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Justin Timberlake

Sorry for some of the categories being blank but the site I get the additional info from is not working at this moment. I'll fill it in when it works again. Try guessing what would be in for those blanks, it can be a challenge on how much you know about Thrustin' Justin!

Full name: Justin Randall Timberlake


Born: January 31, 1981

Place of Birth: Memphis, Tennessee

Family: Parents and stepparents- Lynn and Paul Harless and Lisa and Randy Timberlake,brothers- Jonathon and Steven (both younger)

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Blond


Before *N SYNC: MMC Club

Fave Food: Cereal, pasta

Fave Drink:

Fave movies: "The Usual Suspects", "Twelve Monkeys"

Fave film stars:

Fave color: Baby blue

Fave music: hip-hop

Fave TV shows: Seinfeld

Fave childhood toy (according to his mom): "Different guitars. He always dragged around some kind of little plastic banjo or guitar."

Fave *N SYNC song: " 'God Must Have Spent a Little More Time on You' because it is the perfect love song. I'm a very spiritual person so it relates to me."

Car: Mercedes M Class

Collector's Items: Sneakers, basketball gear

Justin Pics!

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