Barrie Williamson is compiling a checklist of perfins used on Machins.
He has put together a master database, which can be accessed (as pdf files) using the links below, containing all the
known issues of perfins on pre-decimal, decimal and elliptical
(simplified) stamps. Also included are a listing of 1990 doubleheaded
stamps and 1st Millenium gold stamps and also decimal Regionals.
This does not cover changes in phosphor bands or different types of
paper or printing, only covering changes in colour or easy to see type
changes (e.g. 2d pre-decimal type 1 or type 2), and to aid in this Barrie has
produced a colour chart with coding for ease of reporting. Don’t
worry, it is easy to follow and is based on the SG Concise which most
people use anyway.
All of this information will be passed on to our catalogue editor Roy Gault to aid him
in producing a future catalogue.
In the databases, values in different colours are listed with suffixes a, b etc. For an explanation of these, please consult the colour chart.
Click here for the Colour Chart
If you have any perfins on these issues that are not listed please let Barrie Williamson know by clicking the link below or sending an email to bwilliamson10 at sky dot com (with the spaces removed and the @ and . symbols inserted for at and dot)
Click here to email Barrie