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Selfish chapter 8

"Don't leave." Nick gripped Brian's hand tightly.

"I was just going to get you some water." Brian smiled picking up the water from the table and holding it to Nick's lips." Nick drank it gratefully. He'd been at the hospital for a while but still wasn't dilated enough for anything to really happen. The contractions were coming more frequently now, at least once a minute and AJ had gone to search out a doctor muttering about how you'd think they'd get more attention considering the amount of money Nick was paying.

"You're not going to leave me though are you? I want you to stay with me." Nick pleaded.

"Are you sure you don't want your mom?" Brian checked.

"No, I want you to stay. Please, Brian. I'm...I'm scared." Nick's eyes were open wide and he'd looked like the same 13 year old kid Brian had met when he first went down to Orlando.

"Of course I'll stay." Nick groaned as pain shot through him again and Brian handed him the mask that gave him gas to relieve the pain a little.

"Hello, Nick." AJ had found the midwife and she entered the room cheerfully. "Are they a bit closer together now." Nick nodded as another wave of pain hit him. "That's right, breath deeply. Is this your birthing partner? What's his name?" She asked when Nick nodded.

"Brian." Nick managed to grind out.

"Aren't you going to introduce us?" She asked. Nick glared at her but Brian recognised that she was just trying to distract him whilst she checked a few things.

"Brian this is Lacey my midwife. Lacey, this is Brian. My best friend." Nick introduced, breathing deeply from his gas mask after he'd finished.

"And the father?" She asked. Nick shook his head.

"He's waiting outside." Brian answered.

"He's here?" Nick gasped as he had yet another contraction.

"Yeah." Brian probably should have told Nick the second Kevin had arrived but he didn't think Nick needed the stress. "You want me to bring him in here?"

"Yes." Brian's heart sank, hearing Nick say that. "Bring him in so I can kick his ass for doing this to me. If I ever even mention letting a guy get within five feet of me again, hit me round the head with something. HARD!" Nick groaned, in agony.

"OK, Nick, can you push for me. It won't be long now, c'mon." Lacey coaxed. Nick pushed, crushing Brian's hand as the pain overwhelmed him. "And another big push. That's it. You're doing great. You sure you haven't done this before?" She teased. Nick was crying now, Brian could understand why, he and AJ had talked about it. Having a baby come out of your body couldn't be fun for a woman but having one come out of your anal passage had to be complete agony. There was no way that Nick could have had an epidural as it would have prevented the anal/rectal muscles from contracting to push the baby out and caesareans were out of the question for men because they carried the baby too near their spinal cord for it to be a safe option.

"Come on, Nick, another big push. You're almost there, I can see his head." Lacey said.

"C'mon, Nicky. You're doing great. Not much longer now." Brian encouraged.

"I can't, I can't Brian, it hurts so much." Nick gasped.

"Have some more of your gas and air." Brian advised. "You can do this, I know you can. Just think, you'll be able to hold him in your arms after all this waiting."

"Listen to your friend, Nick, he's right. C'mon, one big push, there ya go, his head's out, keep going." Nick let out a huge sigh of relief as the wail of a baby crying could be heard and his son was taken away to be weighed and cleaned up quickly. "Just push once more Nick so we can get the after birth out and then you can hold him." Lacey promised. Nick did as she asked and groaned as the after birth was removed from his body. "Here you go, a healthy baby boy, 6 pounds and 4 ounces." Lacey beamed as she handed Nick his tiny baby wrapped in a blue blanket.

"That's good right?" Brian asked as he watched Nick's face light up as he held his son.

"It's great, quite large for a male pregnancy actually. They're always a little smaller than they are with women or you guys'd never get them out. I'll leave you too it now."

"Thanks a lot, Lacey." Nick said sincerely.

"You're welcome sweetie, just doing my job. I'll leave him with you for a while but then I'll take him away so that you can have a bath and get some rest. You must be shattered." She smiled softly. "Know what you're going to call him?" She asked. Brian looked at Nick, just as curious as Lacey. There had been a lot of names thrown around but Nick hadn't been able to decide on one, saying that he'd know the right one when he held him in his arms.

"Yeah. Jake. Jake Brian." Nick answered, smiling softly at Brian and then back down at his baby son, to stroke his cheek.

"That's lovely. I'll leave you to it now, you've got a lot of anxious people in the hallway waiting to see you, I think it's a record actually." She laughed before leaving the room.

"Who do you want me to get first?" Brian asked.

"My mom." Nick replied. "Are the kids here?"

"Aaron is, he kicked up such a fuss when she said he should go home to get some rest that she had to let him stay. The girls went though, with your dad, they'll come by later." Brian explained.

"What time is it?" Nick looked confused.

"It's 3 am Nick, you've been in labour for a long time buddy."

"Tell me about it." Nick sighed. "So that makes it the 24th right? August the 24th."

"Yup. Look at him, he's so quiet." Brian smiled as he stroked the baby's face. "I'll come back in a while ok? Your mom's gonna want some time with you herself."

"I guess. Thanks a lot Brian. I don't know what I would have done without you." Nick said gratefully.

"You're welcome, bro. I'm always here for you, whether you need me or not." Brian laughed before leaving the room to tell the numerous people waiting outside the good news and to send Jane and Aaron in to see the proud father.

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