+ Flirting Fun +

+ 5 ways to get him

1)Be bold! Wink, blow kisses, flash HUGE smiles! Blushing won’t get you anywhere.

2)Study his face carefully and then ask him if anyone’s ever told him he looks like a cross between Gareth gates and David Beckham.

3)Fall over near him and cry softly with supposed pain ( not big snotty sobs that make your nose swell up, please ) He’ll have to help you up and put his arm around you.

4) Suddenly have tickets to see WWF/ MANCHESTER UTD whatever he’s into and sigh loudly about how you just wish you had someone to go with…

5) Just ask him out for goodness sake!!!

+ 5 ways to get rid of him

1)Snog his best mate in front of him and ask him to hold your coat whilst you do it.

2)Set him up with your best mate, insisting you don’t want to get in the way.

3) Yawn when he tries to kiss you

4) Run away when you see him coming

5) Ask him when your getting engaged. That’ll ditch him for sure!!!