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Nothing spices up a web page more than the tasteful use of color, fonts, and font sizes. However, be forewarned--Many older browsers do not support the newer font styles and colors!
What this means in plain English, is that although your Web Page may look awesome to you, it may not necessarily look so to others. The trick is to choose the most popular font styles in use today. Below you will see some examples, and how to use them.


There are many fonts available today that are recognized by the two dominating browsers--INTERNET EXPLORER and NETSCAPE NAVIGATOR. As mentioned before, many browsers, especially older ones, do not recognize some font styles, so we must choose carefully the fonts to use on web pages.


To post different fonts, we must utilise the "font face=" attribute. Here are some examples below:-

TIP:-- it is only necessary to enclose the font names in quotation marks (") if the font name has more than one word--e.g.-- Comic Sans MS

<font face=arial color=red size=+2>This font is ARIAL</font> That gives you this:- This font is ARIAL

<font face=impact color=red size=+2>This font is IMPACT</font> That gives you this:- This font is IMPACT

<font face=balloon color=red size=+2>This font is BALLOON</font> That gives you this:- This font is BALLOON

<font face=copperplate color=red size=+2>This font is COPPERPLATE</font> That gives you this:- This font is COPPERPLATE

<font face=papyrus color=red size=+2>This font is PAPYRUS</font> That gives you this:- This font is PAPYRUS

<font face=marriage color=red size=+3>This font is MARRIAGE</font> That gives you this:- This font is MARRIAGE

<font face="Curlz MT" color=red size=+2>This font is CURLZ MT</font> That gives you this:- This font is CURLZ MT

<font face=verdana color=red size=+2>This font is VERDANA</font> That gives you this:- This font is VERDANA

<font face="Comic Sans MS" color=red size=+2>This font is COMIC SANS MS</font> That gives you this:- This font is COMIC SANS MS

<font face=gigi color=red size=+2>This font is GIGI</font> That gives you this:- This font is GIGI

<font face=westminster color=red size=+2>This font is WESTMINSTER</font> That gives you this:- This font is WESTMINSTER

<font face="lucida handwriting" color=red size=+2>This font is LUCIDA HANDWRITING</font> That gives you this:- This font is LUCIDA HANDWRITING

Note:--If you do not see one or more of the above font styles, your browser probably does not support them.


We may as well look at a few other "tags" that will help emphasize your text. Remember, with a very few exceptions, you must always enclose the text you wish to change with our brackets-- < >.

Heres a few examples, and what they do:--

<b>Relayskool</b>--that gives you bold--like this: Relayskool

<i>Relayskool</i>--that gives you italics--like this: Relayskool

<u>Relayskool</u>--that gives you underline--like this: Relayskool

<s>Relayskool</s>--that gives you a "strikethrough effect"--like this: Relayskool

Here are 2 more simple tags, which do not require "closing"-- the first is the "paragraph break"-- <p>--inserted into text, like this:--

She said she could stay,<p> but only for an hour.

It will look like this:-

She said she could stay,

but only for an hour

The second tag is the "line break"--<br>--inserted into text, this performs a function similar to the "return" key, on a typewriter. Once again, our sentence:--

She said she could stay,<br> but only for an hour.

Becomes this:--

She said she could stay,
but only for an hour.


Here is what you need to enter to change the size of the font:--

<font size=-2> Hello!</font> gives you this:--Hello!
<font size=-1> Hello!</font> gives you this:--Hello!
<font size=+1> Hello!</font> gives you this:--Hello!
<font size=+2> Hello!</font> gives you this:--Hello!
<font size=+3> Hello!</font> gives you this:--Hello!
<font size=+4> Hello!</font> gives you this:--Hello!

Get the idea?


There are quite literally millions of colors at your disposal on the web. These are coded alphanumerically, which can be daunting and frustrating, and requires at the very least a chart or guide, until you become familiar enough to remember some of these codes. For example, one shade of red is --#FF0000.
Wouldn't life be so much simpler if you could just type in the name of the color instead? Well, you can!! Of course, your palette will be far more limited, but the name of the game here is to make life simpler for you, until you are used to all this stuff! To go to the color chart at the bottom of this page, click HERE

Lets post a few examples in basic colors:--

<font color=red>Relayskool!</font> will give you--Relayskool!
<font color=blue>Relayskool!</font> will give you--Relayskool!
<font color=brown>Relayskool!</font> will give you--Relayskool!
<font color=green>Relayskool!</font> will give you--Relayskool!
<font color=purple>Relayskool!</font> will give you--Relayskool!

Now lets combine a few of the fonts and tags above!!

<font face=papyrus color=red size=+2><u>Relayskool!</font></u> will give you--Relayskool!
<font face=impact color=blue size=+3>Relayskool!</font> will give you--Relayskool!
<font face=arial color=green size=+1><i>Relayskool!</font></i> will give you--Relayskool!


"Lists" are a quick and easy way to have anything requiring numbered or un-numbered, well, lists. Here are 2 imaginary grocery lists to give you an example:--

  1. Milk
  2. Eggs
  3. Cheese
  4. Bacon
  5. Apples
  6. Orange Juice
  7. Frozen Pizza

  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Cheese
  • Bacon
  • Apples
  • Orange Juice
  • Frozen Pizza

Looking at my list, I guess I don't eat too healthily hehe-- what you are looking at are "Ordered" and "Unordered" lists. Heres what I typed in for the first grocery list:--
<ol><li>Milk<li>Eggs<li>Cheese<li>Bacon<li>Apples<li>Orange Juice<li>Frozen Pizza</ol>

That is the "Ordered List", or numerical list. Always begin your code with <ol> and end it with </ol> There is no need to enter any line or paragraph breaks, it will happen automatically with each <li> attribute. The <li> does not require closing. Heres what I type for the second grocery list:-
<ul><li>Milk<li>Eggs<li>Cheese<li>Bacon<li>Apples<li>Orange Juice<li>Frozen Pizza</ul>

That is the "Unordered List", or "bullet" list. Always begin your code with <ul> and end it with </ul> There is no need to enter any line or paragraph breaks, it will happen automatically with each <li> attribute. The <li> does not require closing.

Now go and show off your new knowledge and have FUN!!!!



Pick a color. Click "Test" and the background will display the color.
Color Name   Hex Values RGB Values
# R G B