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My Random NSYNC Crazyness

crazy: for Halloween last year, i dressed up as a marrionette.
even more crazy: the hair wrap i used as part of the costume is still decorated.
craziest: i often wear it.

crazy: when i first heard nsync and bsb i couldn't tell their music apart
even more crazy: last year i liked bsb.
craziest: and at one point i thought howie and nick were cute.

crazy:i tape most tv apperaces i watch.
even more crazy:then i watch them over and over.
craziest:i make fun of them on the tape every time i watch it.(but i still like them!)

crazy: i collect nsync stuff.
even more crazy: i have all five marrionettes and two of the small ones.
craziest: i have a piture of Justin in front of the face of my clock.

some ramdom crazy(and humorous!) thoughts....

Justin, 1/5 of a popular boy-band, jumped in the lake.
Within arm’s reach of a hot dry desert, with the sun blistering down crawled 1/5 of a popular boy-band! 1/5 of a popular boy-band screamed in fright inches from the shark’s jaws.
JC, from the group nsync, laughed uncontrollably!
1/5 of a popular boy-band fell within arm’s reach of a deserted island.
1/5 of a popular boy-band jumped in the lake into the shark’s jaws!!!
Joey, from the group nsync, fell.
The scar-faced, famous turtle laughed at 1/5 of a popular boy-band inches from the bubbling, red-hot lava flow.
Lance, 1/5 of a popular boy-band, gasped in horror.
Chris, 1/5 of a popular boy-band, escaped. he was last seen running away from the group nsync into the 3-inch-thick plate glass windows!

just some random thoughts...crazy aren’t they?

mixin nsync
one day my dad said something like "you never know, Lance Timberwolf might show show up." he was trying to wake me up and that worked only becaue it was serusoly funny for two reasons (1 my dad always says Timberwolf intead of Timberlake and (2 just because he said Lance Timberwolf instead of Justin or using Lance's correct last name. this is just one of the funnier things my dad has said about *NSYNC others incude "Timberwolf, Timberdoodle what's the difference?" and he always calls them "outtasync" its *NSYNC humor from my dad so its cool
speaking of humor.....
more from my dad but this time it's bsb.
there's basicly only one thing here he calls them "the frontstret girls" i find that hilrious and i sometimes agree with him on that *smiles* sometimes bsb is ok but let's not go there because i hardly know anything about bsb so it wouldn't be interesting or funny or crazy or...*what? Oh. ok I'll be quiet now...*
magnetic poetry
i was at and did magnetic poetry this what i came up with:
Saturday saw car
Sunday dark find father *NSYNC backstage evil teenybopper after Justin run
JC is purple fire Wednesday
Friday Britney have Lance screaming no! heard Chris fall sang not a chaos day silly him
Monday BSB ate a fruity chapstick Joey laugh then played an irresistable teenie he hurt her she say bye bye bye
Tuesday they weird drive funky the blue beach and red sand and white celebrity pops sea