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Bodhi Journal




March 2008
Tibetans in Lhasa have initiated uprising and protests!
There has been a world wide response!
Emergency conditions! Possible military action!
For current reports on this please visit our forums


"to help end the suffering of all sentient beings"

Bodhi Journal ~Archives ~ Buddism ~ Events ~ Free Tibet ~ Human Rights ~News ~ Organizations

Tibet Government in Exile

Dalai Lama Speech
Intl Conclave Feb 17 2004

HH Dalai Lama on the
45th Anniversary of Tibetan
National Uprising Day

HH DL 2007 Teaching Schedule

Tibet Net
Tibet Net News Flash

HHDL Teaching Schedule 2007

Tibet Govt Chinese Site

Intl Campaign for Tibet

Margaret Thatcher
"China's Claim to Tibet Dubious"

"Why Are We Silent"

The Tribune India
British Broadcasting Ci
Times of India
Tibet Daily
Hindustan Times

George Bush and Dalai Lama
at the Whitehouse USA

Tibet Broadcast
Pan India News
Express Newsline
Uyghur Info Service
Voice of Tibet
RFA Tibet
VOA Tibet

CNN on the Dalai Lama

World Tibet News
Tibetan Bullentin News
TIN News Updates
Tibet Times

****BBC Breaking News 1959****
Dalai Lama Escapes to India
The spiritual leader of Tibet, the
Dalai Lama, has crossed the border
into India after an epic 15-day
journey on foot from the Tibetan
capital, Lhasa, over the Himalayan


Vesak Message

Never give up.
No matter what is going on,
never give up.
Develop the heart.
Too much energy in your country
is spent developing the mind
instead of the heart.
Be compassionate, not just to
your friends, but to everyone.
Be compassionate.
Work for peace in your heart
and in the world. Work for peace.
And I say again, never give up,
no matter what is happening,
no matter what is going on
around you.
Never Give Up.

H.H. the XIVth Dalai Lama
May 4 2004 India


HH Dalai Lama Teachings
USA Tour Sept-Nov 2005

Bodhisattva's Way of Life
text by Master Shantideva
Recorded Live at the Starr Pass
Marriott Resort Tucson Arizona
September 16-18, 2005

HH Dalai Lama Nov 13 DC
Global Peace thru Compassion

Dalai Lama Birthday Celebrations
Sun May 15, 2:01 AM ET
Tens of thousands of Tibetans around
the world are offering prayers to the
Dalai Lama as Tibet's government-in-exile
gears up for a birthday bash for the
spiritual leader who turns 70 in July,
officials say...more.....

Dalai Lama Photo Journal

Dalai Lama Events
[Cell Phone Wap Site]
Letters & Statements
[Cell Phone Wap Site]


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