***In The Girls' Bus***
"Do you think we should wake Nina up?" Brian asked not sure if it would upset her too much or not.
"Yes, I think she needs to know. This isn't something we can or should hide from her." Nikki said knowing Nina would not like this but at the same time would want to know.
"Ok, I'll go wake her up." Brian said knowing he didn't want to wake her but it would be better if he did. He walked back to the bunks and leaned down to look in to middle bunk. There he saw Nina asleep looking very peaceful. But he knew a different story when he saw the pillow was damp from her probably crying herself to sleep. He leaned down and whispered in her ear "Nina, you gotta get up Hun. Come on."
"Ugh, I getting up." she moaned as she slowly sat up. She was put in a better mood when she saw Brian waiting for her. She hopped out of her bed and gave Brian a hug. She was wearing a pair of boxer short things and a loose blue T-shirt.
He smiled knowing she wouldn't be in a good mood for much longer. He leaned down a gave her a gentle kiss on the lips. "Follow me Nina." He said as he took her hand and led her to the front of the bus.
When they got there she saw Nikki and Nick standing in front of the table looking down at something. "What's going on?" she said wishing she could go back to sleep.
"Nina! Um, well…" Nikki said as she turned around pausing to think of what she could say. But before she said anything Nina saw the baby car seat and walked over to the table to get a better look at it.
"Who's baby is this?" she asked praying it wasn't who she thought it was.
"This is your baby sister Nicola." Nikki said trying to sound casual.
***In The Other Bus***
"Kelly, I was just wondering if maybe you'd like to go out with me tomorrow night? I mean since you won't be doing anything for work." Jesse asked still sounding nervous.
"Sure." She said while thinking *Jeez, I wish he would just dump me already.* Suddenly she felt him wrap his arms around her a kiss her cheek. Just as he did she felt a suddenly warmth and feeling of security took over. *Argh! I will get Nick! No matter what! Plus that stupid girlfriend of his is leaving him!! What an idiot! But oh well it will make it so much easier to get Nick.* she thought as a smile spread across her face.
***The Girls' Bus***
"You guys somebody hold her please! I'm so tired!!" Nina said as she rubbed the baby's back gently while pacing to keep her calm.
"Here let me try." Brian said as he stood up and relieved Nina of holding the baby. For once that night she didn't cry when Nina let her go.
"Wow! She didn't cry for you Bri! Maybe she is tired or maybe she just really smart and already knows a good guy when she sees one." Nina said as she kissed Brian's cheek gently and then flopped down on the couch next to Nikki who was sitting next to Nick. Nina smiled as she watched Brian cuddle and sooth the baby to sleep by singing. It impressed her to see how good he was with a baby.
"Nina if you want to you can go back to sleep now. And Nick do me a favor please." Brian said as he looked down at the baby knowing it would want to eat when it was hungry.
"I think I'll stay up with you. I can't just put Nicola off on you. She is my sister." Nina said taking responsibilities for what her mother had done as she always had.
"Ok sure what's the favor Frick?" Nick asked always willing to help as much as possible.
"Either you watch Nicola while I run to a store or something to get some milk and bottles or you run to a store and get the stuff."
"Ok, I'll go to the store. I am not that good with babies." Nick said knowing last time he was around one he made it cry everytime he held it.
"I'll go with you Nick…Just to make sure you get the right stuff." Nikki said knowing he probably didn't have a clue as to what all a baby needed.
***The Next Day***
"So what would you girls like to do today?" Brian said as he walked into the back of the bus. He was holding Nicola and she was smiling and giggling at him.
"Jeez meet Mr. Mom here!" Nikki said surprised Brian was so good with the baby.
"I don't know. Nikki how, about going shopping. You know Nicola still needs some clothes and we can't have the guys go out and buy that!" Nina said teasing Brian about sense of style.
"Sure sounds fun. Nick you and Brian could go play basketball…That is if you don't think this place is too much of a dump for you." Nikki said showing him she didn't forget what he said about Seattle being a dump.
"Crap I didn't think you'd remember that!!" he said wishing he had never said it and wishing since he had that she would have forgotten!!
"I don't forget things that easily Nick!"
"Ok would you forgive me if I let you two borrow my car for the day?" Nick said once again using bribery.
"Ok, I'm willing to forget it." She said smiling. "So what are you boys doing today?"
"I dunno what do you wanna do Bri?"
"Let's see if this place has any good basketball courts around." Brian said as he walked over to Nina and put Nicola in her arms.
"Thank you so much for helping me last night Bri. I'm not totally surprised that my mother would do this but it was overwhelming so I am glad you were there for me." She paused then continued. "I don't know what you think but I just want you to know if my aunt or uncle or someone else in my family can't take her then I will raise her. I will not give her up for adoption because she is my sister and I don't want to lose her." Now afraid that if she did have to take Nicola and raise that she might have to leave the tour and worst of all Brian might leave her.
"I'll do everything I can to help. Nina, I'd Never ever ask you to put your own sister up for adoption." He said then looked at Nicola then at Nick and back at Nina. "You know what? How about Nick and me take care of Nicola today? You girls can go have your day of shopping and you won't have to worry about keeping Nicola happy."
"No it's ok! We can take care of her. I don't want you guys to be stuck with her." Nina said not wanting Brian to think that he had to watch after her little sister.
"Nina listen to me, I want to take her. I enjoy having her around." He said as he wrapped his arms around the small baby. Reluctantly Nina let him take the baby.
"Are you sure you want to watch her Bri? I mean you may have to change her diaper. Or what if she spits up on you? Or she…"
"Nina it's ok!! I know how to take care of a baby!! We'll be just fine. You and Nikki can go have a nice day of shopping. Maybe you two can invite Andrea or Natalie or someone. Just don't worry about me taking care of Nicola. You've got a phone and we've got our phones too so if we need something we'll call. If you want to check in you can call." Brian said trying to reassure Nina that everything would be just fine. He didn't want her to think she had to take full responsibility for Nicola. He would help her if she needed help. That was just the way he was…When he loves someone he is willing to do just about anything or go anywhere for that person. Nina was defiantly no exception to him.
"Yeah that's a good idea Brian. Nina I think we should go ask Andrea right now. I mean in the beginning of this tour we were going to go shopping with her anyways but it got canceled. So why not invite her now? I mean its about time we get to know the other dancers a little better." Nikki said as she grabbed Nina's arm and led her to the door.
"Wait, I'm coming in just a second Nikki! Chill out." Nina said as she walked back over to Brian and kissed his cheek then kissed the baby's head. "Brian remember to call if you need anything ok?"
"I will call Nina! Don't worry so much! We will make sure she is happy and dry and clean." He said as he leaned down and kissed her cheek. "Go on now. Have a nice day."
"Ok, ok! I'm going!" she said as she turned and walked to the door. She followed Nikki into the next bus and knocked. Andrea answered.
"Hey Andrea we were just wondering if maybe you'd like to go shopping with us? I've got Nick's car and I know where all the good malls are in this area!" Nikki said as she looked behind her to make sure Nina was still there.
"Sure! Just let me tell A.J. I'm leaving." She said then disappeared for a couple minutes and when she returned they all went and got in Nick's car and left.
My Favorite Web sites
Chapter 24
Challenging Love
Chapter 26