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The Nurse
Thriller Rated R. When her father kills himself and his family after being named in an embezzlement scandal, nurse Laura Harriman (Lisa Zane, Monkeybone) vows revenge on the man responsible. She soon gets her chance when his accuser (Michael Fairman, Dead Silence) suffers a stroke that leaves him paralyzed and mute—the perfect victim. After becoming his private nurse, the "angel of death" sets out on a psychotic killing spree that will complete her descent into madness and destroy an innocent family…one by one. Ok, We have seen the revenge stories before numerous times so this is one genre that is hard to bring anything new to the table with. The Nurse does not really bring anything new but that doesn't mean this isn't an enjoyable film, in fact it is quite entertaining and mainly because it's cast brings it up another notch. Lisa Zane is perfect as the nurse looking for revenge against those that killed her family and Janet Gunn is also fantastic as the daughter and the first one to suspect something isn't right with the nurse hired to help her father. There's good tension and suspense built up and even a few dark comedic moments as well to lighten the mood making for what otherwise would of been a boring film in a tired genre a very enjoyable film with a great cast and great direction. This is far from being a masterpiece but it is very entertainment and worth the rental price. Released by Echo Bridge Home Entertainment. *** 1/2 Out Of *****