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Judith Nuņez

Judith Nuņez
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Judith Nuņez is a 14 year old graduate of Public School #17. Born on January 10, 1990, Judith, was the first of three children born to Jose and Minerva Nuņez. Known as "Judy" to most people, she has been awarded with credit and effort rolls throughout the year and has participated in her schools service club and social studies club. In September she'll be attending Dickinson High School.

Judy plans to visit the Dominican Republic and New York during the summer. Her hobbies are also watching T.V., playing basketball, drawing, and listening to music. She hopes to get her license in the near future and become a lawyer or business woman in the distant future. Her role models are her mom, dad, Altagracia, and teacher Ms. Daye.

Judith wants to give a special thanks to: "Mom and Dad, thank you for alwasy being there for me in the good and bad times. I also love you both for all the support given to me. Faviola and Joel: You've been the most annoying people in my life, but I still love you all."

Judith's Favorites are: Food: Fried Chicken
Color: Pink
Sport: Basketball
School Subject: Gym
Book: How to Drive Your Family Crazy...on Valentines Day
Music: R&B, Hip-hop
Movies: Beetle Juice, Shrek, The Ring
Websites: MiGente
Thing to do on the weekend: Go to the mall, visit family and friends, and go to church