. It's called a Scapular. It's meant to protect you. I take it everywhere with me".
 Kian once had a very embarrassing kissing incident with a girl who was slightly crossed eyed. "We leaned into kiss each other but she missed and kissed the wall behind me!" he laughs.
 One night when Kian was on a camping trip, one of the girls went out for a walk and saw a banshee hovering over a tree. The next night she went out for another walk with some friends and saw it again. Kian and the rest of the campers didn't sleep very well for the rest of the trip and who can blame them!
 Shane's car is a silver BMW 3 series, which he bought when RCA paid the band for their record deal.
 When Westlife are on the road, they often have to request their lunches in advance. One rule must always be followed or else: Don't ever buy sandwiches that have mayonnaise in them for Nicky because he hates the stuff. His favorite sandwich filling is chicken and stuffing!
 When Bryan was younger, he ran away from home twice and even flushed his Mum's jewelry down the toilet!
 Bryan didn't go to bed until half three in the morning one night. He fell asleep in his clothes and then couldn't be bothered to change when he got up - which was only two hours later!
 It used to take Kian ages to get his hair sorted out in the mornings, but now it only takes about ten minutes. His technique is thanks to his hairdresser "who is a great teacher" and his hair product, Dax Wax.
 Nicky became a godfather this year. "My Mum's sister had a baby and she asked me to be the godfather which was really special."
 Shane reckons he's grown an inch in the past six months. "Nah!” scoffed Bryan; "You've shrunk an inch!” Shane helpfully pointed out that this was in fact because Bryan had grown two inches...
 Following in the footsteps of the Spice Girls and Boyzone, the Westlife lads are set to hit the silver screen in a movie all about their hectic crazy pop star life. A spokesperson for Westlife said that the lads have been approached about film offers and talks are well under way.
 Westlife once had some chocolate and a raw egg thrown on stage during an outdoor roadshow performance. Nicky picked up the chocolate and started eating it. When they had finished singing, Nicky said, "Whoever threw the chocolate, thank you very much indeed. It was beautiful". Then Bryan said, "And whoever threw the egg, do you think you could get some ham and cheese to go with it, please?”
 An over-excited fan in the Far East tore one of Kian's silver rings off his finger. "When you go to shake hands with the fans in the front row of one of our shows it's like putting your foot in a pond of piranhas!” joked Mark.
 Bryan is desperate to buy a Ferrari. "But the first thing I want to buy is a house on the outskirts of Dublin for my Mum and Dad", he confessed, "They deserve it".
 Shane's high point of the band's Australian tour was when the guys took a boat trip around Sydney harbor.
 Nicky doesn't like his new tattoo. He had an ornate eastern design tattooed onto the base of his back and it was pretty painful to have done. Apparently it really hurt when the needle pricked his spine area. Ouch!
 Westlife have a fitness instructor who sets them up with healthy eating plans, but when they are on the road, McDonalds is usually their only option!
 Bryan was so mad on Superman when he was a kid; he once jumped out of a tree because he thought he would be able to fly like him!

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