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Disclaimer:  Buena Vista's distributing the Power Rangers that Saban created.  Oh, well.  This is the first fic I ever wrote, in the distant past of oh, around four years ago.  And as such, except for this opening, I'm leaving it untouched.  This was also the first time I ever experimented with Cassie and Phantom, also.  So yes, it's a very typical Cassie/Phantom go-around you've probably seen a lot of.  Oh, well, try to enjoy it anyway.



by ZeoViolet

Teaser:  Phantom and Cassie.  A simple misunderstanding kept them apart for so long.


Space was as cold as the iciness of pain that wrapped it's way around his heart.  The stars twinkled, but seemed more like fridged, tiny icecicles instead of the burning balls of firey gas that they actually were.  Like his pain.  How could he ever live, knowing she was there, alive, vibrant, and totally unconcerned about how he might feel about her?


How had she become his life?  Him, a man without a real home, whose only purpose for the longest time had been to defend the universe against evil?  Was that not the vow he had taken the day he had stood before Zordon and sworn his loyalty until the side of good reigned again?


And he had done a good job, too.  For years, he had been an unstoppable fighter.  Concealing his identitiy was the only way to maintain any privacy, and to protect the ones he called friends from being hurt or killed as a result of knowing.  Especially her.


Why *her*?  his heart cried.  Cassie Chan, Pink Turbo Ranger, and now Pink Astro Ranger, from Earth.  A beautiful, sweet, vibrant girl, with flashing black eyes and a winning smile.  That same smile, those eyes, and the peaceful aura of her soul--was that all that drew him to her?  No! his heart cried.  It was so much more, in a way that could not be defined either by spoken or written word.


Eltarans believed that destiny drew them to their loves, and that no matter what, it would turn out all right in the end, or at least for the best..


Is that really true?  his mind cried again.  How can it turn out all right?  The war is over.  I have no further reason to hide.  But if she cannot feel the same way, then who am I to interfere with her life, burden her with a lovesick suitor who can never be what she wants him to be?  Is *this* really for the best?


He remembered her eyes.  Deep, black, darker than the void he now stared into.  He had looked into them often enough, seeing her unmorphed for the first time, in the park when he had secretly watched her from the shadows.  Seen when he first opened his eyes after she had saved his life.  Seen them light up with joy and relief--had he only imagined they contained something else?  Her desperate "wait!" halting him in his tracks, daring to hope--at least for a moment, that she wanted him to stay.


But all she had done was to ask if he was leaving permanently.  His answer, "I will always remember you,"  was more of a promise to himself than to her.  How could he do otherwise?  When the tendrils of her soul reached out, beneath his armor, and wrapped their way around his heart and soul?  Binding his heart to hers so closely that he could never find love in another?  This was something his people spent their lives searching for, just such a love.  An it was pure torture, finding it and knowing that it was one-sided. 


But Cassie was not Eltaran.  She was human.  Could she even be capeable of the type of love that burned his soul day in and day out?  Seared his mind and heart with the fire of wanting her, needing her to be with him, and making the pain all the worse knowing that she could not?


Hope flickered breifly as a tiny corner of his mind and heart insisted, "But maybe she can!"  It had to be nonsense.  That voice had bugged him so often, especially since the war ended.  And it was getting louder and louder as the days went by, insisting that his place was on Earth, by her side.


He tried once again to squelch it, as he tried to relax against the chair in his cruiser.  The only thing he did not like about relaxing was the fact that it let down his telepathic defenses that guarded his mind from the onslaught of thoughts and emotions that emenated from others.  It was distressing for many Eltarans, him no exception.


What was worse was that Cassie's was especially strong.  Even at this distance, he could sense her soul, a general sense of well-being.  He knew when she was hurt or ill.  But sensing her emotions was difficult, and he did not want to try for fear of sensing something he did not want to sense.


It was torture.


But as his defenses came down, and the voices in his head became louder, one presence in particular came to light.  Not that he exactly did not want it to, because sensing Cassie's sweet soul was better than her not being there and tearing a hole in him that could not be repaired.


At first, it was only the general sense of presence.  But as he closed his eyes and focused on her, unable to help himself, he began to get more.  Her usual calm demeanor was not there, like it had been the last time he had seen her.  No, she was restless, worried, and wondering. 


And, to his surprise, lonely.


How could she be lonely, with all her friends around her?  She had the type of life he had been forced to give up when he became a Ranger.  And she was beautiful, intelligent.  Surely she had someone.


Then, a single thought came floating through the link.  *Phantom, I love you....*


He was unable to stop from jumping up in surprise.  Excitement and hope, plus fear, seared though him like a thunderbolt.  Was his mind playing tricks?


*Please, let me know you are okay.  I need you....*


That was definetly not his imagination.  He probed deeper, hoping against hope he was right.  trying not to startle her with his presence, he gently alerted her.  He had to know, if he was to keep his sanity.


*I am here, Cassie.  I am all right.*  He crossed his fingers, surprised at his own impulsiveness.


There was a considerable pause.  Surprise, then hope, came along the link.  Could it be?  He did not dare try to dig further.


*Phantom?*  Came the reply at last.  *Is that you?  Or am I just dreaming?*  along the lines came a fainter message, one he got the sense that he was not supposed to overhear, since it came in a whisper.  *Please, please tell me you are not a dream....*


*I am not a dream, Cassie.  But I could bear to stay silent no longer.  Especially after hearing you say...* he paused, trying to form thoughts.  *That you love me.*


Surprise again, and a flash of embarassment.  *You heard that?*


*I did, Cassie.  And if I was not meant to, I am sorry.*


*Only because I thought you could not reciprocate!*  her mind burst out suddenly.  He was flooded with her senses, anger at not knowing, and desperation from being unsure about his feelings, since he had been so secretive.


But all that was washed out of his mind at the second flood of feelings.  Concern and an overwhelming need for him, and overall, *love*, hit him like a tidal wave.


*Cassie?* he whispered softly, both out loud and in his mind.  *You love me?  You truly love me?*


*Of course I do!* she burst out again.  *When we first met, I felt a link I could not deny.  You stole my soul, Phantom.  I have been hoping that you would not leave me an empty void!*


He took a deep breath.  *You need not feel that way, not if you really want it*, he sent.


*What are you saying?*  It came softly.


*I am saying, Cassie, that I love you.  I always have.*  He could not send any more.  He felt miserable, sure she was going to reject him for doing this to her, hurting her so badly she would have nothing further to do with him.


*Truly?  Then...why did you keep away from me?* she asked, and her pain was like a knife in his heart.


*I thought you could never love me, Cassie.  We are so different.  From two worlds eons apart.  I felt your soul tear into and claim mine.  But you did not act like you wanted anything more than friendship.*  It was hard to say, but it was the truth.


*How could I, when you were not around long enough for us to give it a chance?*  He felt his own expression twist.


*I was so in love with you, I could not put you in danger*, he responded.  *And just being close to you, and knowing that you could not return my feelings was too hard.  I was determined to spare you, even at the expense of myself.*  He closed his eyes behind his visor, grinding his teeth.  He could not supress a shudder.  *Now that we both know....*


*Now what?* she finished, no longer sounding angry.  *Can you come to Earth?  Can we give it another try?*


Hope flooded him like it had never had before.  *Do you want this, Cassie?  Especially after I hurt you so much?*


There was no hesitation.  *Yes.  I really do.  It was not your fault.  It was a misunderstanding...on both our parts.*


*More mine than yours.*  He decided to drop the subject, finding it too painful.  *Cassie, I want you to know...I love you.  I always will.  I hope I never give you cause to doubt it again, or me.*


*Can you come to Earth?  That is where the Megaship is docked.*


*Where are you?*


*In my room.  I can tell DECA that you will be coming, but everyone else is asleep.*


*I will be there.*  Relief and joy crashed into him, before he could stop it.  How could he?  His life seemed certain, for the first time ever.  The need to hold her was so strong, his heart ached--but in a much sweeter way.


*Oh, and Phantom?* she asked along the telepathic link.  *What is...your name?*


His name, he mused.  He had not heard it spoken in a very long time.  But telling her now was as natural as breathing, and as right.  *My name is Tar'yn, Cassie.*


He smiled as he heard her mental amusement.  *Tar'yn?  With an apostrophe in the name?  I hope it is actually pronounced the way you put it.* it was gentle teasing, and he took it in good stride.  *I will be there soon, Cassie.*


Hitting his teleporter, he vanished in a swirl of black and red, his last sensation being the feeling of her love, beating at the rhythm of his own heart.




The room in which he materialzed was dim, and at first, he could not see much.  Photos and posters of people holding strange instruments decorated her walls, her desk was a bit cluttered.  It took him a moment to see Cassie curled on the windowseat, staring out at the stars.  He could tell by her deeper breathing she had noticed his presence, but she did not turn around.


"Cassie," he whispered, barely enough for her to hear.


When she spoke, her voice was soft.  "The stars are beautiful, aren't they?"  She still did not look at him, but laid her head on her curled-up knees, her long hair hanging softly on her cheeks, over her shoulders, and down her slender back.  "So many fine points of light, possibly home to countless worlds--and yet, they look so tiny from here.  One wonders how something so faint and remote could ever be so big, so lifelike, and inspire awe in their very hearts--as well as a desire never to leave."  She finally turned toward him, her great black eyes glittering with tears.  They were begging him to understand.


Swallowing his surprise at her philosophy--she did not seem the type--he crossed the room and sat beside her, gratefully drinking in her presence, a soothing balm to his tortured spirit.


"Even stars in their infinite distance can reach out and be seen by those who want to see it," he whispered, holding in his surprise as her hand reached out for his, and her fingers twined in his gloved hands.  "And no matter the distance, even the tiniest stars can burn as brightly as the sun overhead.  And if the person desires it enough, the star can loom just as greatly, permanently."


He trembled as her other hand reached up to touch his visor.  It was too much, and he let the covering fall away, for the first time revealing himself to her.  In an instant, her fingers burned into his skin where she touched his cheek, and her other hand was warm with her vitality as it clasped his ungloved fingers.


His eyes were closed, but Cassie stared at him, fascinated, drinking in his features with an uncommon eagerness to see him, though it was not apparent.


He was on the tall side, his skin light from having little exposure to the sun.  His hair gleamed even in the dimness, a startling shade of black that reminded her of the unique blackness of space.  Perhaps even blacker than hers, how was she to know?  It was short and wavy, his bangs falling charmingly on his forehead.


His face was young-looking, but well-formed in ways that signaled that he was at least her eighteen years of age.  His features were fine, chisled, with a strong jaw and a firm chin.  His lashes were long, falling like black shadows on his upper cheekbones where his eyes were still closed.


They did not remain that way for long, though, when her hand moved down his face to cup his chin.  They fluttered, and opened at last, and Cassie found herself staring into twin pools of a dazzling green.  The kind of green that could burn with passion, anger, or love, or twinkle merrily with humor.  A deep liquid green, in the center which sat black pupils dialated with passion at the effects of her touch, and with a love and longing he could no longer deny himself or her.  She had no idea that her own eyes were dialated the same way, and her breathing had quickened considerably.  She was so lost in his gaze that she was even unaware of the fact that they had leaned gradually and gradually closer until his eyes closed--and his lips covered hers with the strongest burning intensity she had ever experienced.


The flash of surprise she had felt was gone as quickly as it came.  It was replaced by a burning fire beginning to bubble in her blood and pound through her veins.  All conscious thought swept away as they simultaneously kissed harder, demanding release from emotions long pent up.


A deep groan issued in his throat, and his hand released hers and crept around her, drawing her close.  She responded eagerly, locking her arms around his neck and opening her mouth beneath his, and letting the kiss get more and more passionate, until she realized, dimly, that the increasing dizziness she was feeling was partially due to lack of air.  She had to pull away, gasping, staring up into his eyes.


He was breathing just as hard, his breath warm on her face, his eyes locked again with hers.  One hand lifted to gently stroke her hair.


"Will you stay?"  she rasped.  "Or at least come as you are able?"


"My heart belongs to you, Cassie," was his breathless reply.  "Whatever you want is what I will do.  The war is over.  This sector of known space is free of evil.  I am free to do as I choose--but it will be what you want."


Her brow furrowed.  "But what about what *you* want?" she asked.  "If you have obligations elsewhere, I would not dream of keeping you from them.  If I must take second place in your life, it is better than nothing at all."


He shook his head.  "There is little reason to be the Phantom Ranger permanently anymore.  Most of our enemies are gone or changed forever, due to Zordon's sacrifice.  If there is ever a need for Power Rangers again, I will be at your side.  It is where I want to be."


She only stared at him, but her mind whispered, *really*?


" will stay?" she said instead.


"There is nothing I want more, Cassie, except you," he breathed, and the way her eyes lit up matched his own joy.  She leaned up and pressed her lips to his again, and he drew her close, mindful of not crushing her against him, so his ruby could not hurt her.


When she pulled away this time, her eyes twinkled.  "Of course," she said, amused, "You know that one of your former 'enemies' now lives on the Megaship as well."


"Astronemea," he surmised.  "So I heard--but I never understood why."


"She is Kerone now," she said softly.  "Andros finally found his sister."


His unique green eyes widened in surprise.  "Astronema is Andros's sister?"


Cassie laughed softly.  "Boy, Tar'yn, do I have a lot to fill you in on....."


As the stars twinkled overhead, and six other individuals on board slept soundly, two voices whispered softly long into the night, feeling relief and secure in knowing that they had finally found where they belonged, and that their love would last long beyond eternity.

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