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"Of all the great branches of human activity, the art of builiding is one of the most closely related to the progress of mankind"
(Richardson and Corfiato)

"The Art or Science of building" (Webster's, p.14)
This is quite a fitting defintion for Architecture with regards to the implied universality. The word "Building" is not restricted to walls, arches, concrete, or any meer material or form, but instead it reflects all. From the Roman Empire and the way their buildings are but mirror images to their very culture. The anarchical thoughts of society in the nineteenth century, with the intesified industrialism, and the new and extremely individualistic ideas that architects brought forth.
Architecture does not only influence societies visual surrondings, but instead demonstrates a greater importance to people as it becomes a part of the way of life, a part of your culture, and a vehicle to the person that one will be or already is.

This conveyer slide show depicts only but a few of masterpieces that would be considered architecture. From Prehistoric time to the Seagram Building seen by thousands upon thousands everyday. Along with this are the faces of some of the greatest architectual minds that the world has ever known. Overall this website should be interpreted only as a taste of the various architectural styles, and the various radical and/or ingeneous changes that architecture faced.


Nelson Barbosa

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