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+31th August 2002
Victoria to be back in February
Victoria Beckham is set to re-launch her singing
career. Planed as early as next February, the spice girl who is expecting her second child in the next week has been writing and recording new material since the split from her record label in march.
Victoria has described her new material as being 'fresh' with a 'raw vibe'.
'I'm still a great believer in a traditional pop song that has meaning to it, but i've learnt that some times you have to give in to the publics current taste in music. i've acually really enjoyed making it.'

Beckham's Dash for a Posh delivery

DAVID BECKHAM plans to drive 300 miles to be at his wife's side tonight before she goes into hospital to have their baby.
The England Captain has a away match for Manchester United in Sunderland this afternoon. Singer Victoria is due to have her baby by caesarean section-tomorrow at the private Portland Hospital in London.
The Couple are believed to have fixed the date so Beckham can share the joy of the birth, rather than being away at a game.
The day will be a double celebration for his wife, who has just signed a 1.5 MILLION pound solo Record deal with Telstar.
The Beckham's, whose three year old son Brooklyn was named after the place where he was conceived, have rubbished reports that their second child was going to be a girl named Paris, although friends say they do know the sex of the baby.
Beckham, 27, had to take his wife to hospital last week after she panicked when she thought the baby has stopped moving during a visit to a fair ground in Macclesfield.
He drove her to the maternity Unit at Macclesfield District General Hospital, Cheshire, where doctors listened to a heartbeat and told the 28 year old singer her baby was perfectly healthy.
'Thankfully everything was fine and now they just cant wait for the baby to be born', said a source.'Victoria is really looking forward to having the baby. She feel's she's ready now, and Brooklyn is very excited too.
'David desperately wanted to be with her during the birth so to make sure he wasn't playing a match on the day they booked the caesarian.
'He is planning to jump in the car after Manchester United's game so he can be back at home with Victoria the night she goes into hospital.'
The singer was dropped by the Spice Girl's label Virgin after her debut solo album failed to achieve high sales.
She hopes her new record deal will help her to achieve a number 1 Hit.
The source said: 'Victoria is thrilled because Telstar has enjoyed huge success with other artists such as Craig David.
'She's going to take the rest of the year off to look after her new baby, and then she will go back in the studio next year.'

+30th August 2002
Geri to work with Rick Astley ( thx BurntOut )

Eighties heart-throb Rick Astley has been called in to boost Geri Halliwell's solo career.
Pop guru Pete Waterman asked one of his success stories to write for the ex-Spice Girl - after hearing from Rick after a gap of eight years.

+29th August 2002
Emma's coming to Hong Kong  (thx Love Peace and Girl Power )

Emma Bunton will be attending a ball in Hong Kong next month to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II 50 th anniversary.She will be performing at the ball.
And Emma has given away clothes for a charity second-hand clothes selling event starting from tomorrow in Hong Kong. The clothes will be probably be sold for a low price.

The event is held every 2 years and this is the first time that the event sells clothes from celebrities overseas. Other celevritues given away their clothes overseas including Lady Victoria Hervey, Tamara beckwith and Gianfranco Ferre.

+28th August 2002
Melanie B's signing Date Updates ( thx Joel )
Melanie B will be signing on the 6th september in Scotland at OTTARKARS in Glasgow and not at waterstones.

Victoria Voted Worlds Best Dressed ( thx Jer )

Britney replaces Victoria Beckham as the Queen of Naff. Posh Spice had taken the accolade for the past two years - but was this year crowned the world's best dressed celebrity.

Best Dressed Celebrities:
1) Victoria Beckham
2) Catherine Zeta Jones
3) Kylie
4) Madonna
5) Nicole Kidman

+27th August 2002
Melanie B to play in a movie RUMOUR ( thx Freeky_spice )

Melanie B to play in Queer As Folk - the movie! According to "COOL" - A  Russian magazine , Melanie will take one of the lead roles in the movie.

+26th August 2002
New Geri and Demian Pic

Catch A Fire Special Section
Our Second Special , in 2 weeks after the Learning To Fly Special , is dediacted to Melanie B's Upcoming book 'Catch A Fire' . There you can find Pictures , Transcript and Experts from the book . Click Here
The book will be released on September 2nd . Pre-Order it Here.

+25th August 2002
PUPPY LOVE: Geri and Demian( interview from news of the world , thx Christian_E)

POP queen Geri Halliwell has finally found the lover who can help her change her life.

She has swapped a string of celebrity boyfriends for quiet, self-effacing Demian Walker...and she couldn't be more pleased.

"I think we all know that relationships haven't been one of my strong points," she says, shooting him a smile.

"It's early days for us but Demian makes me happy and that's all I could ask for. That's enough for me. This is my first proper relationship for ages."

Former Spice Girl Geri, whose astonishing new autobiography Just For The Record is serialised in the News of the World from next week, looks a long-overdue picture of health and happiness as we chat.

She and Demian reportedly met in an LA rehabilitation clinic where they were both supposedly receiving therapy.

The 26-year-old American is a subject that Geri prefers to keep private, but when pressed, she agrees to put the record straight.

"We met in a pet shop in California, looking at puppies," she says. "And, if I remember rightly, I was looking pretty hideous. It wasn't a good hair day!

"But they always say you meet someone when you least expect it, and that couldn't be more true for me. Finding a boyfriend was absolutely the last thing on my mind when I met Demian.

"For the first month, I even got his name wrong, poor thing, and kept calling him Damian."

But Demian had problems of his own—he didn't realise this girl called Geri was a star. "Then, one day, we were at a rodeo together," Geri smiles, "and someone screamed, ‘Oh my God, you're Geri Halliwell!'

Demian thought it was bizarre that a complete stranger would know who I was but, after that, the cat was kind of out of the bag.

"But we have a very normal, down-to-earth relationship. We still like going to the pet shop, getting the puppies out and pretending we're going to buy them.


"And the other thing we like doing is just going down the arcade, hanging out and playing the fruit machines. There's nothing remotely showbiz about us.

"Over the last few months, I've remembered what it's like to be a human being again and I've really been enjoying it.

"On the one hand, when you date someone famous they know exactly what it feels like to be in the glare of 10,000 people screaming at you and exactly how drained you feel at the end of the day.

"But they can also get on your nerves because all they want to talk about is showbiz!

"Life is a messy experience and, in the past, I simply wasn't ready to commit. I think becoming famous arrested my development.

"I was emotionally immature and, as a result, unable to have strong, intimate relationships with men.

"I appreciate that, for Demian, there's an awful lot of baggage to take on board and it requires a huge amount of tolerance. It's not glamorous. Only time will tell how he copes with my fame."

And how is she coping with her new role as a judge, along with record producer Pete Waterman and Boyzone manager Louis Walsh, on TV's Popstars: The Rivals? "Pete called me on my mobile while I was driving down to San Francisco and asked me to be on the show," Geri explains. "He flattered me basically and we hit it off immediately. Pete is going to produce my next album.

"And you know what the weird thing is? My mother saw him on telly and said: ‘He looks so much like your father!' So now I think I'm Pete's secret love child!"

Geri is momentarily floored when I tell her that Louis hasn't been nearly so supportive, branding her a "talent-less, tone-deaf fame seeker".

"You know what?" she says, recovering quickly, "Louis is a cutie and I get on with them both. We have this secret guessing game we play sometimes, called Spot The Song, because sometimes we can't even recognise the song that's being sung it's so bad.

"And that's made me realise that sometimes we take our own talents for granted—because I'm thinking, ‘You know what? I'm really good!'

She adds: "I feel very privileged to be in this powerful position. I have the power to make or break someone's life. I believe that I have a gift for spotting talent.

"I can spot sparkle in someone but if I feel that someone can take me being a bit brutal then—without crushing their dreams completely—I'll say exactly what I feel.

"I told one girl, ‘You're as good as someone I've just put through and you're equally as beautiful, but you're only half-hearted about this, so I'm not prepared to put you through because of your attitude'.


"I'm interviewing for a very coveted pop job and I'm just not going to give that opportunity to someone who only half wants it.

"But it swings both ways. There was this guy with a dreadful goatee beard who auditioned and didn't get picked. He hadn't been to stage school or anything—he was just a carpet fitter. But he had such ambition and raw talent that I told him to go away, shave off his goatee then come back and try again. And now he's through. That really lifted my spirits.

"Sometimes you get these stage school showbiz luvvies and, even when you're telling them that they're not going through, they're still grinning, all eyes and teeth, going, ‘Oh, thank you very much', and being all redcoat about it. It's...interesting."

But how does Geri cope with the famous people who criticise her?

Robbie Williams described her as "a demonic little girl". Then, six months ago, George Michael accused her of being "obsessed with hype".

He said: "The real truth is that Geri is a lovely girl and, in some ways, she's a remarkable person.

"But it's very difficult to maintain a relationship with a person who lives for the press...when all I want to do is run away from that."

Still, Geri clearly has a thick skin and what's said in the heat of the moment doesn't seem to have any lasting effect. "I last spoke to George on his birthday, back in June," she says. "I love George. He's like my older brother and I hope he's in my life forever.

"As for Rob, he's the only living being in this whole planet who knows how I feel about leaving the Spice Girls. We have a relationship that's very brotherly-sisterly, very matey.

"But people come in and out of each other's lives like travelling companions."

So what about her old ‘travelling companions', the Spice Girls?

"I loved being part of a team and I did miss being part of the band," she says. "I still dream about them.

"But there comes that point in your life when you just have to move on. And I have."


+24th August 2002
No News For Today
+23rd August 2002
Vic and David Duet single for charity RUMOUR

Victoria Beckham and husband David are to release a charity Christmas single, according to reports.

Posh Spice and Manchester United superstar Becks are apparently going to collaborate with opera singer Russell Watson for the track.

All the proceeds from 'Nothing Is Sacred Anymore' are to be donated to the six-year-old Kirsty Howard, who was born with her heart back to front.

Victoria and David are known to have taken on her case after hearing of her condition. A spokeswoman for Francis House Children's Hospice, where Kirsty is being treated explained how they got involved.

She said: The Beckhams are very positive and say they will be more than happy to get involved after the birth of their baby. They say Kirsty has made such a difference to their lives.

+22nd August 2002
Geri Yoga 2 to be released (thx sofie )

A geri Yoga 2 is due to be release on 18/11/2002 . Order here

+21st August 2002
Victoria in baby scare ( thx FlyMy)

SOCCER idol David Beckham rushed frantic wife Victoria to hospital in a scare over their unborn baby.

Posh Spice Victoria complained she could not feel the tot moving — just two weeks before she is due to give birth.

England captain David drove her to the maternity unit at Macclesfield District General Hospital, Cheshire, on Sunday afternoon.

And Victoria, 28, wept tears of joy after medics listened to the tot’s heartbeart with a monitor and pronounced the unborn girl perfectly healthy.

A source said: “When she arrived she looked very worried and stressed. She couldn’t feel the baby moving in the womb.

“When she heard the heart beating she was so relieved she burst into tears. She was very emotional about it.

“All sorts of worries must run though someone’s head when they are pregnant.”

Relieved Manchester United midfielder David drove mum-of-one Victoria home after the hour-long check-up.

The celebrity couple were spotted by scores of people as they dashed to the hospital — about ten miles from their luxurious new £1.25million home in Nether Alderley.

The source said: “Kids were chasing after Beckham’s car as it drove through the town.”

Posh also confirmed she plans to have the baby by Caesarean at London’s Portland Hospital on September 1.

The date was fixed so David, 27, can be at the birth between matches.

It is the hospital where Posh gave birth to son Brooklyn in March 1999.

A friend said: “David is a loving husband and dad and he will be there for Victoria for the arrival of their second child. They are both very excited and happy.”

David has been looking after three-year-old Brooklyn as Posh rests.

He has been spotted taking Brooklyn for a meal at McDonald’s and to training at United’s Carrington complex.

The couple have denied claims they will call the baby girl Paris.

Glad Vic and the baby are okay !!!!!!!!!!

EMMA SELLING PENTHOUSE ( thx Spice Girls Asia )

Spice Girl Emma Bunton has put her seaside penthouse flat up for sale for £750,000 because of money worries reported UK Tabloid Sunday Mirror. Emma, who also has a pad in North London, is having to pull in the purse strings after her solo recording career failed.

Emma loved spending weekends down on the coast. But she is selling the luxury apartment in an art-deco style block on the seafront in Brighton, East Sussex, only a year after buying it.

+20th August 2002
Victoria Will sign Telestar Soon!(thx BurntOut )

Victoria Beckham will sign a new record deal in the next few weeks as she battles to relaunch her solo career.
The former Spice Girl is due to give birth to her second child at the beginning of September, but she's also set for a double celebration.
I understand lawyers are now putting the finishing touches on her contract with Telstar records. Posh Spice, who parted company with Virgin earlier this year, is due to sign a two-album deal with the label for a six-figure sum. Telstar boasts the likes of Claire Sweeney and Mis-Teeq on their books.
But bosses are not planning to take her career down the route of Claire's, who released an album of classics.
Instead, they will be looking to copy Mis-Teeq's success with Posh.
A source told me 'Telstar want to take her into pop-dance music. They believe all she needs is one big single for her solo career to really hit the big time'.
Victoria, 28, was part of the most successful female band in British history. But as a solo act, the wife of England skipper David Beckham has been less of a hit.
Her biggest single was 'Out Of Your Mind' with Dane Bowers and Truesteppers, which hit No.2. Her album peaked at No.10.

+19th August 2002
New Geri Pictures!(thx LP&GP )
+18th August 2002
Geri Leaves Britain and Pop Stars!
SINGER Geri Halliwell is set to quit Britain and move to America with her millionaire lover .

The former Spice Girl is deeply in love with 26-year-old Chicago tycoon Damian Warner.

And she has let slip that she will be jetting off to California in the next few 
months so that she can see more of him .

Judges on the new pop Stars series , currently being filmed in Manchester , are already 
admitting that they will miss 29-year-old Geri.

A close friend said: "She has made it clear that she wants to spend more time 
with Damian. But it's a real shame because she has been brilliant as a judge on this show .

"She called Damian over from America because she missed him like hell.And now she's 
decided she wants to spend more time with him ."

Yesterday the Daily Express revealed how Damian jetted into Manchester to be with Geri. 
He went to her suite at five-star lowry Hotel , and the couple had dinner together .

Last night a senior executive on Pop Stars : The Rivals , which will be screened on ITV1 
latest this year , said: " Geri has been amazing .

"She has not been nasty about any of the contestants , and because 
she's been there and done it she knows exactly what she's talking about .

"She knows the music industry inside out and has been an absolute Godsend 
to the show. But we think it's all short-term. She has confided in a few of us that
she will most likely base herself in Los Angeles from the start of next year.

"The ITV people are quite disappointed that she might not be availble for the next series ."

Geri first time met Damian at the cottonwood rehabilitation clinic outside tucson ,
Arizona. where she was allegedly being treated for bilimia while he was attempting
to recover from his drugs past .

Mr Warner left the clinic and moved to the Hampton Inn Hotel a few miles away. 
Geri soon joined him , and the couple have spoken to each other at least  three times
every day since .

"Geri has really got herself sorted- she's in great shape and really believes her TV 
career will now take off." revealed a close friend.

"Viewers on the next Pop Stars series will see that Geri is a brilliant personality and 
a superb human being .

"But she fancies America and we wish her the best ."

+17th August 2002
POSH TO GIVE BIRTH ON SEPTEMBER 1 ( thx Schizophonic_spice )

Victoria Beckham will have her second baby by caesarian on September 1.

The date was fixed so that husband David can share the joy of the birth.

He will be able to celebrate with her between Manchester United's tie at Sunderland on August 31 and the club's midweek clash with Middlesbrough.

Posh Spice Victoria is booked into a private London hospital for the birth.

A friend said: "Victoria knows already that she is going to give birth on September 1.

"David is a loving husband and a doting dad and he will be there for the arrival of his second child."

The couple, whose son Brooklyn was named after the place where he was conceived, are keeping the sex of their second child a closely guarded secret.

They claim they don't know it, but the Daily Mirror has been told they were informed early on in the pregnancy.

Last week, they rubbished reports that they would have a girl and call her Paris.

Geri to quit britain for love ! (thx Posh )

Geri is to quit Britain to set up home in the US with her lover Damian Warner. The couple - pictured in matching white vests - were reunited in Britain after the ex-Spice Girl begged him to fly from Chicago.

+16th August 2002
Geri 's Just For The Record Signing (thx Joel and Ivan ) UPDATE
Geri will be signing  @ Manchester's Trafford Centre from 16:30 pm GMT Approx and there will be 20 minutes of performance before hand .

Mel B Joins the Vagina Monologues once again ( thx Love Peace and Girl Power )

Scary Spice Mel B will add her name to the long list of female celebrities to appear in Eve Ensler's celebration of female sexuality , The Vagina Monolohues. She will appear in the hit play's first UK tour which launches a ten-week schedule on 9 september 2002 .

Mel B will appear alongside two veterans of Monologues' continuing West end run- comedian Rhona Cameron and Lithuanian actress Ingeborga Dapkunaite for one week only 17 to 21 September 2002 , at the Lowry in Salford , the second tour stop .

New vic and David pic from Now magazine

+15th August 2002
Vic's Site to be re-launched 
Victoria's official website was updated today with a new look to be up soon. go to www.victoriabeckham.mu ,register your details and you receive a mail soon when the site will be up .

Justin Timberlake Wants to work with melc ( thx schizophonic_spice )

Justin Timberlake has annouced he wants to work with soul star Angie Stone , diva Janet Jackson and solo spice Melanie C.

He revealed that the Sporty one was always his favorite Spice girl and he was impressed with her solo work and her vocal ability.

+14th August 2002
MelB's Signing Dates( thx J-linc )
Date Place Store

05/09 Manchester WHSmith

06/09 Scotland (Glas?) Waterstones (?)
07/09 London BrentCros WHSmith AM
07/09 Kent (?) PM

London Euston Leeds 3 3.09.02 23:45 7:42
London Kings Cross Leeds 0 4.09.02 5:55 8:16
London Kings Cross Leeds 1 4.09.02 6:15 9:13

Those are not the final dates , I'll keep u updated !

Geri's Signing Date Annouced! (thx J-linc)

Manchester's Trafford Centre from 5.30-7.30pm on Wednesday 18th of September

Hosting Branch: Waterstone's Piccadilly, 203/206 Piccadilly, London on  Thursday, 19-Sept-02, 6pm

WANTED:Anyone who have more reviews/quotes/signing pix/Scans/chapters from Learning To Fly  , PLEASE send it all to me to : lebspice@hotmail.com .I really do appreciate your help! thx

+13th August 2002
New Emma Pic with a Will Young Lookalike friend( thx SpicyRob )
Here ( it is also rumoured to be emma's new boyfriend!)
+12th August 2002
Learning To Fly Special!
Our first special is dedicated to Victoria's first topsellinng autobiography' Learning To Fly' . There you can find reviews on the book , signing pix , scans from the book , quotes from victoria and more ! Click Here
+11th August 2002
Emma Takes more singing lessons to take part of a new various artist track! RUMOUR
The Loop's finger is really on the button this week as we bring you more Chitty Chitty Bang Bang news. Hot on the heels of the revelation that grinning Will Young will take over from Michael Ball, it appears that ex-Spice Girl Emma Bunton is to take over the role of the female lead. Emma is rumoured to be understandably nervous about her singing ability and is undergoing intensive singing lessons.

New Geri And Damian Pictures!

Geri's picture after her tattoos were lasred off ( thx Sarri*Sunny Spice* )

+10th August 2002
No Spicy  News For Today , you can join the mailing list from the menu page also you can check the different sections of thge site full of spicy informations .If wanna take part of the biggest spice girls fans community you can simply join the Denden forums .

Note : to all who have sign up into the mailing list , it will start from monday 12th .
Please vote  for me : Spice Awards

+9th August 2002
More Geri pix from Popstar 2 auditions!

New Emma Pix From Sydney

+8th August 2002
More Geri pix from the lunch of popstar 2

New Mel C Pix from Voici Magazine (thx alex)

+7th August 2002
New Geri Pix from the first day of popstar (thx Leco )
+6th August 2002
Happy Birthday Geri!
Today Geri turns 30 years old ! I wish geri a very happy birthday , I wish her luck in her career and I hope  she'll be more and more successful in everything she does! Geri , We love you!

One more Geri pic in LA(thx Mike )

Geri's a Hollywood hit-with the designer stores!

Not content with being a singer , Geri Halliwell's trying to barge her way into Hollywood .

She's already been linked to a part in a "Yet-to-be-made" movie , Therapy . The ex-spice girl is also supposed to be in a "rumoured-to-be-going-into-production-soonish"spy spectacular , semper Occultus.

So what was Geri up to when we caught up with her in Tinseltown ? Meeting with agents ? Script readings ?

Erm , no actually.She was out shopping! 

+5th August 2002
New Geri Pix From LA!!(thx Robert )
+4th August 2002
Geri to work with pete(thx leco )

Former Spice Girl Geri Halliwell has turned to Pete Waterman to save her ailing solo pop career. Pete told me: "I've always said Geri was the Spice Girls. I can't wait to work with her." The pair, both judges on ITV's Popstars: The Rivals, will go into the recording studios at Christmas. If they're still talking!
My comment : well well , i dont agree with mr waterman at all . Geri wasn't the spice girls , she was an important member , as the other girls were important too . anyway i hope he won't let her make a 60s covers album 

More on geri's album ( thx schoziphonic_Spice )

Geri Halliwell is rumoured to be recording an album of 60s covers and record executives are apparently so worried that it'll be dire, they're hoping Geri will take herself off to a yoga retreat before she can damage any more ear drums.
My comment : I really hope geri won't record a 60s covers album !! if she did that i'm sure her album will flop badly , and she will damage more ear drums lol :D:D

+3rd August 2002
Geri pulls out of books battle with Scary Spice

Geri Halliwell has delayed the publication of her second autobiography.

It means Just For The Record will not now hit the shops on the same day as Mel B's new book.

Scary Spice's diaries Catch A Fire will still come out on September 2.

Geri's book, the follow-up to If Only, has now been moved back a week to September 9.

Advance sales figures show Mel is outstripping her former fellow Spice Girl by almost two to one, reports The Sun.

A spokesman for Geri said her publication date had been changed for serialisation reasons.

Emma's not dating Jamie Theakston! ( Thx LP&GP )

Rumours of a love match between Jamie Theakston and Emma Bunton are , er , utter rubbish . 

A spokesman for Emma and jamie told 3am :"They are not together at all , it's rubbish . Emma was saying goodbye to jamie after the day out . Their friendship hoes back to the days when emma was a spice girl and he was on Top Of The Pops . This really is a joke . "

Emma said in the event , "I'm just here to see a load of sexy men riding around on horseback . "

Geri In Voici Magazine
There was few ugly pictures of geri eating in the french magazine 'voici' . I won't post them here , because i think that geri is a human being , as the other girls , worth a bit of privacy , at least when she's eating!! For geri fans who likes to see it , i can send it to you by mail .  Mail me to : lebspice@hotmail.com

+2nd August 2002
More new emma pix (thx LP&GP )
+1st August 2002
If Only to be Re-released in September! (thx Blondespiceuk )
Geri to re-release her first autobiography 'If Only ' this september . For those who havn't got it yet , Order it Here
Archives : July 02|August 02|