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DDevil's Playground

Hello my furry little pets and welcome to DDevil's Playground. Please bare with me as I am new to this whole "html" thing. So if you find yourself a whole $hitload of errors on my site, don't bitch at me for it. Nobody's perfect. Some of us people are a tad slow. "Special" if you will. A few more attempts and I'll get to graduate to a safety pencil and circle of paper!

Let me first start off by telling you a little bit about myself... I'm a 22 year old big-breasted blonde with long, voluptuous legs... And if you honestly believe ANY of that... LOL!

So what'll it be Cowboy?!

Live Ocular Candy

Utterly Fantastic Linxx

Sally's Pet Peeves

Sally Stuck On Herself

*Star Of The Month*

Covens & Cults

Credits & Thanxx

I know you want to visit my band... Cum on... Everyone's doing it...
Cherry Debauchery
It's truly a smorgasboard of excitement-filled depravity... Fun for the WHOLE Family!

Confess A Sin... Read The Confessions

Please send all marriage proposals, death threats and lipstick lesbian pixx to this hot little number here:
If you can't hear the pretty music, then click on this link to download Crescendo player
This many minds have been contaminated by DDevil's Playground as of August 11th, 1999: