K-Pri's Webdesigning Form

Want to showcase your talents, passions, want to advertise your business using the net? We can help you by making a website to suit your needs?

Whether it be a small homepage for you crew or a big business webpage, we can do it for you. Just fill out the form and we'll email you with more information.
To get a speedier respond from K-Pri it is better if you sign up to be a member of K-Pri international, but either way you can just leave out the member and password field and we would get back to you ASAP.

It usually takes us 1-2 days to get back to you, Please make sure you supply us with your email address and telephone number.

Although we have a payment method on the form it doesn't mean we will be charging fees that would burn a hole in your pocket. We charge a small fee and in some cases we work with what you can offer.

Your Name:        

Your Email:        


Member Name:  

Member Password:  

Phone Number:        

Type of Website:    

Target Audienece of site:   (Check all that apply)
Young Adults
Business Executives

Contents of site:

Number of pages:        

Would you like advertising banners on your site            Yes            No

Date when website needed:        

Anything else?

Payment Method            Cash            Cheque            Credit Card

Would the site require frequent maintaining?