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This page contains answers to common questions handled by our support staff, along with some tips and tricks that we have found useful and presented here as questions.
bulletHow do I Contact you if I have a problem?
bulletWhere can I find Prices for your services?
bulletWhy doesn't my website come up when I type my url in ?
bulletWho are the designers for your company ?
bulletWhat is the "www" on the front of my address ?
bulletWhen is the best time to start my site? ?


How do I Contact you if I have a problem?

At the top of every page is a link titled "Contact Us" if you need to reach us, the information to do so is there. If you have a problem with our services, or any service that you have purchased, please fill out a Service Request. You can find the link for that to your left.

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Where can I find prices for your services ?

The way that we designed the website is as follows: The sign in areas on the site are being used to keep track of our customers, however, at this time, we are having problems with the script used to control the log-in, and sign up. To access our services, you need to click on the link marked "Purchase our services" on the services page, and various other pages. We will post the fact, when we get the script working, on the first page of our site.

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Why doesn't my website come up when I type my url in ?

This could be for several reasons. Your site may not be created yet, in which case you will see a page that says: "The future site of "". If you don't see this screen, it could be that your domain hasn't propagated through the Internet yet. It can take anywhere from 24 Hours, to a week for every system on the net to get your domain name fully registered. If neither one of these is the case, or you still have questions, please put a Service Request in, and we will check out your domain, and fix the problem. You can find the link for the Service Request to the left.

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Who are the designers for your company ?

We are starting a company directory on the site. It can be found at If you'd like to join our team of designers, follow this link:

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What is the "www" on the front of my address ?

Actually, I will probably over-explain this, but, I want to make sure you understand how this works. The www stands for "World Wide Web". Every computer on the net, including yours has an I.P. address. They usually look something like: or something close to that. To understand the web, you must understand that the world wide web, and the Internet are not the same thing. The internet is an interface of coding. if you know the code, you can maneuver through the Internet. Most of us, including myself, don't. Therefore a company called 3W created an interface that was easier for people to follow. They created a program that all you have to do is type a series of words, and you can find different websites. So your domain name, "points" to the I.P. address. You are capable of not using a domain name, in which case you would type in something like and still reach the website that that domain name points to. However, when your trying to sell your business, an I.P. would not be advisable, seeing as the I.P. is very difficult to remember.

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When is the best time to start my website ?

The best time is decided only by you. Don't get over anxious. You should start a site if you have a product you think is capable of drawing enough people to sustain the cost of running a website. You should also start a website, if you have an established business, and want to expand your service area outside your local area. I never rush anyone into a site, and I always recommend people get a free account at, to attempt to set up a site, so they will know what goes into creating a site. This allows for two things, 1. You will learn to appreciate what a professional design company does to create your site, and 2. it will give you some idea as to what you are doing, and there-fore you won't be as easily fooled by companies that aren't as professional. Is it time for your site?

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Last modified: 05/30/03.