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The Art Of Public Speaking

 Presentations & Workshops For Mathematical Sciences Students

Academic Year 2011 // 2012
By Mubarak Abdessalami


         Many students make the biggest mistake when they think that they are not concerned with Public Speaking. They say it is only for people involved in sales, marketing or mass media who must care of that. Wrong! They should accept it that at some time of their life they will need to talk in front of a group of people, family, friends, colleagues or else. Is public speaking that important? Of course it is, because oral communication is one of the most required skills at school, at work and in life in general.

         Public speaking is needed to present our thoughts and feelings in a way that is meaningful and attention attracting. Public speaking training starts from the very early stages of school when pupils are required to recite poems or explain an idea in front of their classmates. As adult citizens we often have to give our opinion on any national or local issues. Therefore, the idea that public speaking is not important is rejected categorically being erroneous.

         There’s no way; the students need to train on public speaking for there is a chance they have to stand in public to speak. As we all agree, it is not an easy task but we have no options, we must learn the dos and donts about public speaking in order not to mess it up. We also need to practice and regularly train. This is what the presentation and the workshop all about.

         The main objective of this activity, once again, is to train the students not to shy away from experimenting with the vital skill of giving a speech, and to develop the body language, elocution connected to this experience as well as to increase self-confidence.


         public speaking, stage fright, communication, body language, orator, audiance, Dull speaker, Cool presenter, Hot presenter


          By the end of the presentation the students could answer the following questions and do some practice.
  1. What is public speaking?
  2. What are the major speaking styles?
  3. Why do we need to study public speaking?
  4. How to become a good public speaker?
  5. Let’s get started (practice)