there may be those of you reading this who deserve inclusion in the gothic community - - r e m e m b e r, not all these characteristics apply to all goths, AND not all goths fit these characteristics. h o w e v e r, if you fit all these characteristics, you are most certainly G O T H I C.
* you judge validity of a color by 'how well it goes with black.' * you like the 'Old English' lettering style * death sounds attractive * you feel compelled to wear sunglasses even when it's cloudy * you're a "night person." * you own music by The Cure, Depeche Mode, Siouxsie & The Banshees, The Smiths, or Billy Idol (it's not just "80's music," folks.) * there's just something about that ancient church at night * graveyards arouse your romanticism * you wear black boots * you've considered being a writer * you own book(s) by Edgar Allen Poe, Emily Dickenson, Anne Rice, or Stephen King * upon arrival at the video store, you feel a sudden magnetism toward the "horror" or "fantasy" section * you're a melancholy introvert * you've seen "The Crow" more than twice * you wish it could rain all the time * batman is your favorite superhero * you've ever secretly desired to be an elf or faery * a large portion of your earnings is designated to coffee, candles, and/or incense * you use the word "creepy" or "horrific" as a compliment * you wish that song had more 'echo' in it * there's nothing that you'd rather wear than velvet or black leather * you're intrigued by Celtic, medieval or Scandinavian art, folklore or history * you're a metal-head * you hate pop culture * you've seen pages like this before * you cringe when people call you 'gothic'
email blakdophin
those in good taste will gladly be added.