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Space Race
A Poem by James Austin Valiant

A long time ago, in an era of forgotten lore
A wizard name Zordon and six coins bore
Teams of young men and young women
Secondly, warriors, but firstmost friends
Through many power source changes did they go
From Mighty Morphin' to Zeo and then to Turbo
But, alas, some things don't always run their course
As the Turbo team got cut a little short
TJ, Justin, Carlos, Ashley and Cassie (what a fox!)
Their chamber of command destroyed by Divatox
What could they do, with every gone
But to go into space and fine Zordon
One of the greatest forces of good, by far
Had been kidnapped with force from his world, Eltar
And the only way to stop the universal invasion
Was to add Zordon back into the equation

Leaving Justin on Earth, the other four left
In a shuttle lent by NASADA, it wasn't theft
In the meatime, a mysterious Ranger, color: red
Somehow got the idea stuck in his head
That he could invade Dark Specter's meeting
And mix himself into all of the seating
And no one would notice him, no one at all
He took a big chance, almost had a big fall
For Dark Specter unveiled a new ally, and Rita let out a shrill
It was a young teenage girl, Astronema, new Princess of Evil
Divatox grew mad, Zedd was angry, King Mondo shook his scepter
For this young upstart witch got the Fortress and Ecliptor
If they had only know the girl's tragic story
How her past was so mangled and gory
They would've given her some pity and cut her some slack
But they didn't know; just called her "some worthless hack"

Well the Turbo Rangers, they didn't have much luck
Left the Earth and then came to be stuck
On a desolate waste planet, attacked with warning
When Astronema appeared, and promised them death before morning
The mysterious Red Ranger mad an appearance again
And the others wondered: is he foe or friend?
But when he demophred, the others sighed without loss
He was a human, like them, this Red Ranger boss
But he seemed kind of cold, and real rigged, like toast
Pronounced correctly, his name was Andros
And the thing about him was he was wary of strangers
Really didn't want to have a team of new Rangers
Quite content to live life the same
Playing his one-army warrior game
But the careful coaxing of one Alpha Six
Convinced Andros that this was no simple game of pick-up sticks
And that someday, somehow, he'd be in danger and yelp
He'd wish that he had accepted this help
While animosity itself is known to cluster
Andros put it aside, all that he could muster
And almost as sharp as his spiral-edged sword
Recruited new Rangers; "Welcome aboard."

Since Andros was red, color change was a must, you'd think
But Ashley was still yellow and Cassie still pink
The Space Morphers had no green, so Carlos became black
And seeing TJ in blue wasn't too far out of whack
The monsters they battled made them stronger as a team
And Andros slowly became less mean
And don't forget, he also dropped being nasty
Because he developed a thing for Ashley
Not sure how it started, so don't ask me
But they hit it off perfectly, so if they are happy
That should be good enough
But things can still get a little rough
Like the looming threat of one Astronema
Treating universal battle like common place phenomena

Of course, on Kadix, something that wasn't too main
Came the revelation, the hidden secret of Zhane
The long frozen, long remembered honored Silver Ranger
Who had once, year ago, put himself in the line of danger
To save his best friend, whom he loved with his life
And Andros knew his friend's sacrifice was not in strife
So he kept him on ice for two years
And watched the systems and gears
Hoping for the glorious day
When Zhane's sunshine-like smile would give way
And someting happened, during the course of the battle
DECA malfunctioned, and Zhane no longer sat still
Once again, he joined Andros and the others in combat
Andros was elated; finally, his best friend back!

But the most important of all was something that rocked the core
A weird, yet supposed but not easily suspected evened up score
Was revealed when it was found out by Andros himself
That the locket he wore and sometimes kept on his shelf
Matched Astronema's exactly, but what did this mean?
Was he a prince? Or was she some sort of queen?
I say thee nay, for what you all should know
Darkonda kidnapped Andros' sister some time ago
And the Red Ranger spent his life looking for her
During the time Ecliptor became her foster father
No one is certain how the future wind blows
But Andros' own sister was right under his nose

On the Megaship, she showered, changed and turned good
Things don't always play out just as they should
Andros saw how she did, on her own
Had grown to be this woman, his sister, Karone
Karone had to go on the Fortress, to stop Dark Specter's plans
She was captured, outfitted with mechanical implants
Karone was gone again, Astronema remained
And nothing would ever be the same

For the countdown began not long after that
When the villains engaged in a quite long spat
Almost conquered the universe, long and far
In the great, involved Universal War
Astronema's assigment from the UAE
Was to take the Earth, everything she could see
It didn't work out that way, for Andros left the others and was gone
Boarded the Dark Fortress and found Zordon
Zordon told Andros he was a wise and a brave soul
But the strains of war had taken it's toll
Shatter my tube, Zordon said, the energy will do it's thing til
The entire total universe is purged of all of it's evil
The Red Ranger battled his sister, and finally complied
Sorta sucked for him, because he thought his sister had died

But the ending turned out and all was well
Karone was alive; there would be no living hell
Zhane, Andros and Karone's people, from KO-35
Now had a habitable place on which to thrive
The only hard thing was saying goodbye
Ashley couldn't stand to leave Andros, and he could not leave her
But, at the time, he thought it was for the better
Before the Megaship blasted off, an error was realized
The Megaship's bridge's door opened with a slide
The Yellow Ranger jumped out of her seat, and sprinted to the big lug
Wrapped her arms around Andros, in a great big, giant hug
Zhane and Kerone followed right after him, ready for a re-birth
On a new home, a new planet for them, one called Earth

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