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Rugby 2004 Info:

Rugby 2004 has switched to analog controls for the PS2, although the digital pad is still used in lineouts to select jumping characters there's less of an emphasis on button mashing. Each aspect of the game has its own unique control scheme. Scrums, for instance, involve feeding the ball with X, then pressing the analog stick in your preferred direction along with the circle button

EA SPORTS Rugby 2004 is being developed in Canada by HB-Studios

EA is apparently in talks with Channel 7 and other World Cup broadcasters about using Rugby 2004 to run trial scenarios and 'what if' moments as part of broadcasts. Nothing's confirmed yet for actual use, but if EA's got enough faith in its rendering engine to pitch it for actual broadcast use, we could be looking at a very impressive game indeed.

There seem to be 2 release dates floating around, one being July 2003 and the other being September 2003 - but we'll keep you posted