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It had been four years since Heather found the dried pink rose on her porch. And Justin was still missing. She had almost given up hope that he was ever going to return. It was the middle of November and the weather reflected her mood. Six inches of snow covered the ground already. Usually that didn’t start to happen until late December through the middle of January. She still had the rose. Although now, it was more of a peach color than the baby pink color that the rose had been when she found it. Heather decided to go for a walk even though it was cold out. After walking around for a while she noticed something. Heather was in front of the his house

I'm walking down your street again,
and past your door,
but you don't live there anymore.
It's years since you've been there.
Now you've disappeared somewhere
like outer space,
you've found some better place,
and I miss you
like the deserts miss the rain.

Then a gust cold wind made her shiver and then she looked up at a window on the second floor. She could almost see him waving for her to come in.

I look up at your house,
and I can almost hear you shout
down to me
where I always used to be,
and I miss you
like the deserts miss the rain.

'He couldn't be up there. I'm just imagining it. Aren't I?' she thought.

I ask why did I come again.
Can I confess
I've been hanging around your old address?

She went in but she didn't know why.
She was drawn to his room upstairs.
Inside the room there were various things of his but one thing that seemed to stick out was a journal that was sitting on the dresser.

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