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I Want You Back

A couple of friends are walking down a street in Orlando. It is the late evening the day before Halloween. They pass a house overgrown with vines. The one says, "Hey I hear this place is haunted."

"There is no such thing as a haunted house besides this house is not haunted any way." Carrie said

"She's right Jen." Heather said

"If it's not haunted, then go in." Jenna said

"No one lives there any more." Heather said

"If no one lives there any more, then what is that?" Jenna says
they see a young guy standing in a window after a minnute he steps back into the shadows.

Heather wispered to herself "Oh my gosh that looked like Justin but it can't be."

Carrie wispered to to Heather "What did you say about Justin?"

"I said that guy looked like him but it can't be, can it?" Heather wispered
"Is it possable that Justin is still around?"

"Possible but highly unlikely." Carrie said

"Can I know what you're talking about?" jenna asked

"We're talking about an old friend." Carrie said

"I think we should see if that is Justin." carrie said

"I guess we can go in but I don't want to find out that..." Heather trailed off

"What's she talking about?" Jenna asked Carrie

"She's talking about something that happened a year ago." Carrie said

"What happened?" Jenna asked

"I'm not telling you because Heather would probably get mad at me." Carrie said

They entered the house.

"Do hear that?" Heather asked

"Hear what?" Jenna said

"The singing. Someone's singing." Heather said

"I don't hear singing." Jenna said

"I don't either." Carrie said

the the singing got louder, clearer and Heather knew he was here in some way.

You're all I ever wanted
You're all I ever needed
So tell me what to do now when I want you back
It's hard to say I'm sorry
It's hard to make the things I did undone

"Now I can hear it too." Carrie said

I'm trying to figure out just what to do
I'm going crazy without you
You're all I ever wanted
You're all I ever needed
So tell me what to do now
When I want you back

"There is no singing." Jenna says

"Let's go upstairs." Heather says
she was trying find the sorce of the singing.

When they get upstiars they go by a room filled light from the setting sun. Justin is lying on the bed.

"Justin?" Heather says almost suprized

He rises to his knees and smiles. Then his image melts away in the fading sunlight. Heather is stunned. She stares into the darkening room but no one is there.

"Oh cool." Jenna says from down the hall

"What is it?" Carrie asks

"A room full of pictures." Jenna says

"Pictures? What are they of?" heather asks

"I don't know they're so faded. Do you want see one?" Jenna asks

"Yea. Sure." Heather says but then Heather thoughtHow could they be faded? There aren't any widows in that room. then she looked at the picture.

Heather didnt know what to say. she tried to think of what all this ment but she felt someone was watching her. she turn around and there he was standing there just exactly like the picture that she had just looked at.

"What do you want?" Heather asked

a seemingly distant voice replied, "I want you back."

"But that's impossible!" Heather nearly yelled

but the distant voice calmly said, "Nothing is impossible."

"Imposible, impossible." Heather said quietly as she fell to her knees.Tears were begining to steam down her face."I want you back too but how? i wish i could be with you. i wish...i wish i could have you back but..." Heather sobbed. Then she couldn't controll her emotions that she usually kept well bottled and started to cry softly repeating over and over, "I wish....I wish..." a few a of her tears fell on the faded picture and where her tears fell was where the picture was restored to its orignal color.
The shimmering image kneeled down next to heather. She looked at him. He looked exactly the same as he had when she had last seen him almost a year ago. It was early November....

*** Flashback***
“Ha ha ha. Very funny Justin.” Heather said sarcastically

Justin smiled “what? Did I scare you?”

“No but Halloween was last week.”


“so, you can quit hiding.”

“Who said I was and why would I want to hide from you?”

“I did and I don’t know why.” Heather smiled

then his phone rang. “i’m at Heather’s house. Why? Can’t it wait? Oh. bye.”

“who was that?” heather asked

“I have to go.”


“I have to go do something that my friends say can’t wait.”

“you’re leaving me aren’t you?”

he looked into her eyes. “I would never leave you. I’ll be back don’t worry.”

She wacthed him leave in the rain.
***end flashback***

“why did you leave?”

“I would never leave you. I’ll be back.” The voice—his voice—wispered in her ear

“you said that nearly a year ago. You haven’t came back yet. When? Tell me when you will be back.”

“soon. i promise.”

Heather was still sitting on the floor crying. She thought she felt a warm embrace but when she looked up there was nothing in the darkness. Heather silently stood up and said calmly, "let’s go." Then she started down the stairs. Carrie and Jenna followed.

"What was heather talking to?" Jenna asked as they left the house

"That was Justin." That was all that Carrie would say to answer Jenna’s question.

It was just after dark as the trio stood on the side walk in front of the old house. The sound of distant thunder was the only sound in the night sky.

"I better get home before it starts raining." Jenna said

"Ok bye Jen." Carrie said

Heather and Carrie walk the two blocks where heather will turn to walk the four blocks to her house.

"Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you home? Because that storm is getting closer." Carrie asked as thunder was heard again this time it was louder.

"I’m sure. I’ll walk home." Heather said

"Ok I’ll see you later. Bye."

"Bye Carrie."

Heather started to walk home. Half way there it started to rain but heather didn’t care. The rain would hide her tear stained face.

When she got to her house a flash of lightning revealed there was some thing on her porch. What’s this? Heather thought. She was soaked from the rain. She picked up a dried pink rose. At first she just stared at it but then she smiled. She knew exactly who it was from. "I’ll still wait for you." She said into the rain and smiled as she turned around and went in to her house.

The End

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