I'm Gonna Take Your Cherry Chapter One

Links To Cherry Chapters 1-16

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (16-27 links)

                     Nick scooped up a spoonful of his cherry ice cream and moaned in pleasure as he slid the spoon into his mouth. Brian smiled at him and took a bite of his mint chocolate chip. Howie and Kevin were both busy with their banana splits, while AJ twirled his spoon into his hot fudge sundae and lifted a huge mound of vanilla and hot fudge to his mouth.

                   “Alex...you’re going to...” Kevin began, rolling his eyes as the younger man growled in pain and squeezed the bridge of his nose. “...get an ice cream headache if you do that.” He finished, shaking his head, giving the boy an affectionate smile. Leave it to AJ. AJ blinked, his eyes narrowed in pain. He flipped Kevin off good-naturedly and heard the older man laugh. Kevin took a large gulp of his mineral water, not noticing Nick reaching towards him.

                “Hey, Kev, I’m gonna take your cherry.” Nick announced before snatching the stem of the small red fruit from Kevin’s banana split and biting into the juicy cherry. Kevin spit his mineral water out all over the table in surprise, his mind still in the gutter from a comment that AJ had made minutes before. Brian raised his eyebrows at Nick and handed Kevin a fistful of napkins to clean the table. His mind always in the gutter, AJ inhaled sharply at Nick’s innocent comment and choked as his Coke went down the wrong pipe. Amused, Howie pounded AJ on the back, not even looking at him. His wide brown eyes were fixed on Nick and Kevin. “What? What did I say?” Nick asked, looking confused. “All I said was I was going to take Kev’s cherry...” He looked around the table at the rest of the fellas. “What?”

                 “Don’t you think you should take me out to dinner first? You know, set the mood?” Having recovered first from his shock, Kevin smirked, an evil grin on his handsome face. He looked up at Nick, his eyes sleepy, as if he was trying to seduce the blond. The rest of the guys laughed hysterically, pushed out of their shock by Kevin’s joke. Nick blushed to the roots of his hair as the double meaning to his innocent words finally hit him.

               “Oh my God...is everything sex with you people? Get your minds out of the gutter already. Jesus Christ, ya’ll need to grow up.” Brian, Howie, and AJ laughed, their eyes sparkling. Nick picked up his spoon again and took another bite of his ice cream, unaware of Kevin’s green gaze locked on him. Kevin had never given little Nicky a second look before, but now he felt as if someone had sucker-punched him as he watched the spoon slide in and out of Nick’s mouth. Heat pooled unexpectedly in his groin and he bit back a moan as Nick’s pink tongue washed the spoon clean.

            As if he began to feel the weight of Kevin’s stare, Nick raised his eyes and met Kevin’s hungry gaze. His stomach muscles clenched and he licked his lips, feeling very self-conscious. Kevin’s eyes darkened in color as they traced the path of Nick’s tongue. Damn, Nick suddenly felt as if he was on the menu along with the ice cream. Was it hot in here? Nick felt as if the room had become four times smaller in the last five minutes. He quickly looked away from Kevin’s piercing, green stare and took a long swig from his water bottle. A moan broke free from Kevin’s throat and he jerked back to reality as he realized where the sound had come from. He shoved a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth, hoping to God that he wasn’t blushing. Big mistake. He groaned again as blinding pain exploded in his head, right between his eyes. He dropped his spoon on the table, squeezing the bridge of his nose to ease the pain.

            “Ice cream headache?” AJ asked, innocently, having witnessed Kevin’s lustful stare at Nick. He smiled sweetly at Kevin as the older man glared at him and went back to his sundae. Kevin picked up his spoon and absently picked at his melting banana split. He’d never thought of Nick as being anything other than another little “brother”, but the boy was hot and naturally sensual. Christ, eating and drinking shouldn’t be so fuckin’ sexy. Kevin suddenly understood why all the girls went wild for his young friend. Nick was sex-on-legs. Grrrrrrr. This was not a healthy train of thought.

           “You ready to go, Kev?” Howie asked, gently putting a hand on Kevin’s shoulder. Kev looked around and realized that he was the only one still sitting. He nodded and picked up his bowl, throwing it away as they exited the ice cream store.

            Kevin was silent the whole walk back to their hotel. The other guys were busy making plans for the night, but Kevin couldn’t get his mind off of Nick. Damn it, why did Nick have to be so gorgeous and sweet and so innocently unaware of it? Why couldn’t he just be attracted to AJ? AJ was bi-sexual just like him and probably more experienced in bed than him, unlike Nick who had probably been with only two people in his lifetime. Nick was just a kid, a baby, really. He was almost ten years younger than Kevin, for Christ’s sake.

          “Kev? Hello? Ya in there?” AJ snapped his fingers in front of Kevin’s face. “Dude, are you okay? I asked if you want to go out tonight with me, Brian, and Howie. Nick says he isn’t interested, but the rest of us want to check out that club, Black Cat...sounds kinky to me.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. Kevin couldn’t help but smile. “So, you in?” AJ held the hotel door open for Kevin.

          “Thanks, but uh, no thanks, J, I think I’ll pass tonight.” He didn’t feel like shaking his ass for a bunch of girls in a club tonight...not after realizing that he would rather be shaking it for Nick Carter. As they boarded the elevator, he just smiled and shook his head as the others tried to persuade him to join them.

         “I told you he’s an old man...probably too tired to keep up with you young studs.” Nick teased him with a smirk. Normally, Kevin would smack him upside the head and tell him to shut up, but not today. Kevin looked as if Nick had just slapped him. A hot flash of hurt and anger rocketed through him and he lost his temper with Nick for the first time in months.

         “Fuck you, Carter! I’m only nine years older than you and I can still kick your chubby ass from here to Miami!” He lashed out. The others watched in horrified silence as all the color drained from Nick’s face.


Email: everybodyz_still_a_suspect@yahoo.com