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My Whacked Out Story

A story I wrote on New Year’s eve 2001. beware this story is crazy and makes no sense

Jenna: ok it’s a New Year and now for something different, I’m not going to tell the story. That cutie with a bootie, JC, is

JC: zzzz...

Jenna: JC wake up! (Hits him)

JC: (mumbling in sleep) ouch. Go away.

Jenna: wake up! (Hits him harder)

JC: (mumbling half asleep) ow quit hitting on me!

Jenna: (giggles)

JC: what do you want?

Jenna: its your turn to tell the story Mr. Hottie of *NSYNC!

JC: um you got the wrong guy. That’s Justin.

Jenna: but aren’t you the cutie with a bootie?

JC: no. That’s Lance.

Jenna: (surprised) Lance has a bootie?

JC: (starts laughing) you didn’t know that? I thought you would being the nsync collector and all. (Falls out of chair laughing)

Jenna: (glares at JC) if Justin is the Hottie of *NSYNC, and Lance is the cutie with a bootie, what are you?

JC: um.... The dude with the hair?

Jenna: isn’t that Chris?

JC: I don’t think so...

Jenna: (softly) well I think you like a lion with your hair like that...(purrs) (louder) did I just say that out loud?

JC: yes you did

Jenna: oops....

JC: is that a good thing?

Jenna: oh yea (purrs again)

(Then Justin comes in)

Jenna: well hello Mr. Hottie of *NSYNC.

Justin: what? You talkin to me?

Jenna: yes! Who else would I be talking to?!

Justin: JC?

Jenna: ahhh! There’s two majorly fine guys here and neither has a clue!! (Screams and runs away)

Justin: what got into her?

JC: I don’t know.

Justin: oh. Do you think I should go after her?

JC: no. She woke me up when I was taking a nap.

Justin: really? How did she do that?

JC: I’m not telling you because you’ll do it.

Justin: I won’t I promise.

JC: she hit me.

Jenna: (in background) actually you said I was hitting on you, which I wasn’t.

(JC is about to say something when they are spotted by a teenie)

Teenie: (squeals) *NSYNC!!! (Squeals again)

Jenna: oh no! Teenies!! Run!!

(All three of take off running with a group teennies following them)

The end

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