Rating: R
The Callan family were a happy group before moving into their new home but soon ever the arrived their daughter Emma begins to hear and see visions of a likeness of herself and with the help from a local detective he begins to investigate the possibility of it being a twin of hers that her brother may have killed.
Director Mary Lambert who made "Pet Sematary" is back to do another horror film but this time the terror is inside the house. One of the main qualities about this film that I like was that it's for the thinking audience, it's clever and suspenseful for sure but it's one of those movies that demands not only your full attention but also it forces you to think along with the movie in order to find the hidden clues so once the end is revealed you don't sit there wondering what just happened. The direction is fantastic and between the scares and the slow building tension among the family members Mary Lambert keeps the film moving at a brisk pace keeping you on the edge of your seat the whole time wondering what will happen next. This goes to show you can make a good horror film on a Indie budget and you don't need big name stars of fancy cgi effects to create the atmosphere you want. Speaking of stars the cast does have some well known faces such as John Savage and Catherine Mary Stewart but over-all the entire cast was very good and played their roles well. The Attic is one of those movies that takes you in one direction and then making a 360 into another destroying the guess you might of had as to how the film will end, that is story telling at it's best. If your looking for a blood bath horror film look elsewhere but if you want a smart,suspenseful and tension filled horror film that leaves you satisfied at the end then The Attic is the movie for you. Released by Allumination FilmWorks. **** Out Of *****