The New Age (1420 - 1520)

Inspired by their predecessors and Rome’s antiquity itself there was a new ideal classical style created. Most notably related to Bramante and his work the “Tempietto”. Along with this style the Sixteenth century was noted to have more than a city of churched and public monuments. With the Catholic church having such gripping power on Rome in general, they commissioned a great deal of works. Towards the end of the Renaissance Period the church still had their strangle hold on the city, as was seen in the Papacy’s commissioning of Michelangelo to expand and redesign “Capitoline hill” by finally completing Saint Peter’s Basilica. The Renaissance style spread quite quickly, and France was one of the first to embrace it. This was because of France’s king at the time Jean Clouet, or Francis I., with architecture such as the Louvre it must have been easy to accept such a style.

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