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What Hapened When I Found An Overstuffed Case Of Stuffing

hello im back wth anoter humorous story this one happened one night after i read my other humor story "my whacked out story" and after i found an over stuffed case of stuffing anyway enjoy!:)

what hppened when i found an overstuffed case of stuffing

Jenn: wheres that stand that was standing here?

Justin, Christy, and JC: zzzzzzzz......

Jenn:(looks down) oh never mind i found what i was looking for. (picks up her baby blue caboodles case then notices a small plain brown case on the floor next to where her case was sitting) hmm whats this?( sits her case down and pushes the button on the lach to open the brown case. the cover of the case spings open and alot of white stuffing pops out) ahh! (laughs) ok that is way too much stuffing to be in this small of a case.

Justin, Christy, and JC: zzzzzzzz......

Jenn: hmmm.... (closes the the brown case making sure all of the stuffing is back inside) hmm who would be the easiest to scare with this?( thinks for a minnute) i got it!

(Jenn walks over to where the Justin ,his new girlfriend, Christy, and JC are sleeping on tthe couch)

Jenn: hey Justin...

Justin:(half asleep) what do you want Jen its like 3:30 am

Jenn: oh i just wanted to to show you this (holds up the brown case)

Justin: that's it? you woke me up to show me a stupid brown case?! i'm going back to sleep!

Jen: it's whats inside i want to show you

Justin: ok show me

Jenn: i can't really show you if i open it be case then you won't see it

Justin: ok give to me (she hands him the case )(justin pushes the button on the latch and the case spings open and the stuffing comes out) whoa what the.. ( he jumps back and drops the open case with the stuffing sicking out on Chirsty)

Christy:(waking up) huh whats going on? (then sees the case and the stuffing everywhere) whoa! what the freak! Justin!

(as christy tries to scoot back and get the stuffing off of her she kicks JC)

JC:(still sleeping) ouch Jen! not again!

(Christy finally gets the case of stufing off of her and it lands upside down on JC's head )

JC: (still asleep)i'm not getting up Jenn!

(the case falls off but the stuffing sticks to his hair and some of the stuffing falls down in front of his face)

JC:(finnaly waking up)Jenn...(opens his eyes just a little expecting to see jenn but instead he sees the stuffing)ahhh! (jumps and falls off the couch)

(Jenn, Justin, and Christy start laughting. Jen laughs so hard she falls on the floor)

(JC gets up and glares at Justin and Christy)

Christy:(laughig) she started it!(points to Jen)

(JC stands above Jen who is laying on the floor laughing hysterically)

JC: Jen.... Jen!...... Jennifer!

Jen: (stops and looks up at him ) yes?

JC: was it your idea to put stuffing on me?

Jen: (trying not to burst into laughter agian) no it was my idea to to scare Justin with it. (starts laughing again)

JC: you just can't be controlled can you?

Jen: (shakes head no while trying to calm down)

JC: i'm leaving to try to get some sleep without you waking me up!

Jen (still gigling) watch out for the teenies!

Christy: teenies? (smiles) evil teenies.....

Justin: no Chirsty not the evil teenies again (runs off)

Christy (still smiling) evil teenies..... he he he he .....

Jenn: (sitting on the floor) i just love it when she scares pop stars! (smiles)

the end

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