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The Unofficial Lisa Peluso Home Page

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A page devoted to ANOTHER WORLD'S Lila

Lisa Peluso

Think you've seen Lisa Peluso somewhere before? You know you recognize her but can't put your finger on it? You know you've seen her somewhere but the "where" aspect has got you stumped. Don't worry. There are many places where you may have seen this beautiful and talented actress. Maybe it was as John Travolta's younger sister in the blockbuster film Saturday Night Fever? Or you used to watch the soap Somerset, where Peluso played the ghost of Libby, JoBeth Williams' dead daughter. No wait - it could have been on Love of Life with Christopher Reeve (SUPERMAN). Hmm, perhaps it's her stint as Muffy, Betsy's (Suzanne Davidson) friend on ATWT. You know, maybe it's from her role as Billie on OLTL? Then again, maybe you recognize her from Search for Tomorrow, where Lisa played Wendy Wilkins for nearly a decade. Hang on. Now you've got it! It was as Ava on Loving! That must be it!

Actually, it could have been any of those places. Yep. Only in her early 30s, and already she has all those credits on her resume. And those aren't the only projects she's done. Along with the aforementioned credits, lovely Lisa has done theater and other film roles. And it's no wonder she has done so much. She's one of the best actresses on daytime and she is absolutely stunning. Considering that she grew up on daytime television and she has had such tremendous success in the venue, it's amazing how grounded she has remained. Perhaps that's because while her life may seem perfect, behind her scenes there's plenty more to tell.

Articles on Lisa [not yet created]

Meet Brad Guice, Lisa's husband of 3 1/2 years.

What does Lisa think is sexy? Find out here.

Fun facts about Lisa Peluso.


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You're listening to "Pretty Woman" by Roy Orbison.

AUGUST 30, 1999:

I would just like to let you all know that I am finally getting somewhere in the revamping of this page. If you have (scanned) pictures of Lisa, outside of AW/ATWT as well as on-screen as Lila, and wouldn't mind if I used them, please email me. I will give you full credit for the pictures. I hope to have the site up and running asap. The new site might have a new address - I will let you know. Due to the fact that school starts next week (Sept. 7), I will be devoting more time to my studies so this site may not be updated more than once a week. Also, I have another website which will need weekly updating as well. Thanks for being so patient....Heather (AOL IM - LisaPFan00).

This page has had visitors since it began on September 15, 1998.

I am in no way affiliated with ANOTHER WORLD, Proctor &Gamble, or Lisa Peluso. As great as that would be, that is not the case. This is page is for entertainment purposes only so please don't sue me!

Photo courtesy of Soap Opera Digest Online

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