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Chris Kirkpatrick

Sorry for some of the categories being blank but the site I get the additional info from is not working at this moment. I'll fill it in when it works again. Try guessing what would be in for those blanks, it can be a challenge on how much you know about Crazy Chris!

Full name: Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick


Born: October 17, 1971

Place of Birth: Clarion, Pennsylvania

Family: mother-Beverly Eustice, sisters-Molly, Kate, Emily, and Taylor (all younger)

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Brown


Before *N SYNC: Worked at Universal Studios

Fave Food: Tacos

Fave Drink:

Fave movie:

Fave film stars:Adam Sandler, Jackie Chan, and Bruce Lee

Fave color: Silver

Fave music: Busta Rhymes and Beastie Boys

Fave TV shows: The Simpsons, South Park, and all cartoons

Fave childhood toy (according to his mom): "He used to collect teddies. He still has most of them. And this is funny-he had a doll that I made out of leftover pieces of sheet, and he called him Joey! He dragged Joey around until Joey's head nearly fell off."

Fave *N SYNC song: " 'Giddy Up,' since we wrote it. I can remember when we were in the studio writing that and how much fun it was to write with the other guys."


Collector's Items: Records

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