Deflate Willa's Ego

We all know that Willa Ford seriously thinks she's the shit, which in reality is far from the truth. Here you'll find something she's said on Tv or in an interview, and then I'll post what you think about what she said, good or bad.


"It's so weird how some girls react to sexuality. I can just hear the backlash I'm going to get for my video and for being in Stuff, It's really rediculous how a female looks at another female whos absolutely stunning and is like' Urg, I can't believe she did that.'"
What do you think about that? email me

I think: Does she realize how stuck up she sounds? I mean who really goes around and calls themself stunning and actually sleeps at night? thinks: ewwww. ewwwww. ewwwwwwwwww. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww. STUNNING???????? HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! That is funny. It really is. Willa's a bitchy, psychotic, constipated whore. thinks: THAT COMMENT WILL MADE ABOUT HER BEING STUNNING IN STUFF??? SHE THINKS SHES SO HOT DOESNT SHE? JUST BECAUSE SHE WAS WITH NICK. POOR NICK, HE DESERVES SO MUCH BETTER THAN HER! SHE WILL NEVER MAKE IT BIG WITHOUT HIM. ESPECIALLY WITH ALL THOSE SKANKY PICTURES AND THINKING SHES BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE!

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