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The chicks of Space Channel 5 on the great Manga base. I saw a toy ad in a magazine and had to do these dollx. They were alot of fun. There Ulala, Evila, and Pudding.

This Doll is of Nett. It's a diva version of one of her self portraits. Click on her name to check out her GREAT site.

A mirri doll, my first. I tried a weird shading technique on it.

Originaly supposed to be a plaid Burberry skirt, but I got fed up and came up with this. Oh well, btw she's sorta based on Kate Beckinsale.

She's made on a base I hadn't used yet. Nothing special, but I like her shoes.

A Doll inspired by Dr. Pepper, meet Drs. Pepper. She was made for a Soda Wars RPG at the Doll house

My first two female Xenis, Poisoin Ivy and Harley Quinn from Batman

Five, count them, five, brand new dolls. Tommorow I'm going to put my dolls is sub catagories. And all this weekend I'll be gone, so these might be the last dolls untill next week.

Well I have three dolls for you today,
I'm sure you can barely contain your self.
It's gonna have to tide you over untill atleast Monday.
Anyway I have some cool ideas, but I can't do anydolls this weekend, oh well.
We will both have to wait.


MTV movie awards are on tonight, so you'll no were I'll be.
Anywho, there are two new dolls for you to look at,
and now you can link back to me using a nifty banner. Check out my link section.


The Contest is now voting so go and choose your fav!
Also two new dolls, and a couple of new links.


Nothing much today. A couple of little dolls, and check out the base
section for a new base. Remember the contest ends tommorow!


Last day of school today!
But only one doll. Allthough there have been some site updates.
And I got a new award in Monsum's F base contest!
Check it out!


I said I was going to do a bigger update today, but something else came up.
I do have a pair of xenis though.
Maybe I'll do some site updates (base credits, links, and the contest entries so far) tommorow.
