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Men, Really.
By Angel Mouse

Seriously I wonder sometimes what I see in these guys. Really I do. Sometimes I just want to sit the four of them down and do a group slap around the head. Well, five of them if you include Cam, which sometimes I do. Cam may be the more mature and oldest one of us all, but sometimes he can be just as dense. Hmm, if not Cam, then defiantly Cyber Cam. He's always in need of an attitude adjustment. They all need sorting out sometimes. Just as well they have me around to keep them in line.

I mean really, the whole Shane verses Hunter thing, totally over it. I love Shane like an older brother but really, sometimes I just want to take him over my knee and spank him. He's a great leader and really works harder now that he has a lot more responsibility on his shoulders since we became Rangers. But sometimes, sometimes I really want to clout him around the head. And I have too, occasionally. The guy is dense as concrete sometimes when it comes to other people's feelings. Especially Cam's. He really, really takes Cam for granted way too much and there's been more than one occasion where I've had to have words with him about that. And then him and Hunter doing that whole who's the better thing - that was totally uncalled for really. But they worked it out, which is good in the long run. And now that Shane has the whole Battleizer thing from Skyla, wow that is awesome. And since meeting her, I think he's matured more as a person. We all have since becoming Rangers I think.

Well, all of us expect Dustin really. He's such a goofball and a doofus but I love him. He's like the younger brother you have to always watch out for you know? He sees the world different to the rest of us. He sees the good in everyone, even Marah. I felt so bad for him when Marah played that horrible trick on him, it wasn't fair. You could see his heart breaking, you really could. But his outlook on life is what helped us with Hunter and Blake. If he hadn't trusted them, well, we wouldn't have them as fellow Rangers and friends like we do now. Plus it helped that he is a motor rider like the pair of them. Hunter, well, Hunter is the more serious and broody one of the pair. I guess because they have been through a lot and he has had to look out for them both a lot. He's very protective of Blake I've noticed. But he's an awesome fighter; in fact, the only one that can match and sometimes beat him really is Cam. And I've noticed lately that he and Cam have become good friends, which I think is good for the both of them. Cam needs to get out more and Hunter's just the type of guy to bully him - gently mind you, one doesn't force Cam - to enjoy life more.

And then there's Blake. I must admit, and if anyone finds out about this I'll beat them to within an inch of their lives, that when I first meet him I was bowled over instantly. He's handsome, has a beautiful smile, kind eyes and I just love his hair. He was genuinely sorry for deceiving me back when we first meet them and I think he regrets it still to this day. But they did what they had to do, as we would have all done. But in the end, it was all good. And my feelings for him keep growing and growing. And I think he returns them as well. But I just wish that sometimes he'd make the first move.

Oops, there goes the Thunder MegaZord and ouch, Cam's not happy. You can tell that he isn't. He's only just gotten his powers but I swear he spends more time fixing our Zords now than he ever did before. But it's kinda sweet really, how he has seemed to have been adopted by the Thunder brothers, I think they are both good for him. I know Blake is good for me. Blake makes me realise, deep in my heart, this is what we are fighting for. So that people like us can have normal lives, so we can live and love, in peace.

But then Shane has to go and say something stupid like he just did. Men, Really.

The End.