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Welcome to the Bittle Family Homepage


*      Our Family History

*      Our Adoption Story

*      Our Adoption Needs

*      How You Can Help

*      Tax Deductible Information

*      Contact Us


Our Family History

We are a Christian family living in Raleigh, North Carolina.   Jimmy is a student at Southeastern Baptist Theological College and Angi is an Administrative Assistant for Wake Forest Family Eyecare.  We have a 10 year old daughter, Sydney, who attends the fifth grade at Franklin Academy.  Our family attends and ministers at Bay Leaf Baptist Church, North Campus, in the Wakefield area of Raleigh. 


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Our Adoption Story

We have been dealing with fertility since 1997.  It was only after 3 months of fertility treatment that we finally accepted that God had other plans.  We were willing to wait for God to reveal His will and proceeded with our lives.  One evening upon leaving choir practice at church I noticed a flyer asking for “host families” to keep Russian orphans for a month during the summer.  We talked and prayed about it and felt like we should proceed.  After being approved and attending orientation, we felt like we could not ask a child into our home and then send her back as if nothing happened.  So we decided we would proceed with an adoption.  Well, when we picked her up from the airport, we knew she was meant for our family.  She looks just like part of our family, especially our daughter, Sydney.  Everyone has told us they look like sisters!


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Our Adoption Needs

While everyone knows an adoption is expensive.  We believe nothing is beyond our Lord’s ability.  We know He is able to complete His plan, the plan He put into our hearts.  The total for this adoption is around $30,000.  We are at a point now that we need around $21,000.  We have received help from some friends and family and we even had a successful bake sale at the local Christian bookstore, Sign of the Fish, in Raleigh.


We are also in great need of prayer.  We know our Lord is going to use His people!  We are asking for some specific prayers, so please lift up our family to the Lord.


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How You Can Help

As mentioned above, we would welcome any and all financial gifts.  If the Lord provides more than the amount needed we will return the money back to you.


We could also use your prayers.  We are asking that you pray for the following:


*      The Lord’s Will to Be Done – Not Ours

*      For our future daughter, peace and understanding in the adoption process

*      For our future daughter, for salvation of the Lord to come to her at a time of understanding

*      For our current daughter, for peace, patience and understanding in bringing a new child into our home

*      Trip to Russia

·        Salvation and Evangelism Encounters

·        Flights

·        No Sickness

·        Safety in Russia

·        Smooth government processes

·        Bonding time

*      For our extended family – adjustment period and acceptance

*      Financial help from Christian brothers and sisters


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Tax Deductible Contribution

Your financial gift is Tax Deductible – all you have to do is make your check or money order payable to International Christian Adoption Agency.  Our adoption agency will send you a receipt for your taxes when they receive your donation.  They are an agency located in California and they are a Non-Profit Organization.       


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Contact Us

*      Email:


*      Mail:  Jimmy and Angi Bittle

5373 Cog Hill Court

Raleigh, NC 27604



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