GEM 1986/7 - 94:11:01 & 1990; interim updates
03:06:06 & 18 - 19c, rationalised
04:05:08 - 29c
(cf. NOTICES below, and Contents)
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International Churches of Christ, over the past 25 years, have become
a controversial discipleship-oriented movement; one that bases its exclusivist
understanding of salvation on the Campbell-led American Restorationist
Movement's five-step, baptismal regeneration-based
theology of salvation. (Thus, the ICOC falls within the Non-Instrumentalist
sub-movement of what is commonly called the Churches of Christ, or even
"Campbellite", tradition.)
this legalistic sectarian, elitist exclusivism -- the ICOC's leaders
and many members view themselves as essentially constituting "the
one true church" in the world, heroically carrying forward
its global mission as God's
remnant people in the earth -- leads to abusive discipleship practices.
It also alienates those who feel trapped by such abuses from seeking
help where it would otherwise be readily available.
following notes therefore provide an analysis of: (a) how
this arose, (b) how to respond to it personally,
(c) how to avoid entrapment, and (d) the underlying
Bible Study errors and logical
fallacies that set the basis for the abuse and legalistic sectarianism.
These goals are achieved through focussing on the lynchpin sectarian
theological claim: the Kip McKean teaching regarding baptismal regeneration,
in the further context of discipleship
as he has understood and applied the concept -- some would say "misunderstood"
and "abusively misapplied" (and, sadly, with
good reason).
studying the below, we urge that you first review the Rationale,
take a look at the notes on proof texts and abuses,
and that before tackling individual proof-texts such as Acts
2:38 etc., you examine the issue of justification
and the associated critical case study: the conversion of Cornelius,
his family and friends. For, this account that forms the substance of
Acts 10, is discussed by the college of Apostles in Ac 11, and is the
basis of the Jerusalem Council's approval of the key NT Pauline
theology of justification -- which is expounded in his Epistles,
especially Romans and Galatians.
authentic, biblical,
apostolic, message: the Faith, once for all delivered to the saints
[Jude v. 3, cf. 1 Cor 15:1 - 11], classically, may be summed up in the
words of Eph 2:8 - 10: salvation is by God's grace through faith (which
itself is a gift from God, NB definition: Rom 4:4 - 5), NOT by works
-- the things we can or should do -- but also it issues in good
works (thus, a life of
discipleship) that God has laid out in advance for us to do. And,
through such works, we can see overflowing from the transforming power
of the Spirit within, streams of living water
suffused with the glory of God shining through our shamefully cracked
pots. [Cf, Jn 7:37 - 39, 2 Cor 4:1 - 7, Rom. 8:9 - 17, Eph. 1:11 - 14,
Gal. 3:1 - 14, Acts 1:4 - 8, 2:1 - 21 & 39, etc.]
Notes on the ICOC's Abusive Discipleship System
Notes on (1) ICOC Proof-Texts and
(2) Questionable Discipleship Practices:
1. Texts
on Justification
Acts 2:38 and Affirming the Consequent
1.3 Acts 22:16 -- The Importance of Respecting Context and Language
ROM 6:3 - 4 (and Col 2:11 - 12) and Reading Carefully
ROM 10: 9 - 13 and "Calling on the Name of The Lord"
1 Peter 3:21 and "Baptism Saves"
Titus 3:5, John 3:5 and the Washing of Rebirth
Gal. 3:27 and Clothing Oneself with Christ
Discipleship vs. Abuse
ATTACHMENT: On the Logic of Acts 2:38 (& Mark 16:16)
Deriving the Logic of Acts 2:38
What Does Acts 2:38 actually Imply?
What about Mk 16:16?
Since 1979, under the leadership of Kip McKean and associates, the Church
of Christ-derived movement that has become the International Churches
of Christ [ICOC] undertook a global proselytising campaign that has
become a
focus for controversy and strong criticism -- amounting to a virtual
firestorm over the past few years.
-- sadly -- many all-too-well-founded charges have been publicly raised
and corroborated regarding manipulative
recruitment tactics, a distorted "We are the One
True Church, and have cornered the market on salvation"
theology that focuses on baptismal regenerationism,
Bible Study Techniques, abusive discipleship practices
that seem to reflect notorious multi-level
marketing schemes, and a high incidence of abuse-prone, spiritually
bankrupt and domineering leadership. {Cf. the
Henry Kriete letter (e.g. via the Reveal.org
web site), and many other sources.} Therefore, we need to make a
sober assessment of the situation, not to attack, to demean or to gloat;
but instead, in the spirit of 2 Tim 3:13 - 17 and Eph 4;11 - 16, to
correct error and rescue those who need help, by pointing out how
abuse arises and how
it can be averted -- and, thus also help potential victims avoid
unnecessary painful and damaging experiences.
this situation should serve as a cautionary tale: an exemplar of how
a Bible Study-based, discipleship vision-oriented movement can go bad.
That is, the below is a hard-won lesson in the importance of integrity,
humility, objectivity, self-criticism, the need to listen to concerned
and corrective voices outside of the in-group, and the subtle dangers
of arrogance and ambition --in short, regrettably, a
case study of how not to renew and reform the church. For, commendable
as the intent to restore the pristine NT vision for the church is --
and that is the underlying ethos of the Protestant Reformation over
the past 500+ years since Wycliffe and Huss (the morning stars of what
would blossom under Luther, Melancthon, Calvin, Knox, Zwingli and so
many others) -- given the grave sins of the church across its history,
we must also reckon with the dark side of that restorationist thesis:
Even at our best,
we shine forth with God's glory through our shamefully cracked pots
[2 Cor 4:1 - 7]. But equally -- often in the name of true
discipleship and/or the restoration or preservation of the pristine
NT faith -- we easily fall into the ignorant wrenching
of Scriptures [2 Peter 3:15 ff] and/or can all too easily become
arrogant, refusing to listen
to wise counsel and not submitting to the corrective voice of
God as he speaks to us through other members of the body of Christ.
[1 Cor 10:16 - 17, 12:1 - 14:5, esp. 12:12 - 26.] This danger is
especially relevant when the concerned or corrective voices come
from those who are marginal to, or outsiders to the movement, group
or tradition in question [ Eph 5:21, Gal. 6:1 - 5 (NB. the case
in 2:11 - 14!), 1 Thess. 5:12 - 24, Jn 17:20 - 23]. Movements that
yield to such temptations; sadly, their name is Legion --
far from fulfilling their rhetoric of being God's specially chosen
and choice servants -- as a rule become ingrown, unaccountable,
abusive, contemptuous of outsiders, ending up as corrupt and hypocritical
shells of what they once aspired to be: as with the Pharisees of
Jesus' day. In turn, this typically leads to a scandal-driven loss
of credibility and impact, and triggers yet newer reformation movements.
Thus, we can see one root of the many horrible schisms that have
rent the body of Christ in defiance of Jesus' prayer that we be
one, an unanswerable demonstration of the love flowing over from
the Spirit within that is the proof that God loved the world and
sent His Son to save it. [Jn 17:20 - 23, 7:37 - 39; cf.1 Jn 1:5
- 7, 2:9 - 11, & 19; also see 2 Jn 4 - 11 & 3 Jn 9 - 12.]
therefore solemnly ask that the following materials be used in the spirit
of 2 Tim. 2:24 - 26, in light of the responsibilities in Acts 2:20 -
35. [NB: Readers are also pointed to more balanced suggested alternatives
for evangelism,
follow-up with new converts,
Bible Study, discipleship,
and service, community reformation/transformation,
godly national development and
liberation issues (with a Caribbean emphasis),
and the overall mission of the church.
Links to a collection of further resources may be followed up here.
For dialogue, contact us,
or try Reveal and/or Rightcyberup
and/or the Delphi
ICOC Forum.]
The Key Issue:
of all, at the core of the evident, unfortunate distortions of the Christian
Faith in the ICOC lie the biblically
unsound and manipulative Bible Studies called the Acts/First
Principles Bible Study series. These studies ignore sound
principles of Bible Study, and, starting with baptismal
regenerationism, stress a sectarian, flawed, legalistic concept
of all out commitment to "discipleship"
that "goes by the Word of God only," thus setting up the demand
for unquestioning, closed-minded commitment to the movement's theological
claims and blind
obedience to its leaders and traditions.
underlying Bible study approaches adopted by the ICOC, as
Paden documents, are rooted in the American Restorationist tradition;
starting from the influence of leaders dating back to Thomas and Alexander
Campbell. The history show how the Non-Instrumentalist Churches of Christ
stream of the tradition -- from which the ICOC has come -- have gradually
evolved an approach to the Bible that tends to atomistically focuses
on texts in isolation from their context, through a narrow focus on
New Testament [as opposed to Old Testament] commands,
examples and "necessary inferences."
-- far from what one would expect from the oft repeated classical COC
motto: "We speak where the Bible speaks; we are silent where the
Bible is silent" -- silence in the inspired text is instead sometimes
fallaciously interpreted as prohibition. For instance, this happened
with the COC's earlier internal debate over instumental
music in worship.
this point, despite the explicit OT celebration of such instrumental
music in worship in the Law [e.g. Num 10:1 - 10, 29:1 - 6], in the Temple
liturgy [e.g. the four thousand instruments David had made for the Temple
as mentioned in 1 Chron. 23:5], and in the Psalms [e.g. Psalm 150] --
indeed, from Rev 8:1 - 5 ff, trumpets are even used in heaven by Angels
"stand[ing] before God"! -- since the eight NT verses that
mention music in worship happen not to mention an instrument, such "mechanical
music" is viewed by many in the COC as a deadly sin:
man who believes that he can find literal truth in the Scriptures must
also believe that those who do not find the same truth are wrong. What
follows is that such people are sinful. The next logical conclusion
is that they will go to hell. . . . It is frequently assumed that they
believe that all who do not accept the truths which they find in the
Bible will be lost. All members of the Churches of Christ do not have
such an attitude, but I do. . . . But I do recognize that the logical
consequence of a legalistic concept of truth--the kind of mind which
would cause one to quibble about instrumental music--is the condemnation
of those who refuse to accept the revelation." [Speaker: David
Edwin Harrell, Jr., a COC representative in the 1966 Disciples of Christ
Historcal Society Reed Lectures. Cited by Paden,
in his ref. 108: Robert O. Fife, David Edwin Harrell, Jr., and Ronald
E. Osborn, Disciples and the Church Universal, The Reed Lectures for
1966 (Nashville: Disciples of Christ Historical Society, 1967), 35.]
the natural result of such a plainly unsound
approach to the Scriptures is a simplistic, legalistic, casuistic
stringing together of masses of proof texts taken out of context. In
the case in view, this is compounded by ignoring the authority of the
OT; which Paul commended to Timothy (who had from infancy absorbed the
Jewish Scriptures at his mother's knee) as being "able to make
you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus." [2 Tim 3:10
- 17.] Clearly, such a proof-texting, legalistic approach too
often fails to reckon with setting, intent, original language and context,
so it naturally leads to rigid, manipulative, authoritarian doctrinal
or creedal schemes that read into the text's silences, examples and
precepts what is simply not there, not even implicitly. In one ever
so sad word: EISEGESIS, not: EXEGESIS.
-- as we just saw -- in the name of obeying the revelation of God, advocates
of the resulting sub-biblical, authoritarian tradition tend to demand
an unworkable, pharisaical obedience at every point of fine detail,
on pain of hellfire. [Now, of course, a note is in order on this: we
are highlighting one specific case, but this general picture is unfortunately
all too common in various Bible- oriented movements, sects, traditions
and denominations that over the past five centuries, have sought to
carry out the classic Reformation agenda to go back to the original
sources and fix the problems that arose across centuries of decline
and ignorance of the Word of God. (NB: Throwing
over the traces of the scriptures or mocking
their authenticity in the style of a Bishop Spong or the so-called
Jesus Seminar and many other modernist theologians [cf. here!]
are not good answers, either. Instead, let us return
to sound Bible study principles, being confident
of the authenticity of the Bible, in the spirit of Eph. 4:15: truthing
it in love.)]
further , as Jesus and the Apostles long ago pointed out, legalistic
obedience (i.e. faultless conformity to a multitude of rules) is simply
beyond human capacity. [Cf. Matt. 23:1 - 39, Rom 7:7 - 8:17 & Gal
3:1 - 14, etc.] Instead of promoting godliness and holiness, such an
approach actually ends up in a curious blend of desperate guilt and
blind, hypocritical self-righteousness. This is the same predicament
that, for twenty centuries now, has made the hitherto respectable term
"Pharisee" -- roughly, "holiness" -- into a synonym
for "hypocrite." Peter's remarks in Ac 15:10 - 11 are therefore
all too appropriate: "10 Now then, why do you try to test God by
putting on the necks of the [Gentile] disciples a [legalistic] yoke
that neither we [Jewish disciples] nor our fathers have been able to
bear? 11 No! We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that
we are saved, just as they are."
in a sense, it is unsurprising, though sad, to see that the ICOC's First
Principles studies end up manipulatively and legalistically focusing
on a form of Baptismal Regenerationism traceable
to the Campbell-led restorationist movement of the C19 USA -- a
movement that is often called the "Campbellites" (or, rarely,
even the "Campbellite Baptists") in the literature. For, legalistic,
proof-texting approaches to the Scriptures are the bane of reformation-minded
church movements.
[NB: Many
in this tradition will protest that the use of such terms is an "insult,"
but, so far, on being challenged to provide another historically accurate,
precise term; they
have not proposed any alternative other than an unfortunate flood
of ad hominems and/or the sadly question-begging claim that the ICOC-COC,
tradition traces directly to the NT scriptures (when how
- not whether -- the text is being read is a central issue); and
the early Church Fathers taught baptismal regeneration. No response
was made to the observation that these Early Catholic Fathers, on this
point, were in contradiction to the explicit teaching
of the NT (i.e. one may challenge their specific opinions:
i.e. theologies/ interpretation
of the NT on a given point, without implying that they were generally
inaccurate and unreliable as observers and reporters of current
or historical trends and events) and that they in fact were part of
an evolving theological and ritual tradition leading up to what is now
the Roman Magisterium, complete with infant baptism. Until such time
as an accurate and generally recognisable term is provided, we will
therefore have to use terminology that the literature often reflects.
(NB: Restorationism, which Paden selects as his term of choice,
strictly speaking is too broad, as
is noted here and as
is subtly implied (but not adequately and frankly addressed) here;
for, indeed -- as was discussed above -- the whole 500+ y.o. Reformation
ethos reflects the underlying restorationist theme: go back to the
pristine sources, and fix what went wrong!) Therefore, please accept
apologies in advance for any offense caused by the use of the term that
seems to fit the bill thus far: Campbellite. If you have a viable alternative,
please contact us.]
Thus, we
have now identified critical
themes and dynamics in the thought-world in which the ICOC arose as a
movement of further reformation, how it has unfortunately failed to
live up to its hopes, and why it has gone ever so sadly wrong. Now, we
need to flesh out the explanatory model. We will therefore seek to show
how flawed, legalistic, proof-texting sub-biblical attempts to reform
the church led to manipulative, blindly pharisaical self-righteousness
and frustration, in the context of the lynchpin teaching in the ICOC system:
baptismal regeneration as the gateway to fully committed discipleship.
The Result: Baptismal Regenerationism, Abusive Sectarian "Discipleship"
& Manipulative Proselytising:
through the flawed First Principles studies, naive, hurting, lonely
or seeking people (or even Christians who are ill-informed on the basis
for the doctrine of Justification by Faith, and who lack skill in
sound principles and praxis for Bible Study), are often led to believe
that unless one is baptised to thereby become forgiven
(and that in a context that demands all-out commitment to a legalistic,
manipulative form of "discipleship"), one is not yet saved.
This concept is then used to influence those who adhere to the system
to further believe that the ICOC in effect constitutes the one true
church in the world, apart from a few vague possible exceptions (probably,
mostly in the wider Churches of Christ tradition), and that to
walk away from the ICOC is therefore tantamount to apostasy from Christ.
extreme is this cluster of ICOC teachings that Kip McKean has publicly
challenged the salvation of Alexander Campbell, the founder of the modern
Campbellite movement:
himself was never baptized again for the purpose of the remission
of sins. He felt it was okay if you retroactively understood it. I’m
not going to say where Alexander Campbell stands before God – God
will judge, amen? But let me tell you something, when
I read my Bible, you must be baptized for the
remission of sins, understanding that. It is the truth of God,
it doesn’t make any difference how many, or how few believe it.” [Kip
McKean, Why Do You Resist the Spirit?, DPI Archive Cassette Series,
Tape # 4207, August 28, 1987. URL: http://rightcyberup.org/baptism.html#still.]
in support of this sectarian agenda, other Christian groups are typically
characterised as illegitimate "denominations" -- a term of rebuke
and even contempt in the ICOC system -- for such groups are viewed as
having been founded by men who put forward their own religious ideas in
given post-NT historical eras, taking man-made names for themselves; and
they currently walk in their founders' merely human traditions and so
follow current misleaders along paths to ruin; paths that run counter
to the "plain" and "simple" Word of God. [NB: The
obvious, regrettable divisions and polarisations in the church as a whole
are indeed in large part due to our sinful sectarian
divisiveness: Jn 20:20 - 23, 3 Jn 9 - 12. But unfortunately, the ICOC
is clearly
not immune to the same dynamics of envy and selfish ambition tied to stubborn
refusal to be corrected concerning doctrinal and lifestyle errors
rooted in inadequate Bible
Study approaches, and in failure to follow sound principles of spiritual
nurture (Ac. 15:10 - 11, Titus 1:5 - 3:11, 2 Peter 2:1 - 22) and promotion
of leaders (1 Tim 3:1 - 4:16).]
through this polarisation, members of the movement are alienated from
some of those who would be best positioned to help them, and should they
feel a need to escape from the ever-mounting legalistic demands of the
ICOC's style of discipleship, they are inappropriately programmed -- i.e.
indoctrinated -- to be prejudiced
against reasonable alternatives for a church home and pastoral leadership,
especially those outside the pale of the tradition that teaches what could
be termed, for want of a better term: "five-step baptismal regenerationism
traceable to the Campbell-led restorationist movement of the 1810's- 20's
instance, the introduction to the Acts Study series, an older, once secret
form of the First Principles (at least in the Caribbean), sets out to
give guidelines for "studying with non-Christians" [p.2]; but
then, shortly thereafter, it indicates that the ICOC member should ask
such non-Christians: "1)
When did they [sic] become a Christian? 2) How were they [sic]
saved?" [p. 5] This obviously deceptive approach exploits a
difference between the usual understanding of the term "Christian"
and the ICOC's sectarian
use of the term. Orwellian double-talk, in short. Clearly,
such hidden agenda, sheep-stealing sectarian tactics do not speak well
of the ICOC, and lead to a systemic pattern of deception and manipulation
of the unwary -- exactly the pattern that, long observed and warned against
by despised and often derided critics of the movement, has now become
a matter of unimpeachable, extensive public record thanks to whistleblowers
from within. [Cf. the Reveal.org and
Rightcyberup sites for details.]
in effect, the ICOC movement rejects without serious consideration the
combined testimony of many millions of believers in Christ over the past
20 centuries -- a testimony that cuts across the various baptismal teachings
and practices in our varied traditions that have emerged across time.
Namely, the record is: that those of us who repentantly trust Christ have
within them the inner witness of the Spirit -- through God's grace and
his gift of faith, which empowers us to so respond in repentance, surrender
and trust to the crucified and risen Christ -- that we are children of
God, liberated from the power of sin and further empowered to walk in
those good works that God has laid out in advance for us to do as
he works to fill all things with Christ and thus bring all things
back from the chaotic consequences of sinful rebellion to godly, harmonious
order under the headship of Christ. [Ac. 10:43, Rom 4:4 - 5, 8:15, Eph
1:11 - 15, 2:8 - 10, & Jn 7:37 - 39; in light of Ac 10:43 - 47, 11:14
- 18, 15:7 - 11 & Eph 1:9 - 11, 17 - 23, 4:9 - 24. NB from Matt 3:15,
we can see that baptism in water -- the New Covenant's public act of confession
of faith in the crucified, risen Christ, and of covenant with this same
Christ and his church under his global
mission -- is one of these "good works." In light of the
Cornelius case of Ac 10, 11, 15, we can further see that there is
significant merit in and a sound biblical basis for the classical summary
that baptism is "an outward and visible sign of an inner and spiritual
are many of the leaders, members and even ex-members of the movement impressed
by the manifestly evident, easily observable, heavily documented and morally
certain fact that many of these millions have in fact
lived transformed lives as disciples of Jesus that plainly show the
glory of God shining through our all-too-cracked pots of clay, overflowing
in living streams of love, truth, purity and power -- gloriously shining
from the Spirit within. [2 Cor 4:1 - 7, Jn 7:37 - 39. NB: This exclusivist
sectarianism alone is more than sufficient to show that something
is very seriously wrong with the ICOC, for if one cannot discern and accept
the Spirit's evident work in the lives and service of millions across
20 centuries, including several leading or prominent figures in world
history and on the contemporary scene, one is in grave spiritual danger:
Mt. 12:22 - 36, esp. 30 - 32; Lk. 11:14 - 36, esp. 33 - 36; Jn 3:1 - 8;
1 Thess. 5:19 - 22.]
a systematic lack of discernment and aversion to manifest truth is troubling
indeed, given the Apostle John's remarks in 1 Jn 1:5 - 7 and his report
of Jesus' words in Jn 3:14 - 21:
is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is
light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship
with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the
truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we
have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son,
purifies us from all sin.
as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must
be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal
life. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world,
but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not
condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already
because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.
This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved
darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone
who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light
for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever
lives by the truth [cf. 2 Cor 4:1 - 2, 10:4 - 5] comes
into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has
done has been done through God."
The ICOC's root "Discipling
the legalistic, "faith plus works" sectarian spiritual gateway
opened by the First Principles Studies and associated Bible Talks, public
outreach events and one-on-one intensive study sessions, new recruits
in the ICOC are soon enmeshed in an abusive, high-demand
"24/7" religious sub-culture; which typically causes them
to burn out within several years. This is unsurprising, in light of
Peter's remarks in Ac 15:10 - 11, which are well worth repeating here:
"10 Now then, why do you try to test God by putting on the necks
of the [Gentile] disciples a [legalistic] yoke that neither we [Jewish
disciples] nor our fathers have been able to bear? 11 No! We believe
it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as
they are."
amplifies these remarks, showing the impotence of legalistic attempts
to be righteous, and contrasting the overflowing power of the Spirit
who dwells within one who has trusted Christ [cf. Jn 7:37 - 39]:
7:21 So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is
right there with me. 22 For in my inner being I delight in God's
law; 23 but I see another law at work in the members of my body,
waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of
the law of sin at work within my members. 24 What a wretched man
I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? 25 Thanks be to
God--through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself in my mind
am a slave to God's law, but in the sinful nature a slave to the
law of sin. RO 8:1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those
who are in Christ Jesus, 2 because through Christ Jesus the law
of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.
3 For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by
the sinful nature, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness
of sinful man to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in sinful
man, 4 in order that the righteous requirements of the law might
be fully met in us, who do not live according to the sinful nature
but according to the Spirit. [NB: Cf. 13:8 - 10 for how love overflowing
from the Spirit within [5:1 - 8, cf. Jn 7:37 - 39] fulfills whatever
moral duties the law may require in those who, being justified by
faith, have found peace with God.]
is, thus, no surprise to see that observation and sad experience in the
Caribbean since the mid-1980's, especially on the campuses of the UWI,
has shown that as a rule new members of the system typically reach a pitch
of frustration that triggers burnout within several years. But, if people
drop out of the ICOC because of such burnout; while still being in thralldom
to the doctrinal system, they feel that they are abandoning Christ --
for they have been taught that to leave the ICOC system, the "one
True Church," is in effect to apostasise from Christ and abandon
the path of discipleship:
'. .
. And then they [people who leave the church] go, and they say, "I'm
just leaving the International Church of Christ. I'm not leaving God."
Let me tell you something: when you leave God's church you leave God.'
[Kip McKean, "The Kingdom of God," Jubilee 2000: Even Greater Things,
Kingdom News Network (KNN), January 2001, Vol. 2, Los Angeles, (videotaped
November 11, 2000). URL: http://rightcyberup.org/exclusivity.html#leaving]
the lives of such despairing former members often then fall apart: morally,
sexually, studies, career, relationships with families and others, and
more. This is,quite often, then held up before remaining "disciples,"
as a further proof of the correctness of the One True Church mentality.
[In fact, it only reflects the learned helplessness that has programmed
the victims of the ICOC
control system to depend on the hierarchy rather than build their
own personal relationship with God as mature
disciples who are able to accurately
study and live by the Word of God, thus stand up, decide and act for
themselves in the face of the pressures of a sin-blighted world that we
are to be in, but not of [Jn 17:9 - 19], and where we serve Christ as
members of his body, the spiritual organism [1 Cor 12: - 31 & Eph
4:9 - 24] that works through the overflowing power of the Spirit to help
fill the world with God's
grace and glory.]
A Better Alternative:
there is hope. For, those who are able to spot the key
Bible study fallacies, doctrinal errors and manipulative
devices in the ICOC teachings they have been indoctrinated with --
especially baptismal regenerationism and the "we
are the One True Church" legalistic, abusive
discipleship mentality -- are quite often able to find help from mature
Christians who are not bound up in these sectarian teachings,thence they
find a solid church home in a more balanced environment, and so they thrive.
one case, for instance, a former victim of the ICOC system, whom I counselled
in the late 1980s, recently graduated as Valedictorian at JTS-CGST, the
leading Evangelical Seminary in the Caribbean. In another case, a student
who went back home to her pastor in rural Jamaica in 1986/7 was able to
break out of the system and has managed to build a sound, solid life as
a Christian; I acknowledge a debt of gratitude to this student and her
pastor, who provided respectively the key documentation of the Acts/First
Principles Studies and the key case in the Acts for breaking the doctrinal
bondage. There are many other examples in point.
considerations mean that baptismal regenerationism, a main focus for this
set of notes, is -- as Rightcyberup
argues -- central to our concerns regarding the ICOC's abusive discipleship
system, and so it becomes a must-tackle:
. . .
why should we tackle this contentious issue -- an issue over which which
Christians have disagreed for centuries? We can’t ignore the issue of
baptism when discussing the ICC for at least a few reasons:
Baptism doctrine is central to ICC exclusivity claims. Since much
of the organization’s claim to being "special" rests on its interpretation
of baptism, we must look at this central doctrine. If the ICC’s baptism
doctrine seems less sound on closer inspection, then the ICC’s claim
to being the “one true church” is also unsound.
Baptism doctrine drastically affects the worldview of current ICC
members. Many members become frustrated by the ICC's dynamics,
but then say, "where else can I go?" Some dissatisfied members may
remain in the ICC just because they don’t feel there are any other
groups that share their “biblical” view of baptism. By considering
less restrictive (but theologically valid) doctrines, these people
can for the first time find the psychological freedom to consider
leaving the ICC.
Baptism can become not only a theological issue, but a recovery issue
for former ICC members. Former members who have rejected other
ICC doctrines or practices may still feel "stuck" regarding the ICC’s
baptism teachings. They may continue to doubt the salvation of anyone
outside the ICC and to mistrust Christian fellowship offered by non-ICC
members -- largely over the issue of baptism. They may have difficulty
reconciling their family’s religious beliefs with their own. Former
members may bounce around, never finding a church they are happy with,
in part because they can't find one that shares the ICC's view of
baptism. (Or perhaps they discover that mainline Churches of Christ
have similar baptism teachings, but prefer not to worship there for
one reason or another). These situations can actually deprive individuals
of the "freedom of choice" to choose Christianity after leaving the
movement, or feed nagging doubts that maybe the ICC was right, after
WAY FORWARD: In light of the above concerns and reasons, the materials
below are therefore first of all offered with the prayer that they will
help you, the reader, to form a more balanced view of the teachings and
tactics you may have become exposed to, in the hope that through God's
grace, you will be able to find a way to a more
healthy form of Christian faith and discipleship under the Mission
of the church. Beyond that, the below is also a call to the leaders
and members of the ICOC to take this time of crisis -- triggered through
the courageous public exposure of long-standing and systemic abuse by
Kriete and others (Thank you, Gentlemen, for thus confirming what
many have tried to warn of over the past ~ 20+ years!) -- as an opportunity
for profound repentance, personal and institutional renewal and reformation
towards a sounder theology and praxis, by turning from sectarian divisiveness
[cf. Jn 17:20 - 23], Scripture twisting [Cf. 2 Tim 2:15, 2 Peter 3:15
- 18] and arrogance [Cf. 3 Jn 9 - 12], and then turning to a truer praxis
of the Christian life and witness; through the truth in love, purity and
the power of God's Spirit [cf. Col. 3:1 - 17]. In the Name of Jesus,
What follows is,
necessarily, in parts somewhat involved. Two brief notes are in order,
given certain rhetorical tactics unfortunately all too commonly used
by ICOC advocates:
If it's not 'simple,' it's not of God: Those tempted to assert that
since the below is not at all points on a very simple level (but compare
and here, also here),
it cannot be of God should pause and see where such thinking leads,
if applied to the very Apostles themselves, given the warning in 2 Peter
3:15 - 18:
15 Bear
in mind that our Lord's patience means salvation, just as our dear
brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. 16
He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these
matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand,
which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures,
to their own destruction. 17 Therefore, dear friends, since you already
know this, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by
the error of lawless men and fall from your secure position. 18 But
grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.
2] See, it's
all lies put out by those who don't know what they are talking about:
Given that minor errors are probably inevitable in any work of this
nature -- NB: warranted corrections
welcomed -- please beware of the ICOC's standard tendency to take
minor defects in a materially sound critique, then use them to deride
and dismiss the whole as a tissue of fabrications, and to mischaracterise
those who raise such questions as demonically motivated, often hypocritical,
persecutors of God's One
True Church. [NOTE: You may also find the slide show on straight
thinking and the grading sheet for "straight
or spin" news, views and expositions in the media and other
contexts helpful.] The fallacious distraction from material issues/concerns,
question-begging and tendency to ad hominem accusation rather than dialogue
[cf. 2 Tim. 2:24 - 26] involved in such tactics should be manifest to
The ICC way
of dealing with criticism is to find anything whatsoever that can
be construed as untrue. It helps if there is any slight error - maybe
a minor doctrine got phrased a little wrong or the wrong leader's
name was mentioned. Whatever it is, the key is to find anything presumably
wrong and then to dismiss the whole argument as slander and lies.
The main issues are not typically taken into consideration. The ICC
instills this mindset to avoid such criticisms. [Stumpk, URL: http://www.reveal.org/library/psych/stumpk.html#poisoning.]
May you all
find grace through Christ to serve God in this world, and beyond. --Gordon.
Notes on the ICOC's Abusive, Sectarian Discipleship System
INTRODUCTION: While it is technically not a cult, the International-/
Kingston-/ Bridgetown-/ BOSTON Churches of Christ (ICOC) movement is typical
of a number of sects that have sprung up in North America and that pose a serious challenge to Christians in
the Caribbean region. As such we think Christians in the Caribbean should know about this group.
the 1970's - 1980's there was a split
in the Non-Instrumentalist Churches of Christ in the USA, focused on issues related to "discipleship,"
as practised in what was termed the Crossroads Movement. The Kingston and Bridgetown COCs are daughter churches of the
Boston Church, which during the 1980's became a/the leading church in this breakaway
COC movement. In turn, the various Churches of Christ derive from a movement
led by Alexander Campbell in the 1810's - 20's on, which sought to restore
authentic new Testament Christianity, escaping from the man-made traditions
that have so wrenched and polarised the church across the ages. [NB: In
the literature, the movement is often called the Campbellite Movement
or even Campbellite Baptists. Some find the term offensive, but so far
I have yet to be informed by such of a better, historically accurate term
-- and Restorationism
(as discussed above) is too broad. Apologies for offense, and you
are invited to provide a reasonable alternative.]
Across time, especially among Non-Instrumentalists in the Southern United
States, a focus developed on baptism as the gateway to forgiveness for
one who hears the gospel, believes it, repents, confesses Christ as Lord
and is baptised; with some arguing that only if one is baptised to thereby
become forgiven will one in fact be saved. (This is quite problematic
in light of the case of Cornelius in Ac 10, 11, 15, and direct teachings
such as ROM 1:16 - 5:2, Jn 3:14 - 18, 5:24, 17:3, etc. More details below.)
The movement -- as the above suggests -- eventually became a cluster
of related groups: the Disciples of Christ (in Jamaica, now part of the
United Church of Jamaica and Grand Cayman), the Instrumentalist COC's,
the Non-Instrumentalist COC's, and the International COC's. This last
is the focus of our concerns in these notes.
ICOC movement's leaders and members often see it as effectively tantamount
to being the One True Church. For example after touring Barbados, the KCOC's leaders viewed their then prospective
Barbadian daughter church as: "the bridge by which the gospel . .
. will reach Barbados". [KCOC Bulletin, March 6, 1988.] ( There have been churches in Barbados since 1627, including other Churches of Christ. One
of these is by the roadside on the way from Bridgetown to Cave Hill, where
the local university Campus is, i.e. a likely major focus for ICOC evangelistic
Christians "lack commitment", and are "following traditions
of men rather than the word of God," especially as regards how one
becomes saved -- the classic Sinner's
Prayer is derided and dismissed (even though such a prayer often explicitly
focuses on four of the five points of the ICOC scheme of conversion: hearing
the gospel and, through being convicted by the Spirit, repentantly trusting
the risen Christ as Lord and Saviour, cf. 1 Jn 5:9 - 15; and even though
in the vast majority of Bible-believing churches, would be followed by
new converts' classes, baptism and church membership). This is because
it is taught in the ICOC that one must be baptised to thereby become
forgiven by Christ, or one is not yet saved -- unfortunately, ignoring
explicit NT teachings such as Jn 3:14 - 18, 5:24, 17:3; Ac 10:43 - 47,
11:14 - 18, 15:7 - 11, 16;30 - 31; ROM 1:16 - 5:2; Eph 1:11 - 14, 2;8
- 10, etc.
one often sees materially misleading accusations that other churches and/or
Christian leaders substitute the sinner's prayer for
(and thus fail to teach) "baptism" -- i.e. they are viewed as
robbing others of the opportunity for salvation because they (for
good reason!) reject the specifically Campbellite doctrine of five-step
baptismal regenerationism.
has too often been morphed from a transformed,
renewed, Spirit-filled lifestyle of love, truth, purity and service under
the teachings of Christ, as we live in but not of the world; into
a legalistic, high-pressure demand to be engaged in ICOC proselytising,
meetings and related activities on a near- 24/7 basis, or else one's commitment
and salvation are open to challenge.
net result is that within several years, the typical new member burns
out, and often finds him- or her- self alienated from family, friends,
and other Christians outside the ICOC's sectarian system who might be
able to help, and is reduced to desperation under the
teaching that to leave the ICOC system is to apostasise from Christ.
who leave because of such burnout often do not do well at all, their lives
falling apart. But those who realise that they have been enmeshed in an
abusive, legalistic, high-demand religious sect, and see through the salvation-by-faith-plus-works
scheme of legalistic bondage are often able to find release through re-learning
to trust Christ for forgiveness and to walk in the renewing power of his
Spirit -- these often thrive, especially if they find solid fellowship
in a mature, Bible-believing congregation led by a pastor who understands
the special needs of former members of such sects. (Unfortunately, such
pastoral leadership is rarer in the Caribbean than we would desire. So,
one purpose of these notes is to provide briefing materials that can help
pastors and other church and youth fellowship leaders who are called on
to minister to people being targetted for recruitment into the ICOC, or
those in recovery.)
of course, we are getting ahead of ourselves: at the beginning, all of
this is hidden from new prospects, who are surrounded by a sea of the
smiling faces of new friends who exert every effort to be nice (they have
done courses in this!) and who extol the lifestyle of "discipleship"
and the wonderful fellowship provided through their ICOC congregation;
one that -- unlike tradition-bound religious denominations -- goes
by the Word of God only.
and echoing the words of the Acts Study Series [an early form of the First
Principles] they challenge such prospective recruits to "go by the
Word of God only, not by traditions, feelings, the words of religious
leaders, etc." However, this is due to a simplistic shunting aside
the subtle points that:
Few people know enough of the Bible to recognise a slanted selection
of verses. [The ICOC does, in fact, use such a selection to teach their
doctrines, especially the now notorious First
Principles studies. Cf Anderson's
falls within the Crossroads tradition, which derives from the Non-instrumentalist
Churches of Christ, thence the Campbellite Movement dating to the 1810's
- 20's in the United States of America. In the proper sense of the
term, it is a denomination -- or even a sectarian splinter-group (given
its tendency to view itself as in effect the One
True Church and to dismiss even other Churches of Christ).
Specifically, it follows the teaching of leaders ranging from Thomas
and Alexander Campbell (The Campbellite Restorationist movement, 1810's-
20's on) through John McGarvey (who wrote an 1863
Commentary on Acts --cf. below -- that is still held in high regard
by many in the COC tradition) to Chuck Lucas of the Gainesville, FL,
Crossroads church; to Kip McKean who was one of Lucas' protégés.
In particular, we can see throughout the global ICOC system, the control
exerted by McKean's discipleship strategies, teachings and hierarchical,
command and control-oriented leadership structures, so that the
ICOC constitutes an identifiable Denomination/splinter-group with an
identifiable principal founder who stands in the broader Campbellite
movement- inspired doctrinal tradition -- regardless of the often quite
angry insistence that such a term is inapplicable to the "one true
church" which seeks only to be identified with the name of Christ
and simply studies the Bible as a basis for faith and praxis.
The underlying theme is: "We speak where the Bible speaks; and
are silent where the Bible is silent" -- a well-known COC distinctive
claim. However, the phrase quietly glides over the frequently observed
de-emphasis on the authority of the OT. [To illustrate: why the Non-Instrument
stress in many COC's, including the ICOC for many years, for instance?
ANS: So-called "mechanical music" in worship is highlighted
in say Psalm 150, but because the eight NT texts that do mention music
in worship do not happen to mention the use of instruments, many in
the Campbellite movement have inferred that to use such instruments
in worship is a sin! The fallacy: legalistically arguing from silence
in the face of a wider context that shows that God approves of such
instruments in worship, stands starkly exposed. The contrast to say
2 Tim 3:13 - 17, in which Paul exhorts Timothy to remain true to the
Scriptures he learned from his Jewish mother and grandmother -- i.e.
the Old Testament -- is all too highly telling.]
So, since we can identify traces of a specific doctrinal and ecclesiological
evolution deriving from specific leaders and their particular readings
of biblical texts, thus associated, often idiosyncratic sectarian teachings
and practices -- i.e. traditions -- it is fair and appropriate
comment to point out that, despite emphatic claims to the contrary,
the ICOC's leaders and
members do not "go by the Word of God only." In fact,
they are following a specific, unfortunately legalistic and abusive,
tradition of Bible interpretation and praxis. Sadly, in the case of
the ICOC it is notoriously one that has done much harm to many naive
and idealistic seekers and ill-informed Christians over the years since
the late 1970's, recruits who fell victim to loaded
selections of Bible verses and out of context arguments from those verses.
(NB: By sharp contrast, we highlight one within the broad Church of
Christ Tradition who is highly regarded in evangelical circles and a
widely read Christian Author, Max Lucado of Oak Hills COC. He and his
congregation are a shining exemplar within the Campbellite heritage,
of the opposite of the sectarian spirit we have just addressed.)
As will be discussed below, this failure to properly follow
the Word of God through sound Bible study includes the baptismal
regeneration teachings highlighted in the First Principles studies.
These unsound
studies are the gateway into the sectarian system, and serve in
particular to polarise members of the ICOC against outsiders to the
system -- making them all the more vulnerable to manipulation and abuse.
(NB: Back in the 80's the existence of these structured studies was
a secret -- the deceitful pretense was that people were simply reading
the Bible and seeing in it teachings that were so obvious that even
"a nine year old boy"/third grader could see them for himself!
On this last manipulative point, we should contrast the remarks of Peter,
in 2 Peter 3:15 ff, regarding the teachings of the Apostle Paul!)
ICOC's understanding of how one becomes forgiven is often sub-biblical.
In a "typical"
view, unless one is baptised in order to thereby become forgiven,
he has not been properly baptised, and is thus still in his sins. This
dismisses the experience and claims of most other Christians, whose witness
is that "whoever believes in [Jesus] should not perish but have eternal
life." [Jn. 3: 16.]
It also
ignores the natural sense of major passages such as Acts 10:38 - 48, 11:1
- 18, 15:6 - 11, ROM 1:16 - 5:2, Eph 1:11 - 14 & 2:1 - 10, etc.
topic, however, is highly involved, and so will be explored in more detail,
in the Appendix just below. Also, Rightcyberup
has a discussion that
many will find helpful.
mentioned above, the ICOC is widely viewed, based on a considerable body
of evidence -- and now public confessions by leaders such as Henry
Kriete -- as being extremely manipulative, a group that often uses
selections of Bible verses and powerful psycho-social forces similar
to those used in so-called "multilevel"
marketing schemes to control prospects and members. For instance,
prospects are often drawn in by attractive "young" people, and
are invited to do one-to-one Bible studies. In these studies, loaded selections
of verses are used to persuade them that they are not yet saved, and must
be baptised for the "right" reason.
members are then assigned Disciple-/Prayer- Partners (DP's) who exert
control over nearly all aspects of their lives, ranging from study
habits to "the duration of kisses on a date." [Carlene Hill,
Christianity Today, Feb. 19, 1988.] If the new member conforms unquestioningly, all
is well. If not, subtle then blatant pressures - "shunning"
- are brought to bear.
stress on conformity is so pronounced that Dr. Flavil Yeakley, a Church of Christ researcher, as a result of tests done on Boston Church members in 1985, warned of "an alarming movement among [new] members
toward a similar personality type," indicating "a dangerous
emphasis on conformity which could potentially lead to severe psychological
damage." [Daniel Terris, Boston Globe Magazine, June 8, 1986.] Later, in The
Discipling Dilemma, he summed up concerns and made proposals within
the general ambit of COC theology.
the pattern of conformity and pressure is the threat that to leave the
ICOC is to leave God. Those who do leave often become bitter towards Christianity
in general. Other details could be added, but space does not permit. [Check
the SCFSU for comprehensive documentation; cf. below.]
Before you accept invitations to meetings or Bible Studies, insist that
those who invite you identify their affiliations and beliefs.
Do not change significant commitments, beliefs or practices without first
hearing out both sides of the case. If you are not well-grounded in the
Bible, consult professional advisors.
Be alert to the all-too-real possibilities for twisting Bible verses,
emotional manipulation, and using money to buy your friendship.
Guard those who look to you for spiritual leadership. [Acts 20: 26 - 35.]
5. Pray for those caught up in error, and seek to help them.
Finally, many of us, out of fear, laziness and rebellion, have failed
to "Go and make disciples . . . baptising . . . and teaching them
to obey [Jesus]." [Matt. 28:18 - 20.] Let us repent and let us go
out and obey our mandate.
following may be obtained from the SCFSU, 1
Gordon Town Road,
Kingston 6, Jamaica. Also consult (a) Dealing with Destructive Cults,
McManus and Cooper, Zondervan; (b) Scripture Twisting, James Sire,
IVP, (c) the Reveal.org and Rightcyberup.org
web sites, and (d) the other URLs mentioned below.
The Study of The Book of Acts, Boston Church of Christ. [Doctrine.] Once secret in Jamaica, this is now essentially
what is the First
Principles and is available online in that form. (Or, perhaps,
the Jimmy Rodgers-led BCOC team in Jamaica in 1986 - 88/9 re-labelled
the studies for use in the Caribbean?) Anderson has presented a critique
of the manipulation involved. Rightcyberup
has developed a powerful rebuttal
to the baptismal regeneration teaching: URL: http://rightcyberup.org/baptism.html.
Bible Talk Information, KCOC. [Recruitment tactics.]
BCOC Bulletin, Jan. 4, 1987. [Outlines world plan, based on a hierarchical, hub-and
spoke architecture for a global network of churches centring on Boston.
The KCOC was envisioned as the sub-hub congregation for the Caribbean's
"Come All Ye Faithful," Daniel Terris. Boston Globe Magazine. June 8, 1986. [Investigative report published in the city where
McKean's system had its first great success. Also mentions findings from
the initial Yeakley 1985 study.] Since then, on May 17, 2003, the same
newspaper published a page A1 article: "A Christian Community Falters,"
available at: http://www.boston.com/dailyglobe2/137/metro/A_Christian_community_falters+.shtml.
(NB: In our post-modern times, given the tendency to distort or suppress
material truth in the cause of advancing sometimes questionable agendas,
we should carefully assess all such news reports; a suggested framework
is here.)
KCOC Bulletin, March 6, 1988. [Movement statistics, report on preliminary trip
to Barbados
in which the claim is made that the Bridgetown COC would be "the
bridge" by which the gospel would reach Barbados, notwithstanding
churches having been there since 1627, including other Churches of Christ.]
"Boston Church of Christ Grows Amid Controversy," Carlene Hill, Christianity
Today, Feb. 19, 1988.
Basic Information on the Boston/Kingston Church of Christ System,
Gordon Mullings [unpublished, compiled from information gathered in 1985
- 88; deposited with JTS-CGST, UTCWI Libraries and SCFSU].
The Reveal.org web site is maintained by ex-ICOC members and I
have found it to be quite accurate and balanced, as well as comprehensive.
URL http://www.reveal.org. Similarly,
Rightcyberup.org hosts some excellent
resources. URL: http://rightcyberup.org/.
There is an online forum on the ICOC hosted through the Delphi Forums, with many hundreds or even thousands of discussion
threads; this may be found at URL: http://forums.delphiforums.com/ICCdiscussion/.
I have particularly participated in the Interminable Baptism Threads,
from June 2003 on.
At Reveal.org, Chris Lee has posted a presentation
on justification that complements the notes below quite admirably.
So does the Rightcyberup
analysis of the ICOC teaching on water baptism.
11. The
control mechanisms and scripture abuse issues are well addressed
by, respectively, (a) Stumpk: http://www.reveal.org/library/psych/stumpk.html,
(b) Anderson: http://www.reveal.org/library/theology/dandersn.html.
Flavil Yeakley, a Church of Christ Researcher who was initially sympathetic
to the BCOC undertook psychological and theological studies starting in
the 1980's, and has published The Discipling Dilemma: http://churches-of-christ.org/archive/The_Discipling_Dilemma/.
The One True Church concept is addressed in http://rightcyberup.org/exclusivity.html.
13. The
Henry Kriete letter is of enormous significance: http://www.reveal.org/library/stories/people/hkriete.htm.
14. The
Historical roots of the ICOC are addressed in an online version
of a Thesis, by Paden: http://www.reveal.org/library/history/paden.html.
More General Resources: The Bible Study on Justification in this
site and the primer on Bible Study are also
useful, as is the discussion on straight
thinking (slide show) and that
on sectarianism. The assessment
grid for straight or spin in media and
other presentations will also be helpful. Since one alternative often
chosen by those who leave the ICOC is theological liberalism, it would
be good to look at the Modernism/Fundamentalism
debate and the evolution of theology
since the C18. So would a discussion
on the existence of God and the problem of evil as a key cluster of
philosophical issues.
A more balanced discipleship alternative: You may wish to look at
the materials in the Personal Evangelism course,
the ABCD follow-up primer,
the short
course on evangelistic meetings and the draft book on reformation,
Why Not Now?
on Proof-Texts and questionable Discipleship Practices
INTRODUCTION: The International/Boston/Crossroads breakaway
Non-Instrumentalist Church of Christ Movement grows out of what is commonly
termed the Campbellite Restorationist movement, in the form of the Non-Instrumentalist
Churches of Christ tradition and therefore stresses immersion as a necessary
"fifth step" to become forgiven (after: hearing the gospel,
believing it, repenting and confessing Jesus as Lord, in that order).
So strong is this emphasis on water baptism to thereby become forgiven,
that the ICOC sharply attacks the classic Sinner's Prayer, because it
is based on justification by
faith, even though four of the five steps highlighted by the ICOC
are expressed in typical forms of the prayer; for instance we may briefly
look at the biblical context for the
Rightcyberup discussion of the form popularised by Bill Bright's Campus
I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins
[believe in the crucified and risen Christ, having heard
the gospel, ROM 10:17 & 1 Cor 15:1 - 11, cf. Ac 10:39 - 43].
I open the door of my life and receive
You as my Savior and Lord [confess and call on
the name of Jesus as risen, alive, reigning Lord and Saviour,
cf. ROM 10:8 - 13 & Acts 4:9 - 12, 9:1 - 9]. Thank
You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control
of the throne of my life. Make me the kind of person you want me to
be [repent, cf. Acts 10:43 - 47 & 11:14 -
18, esp. 10:43 & 11:18; also, invite the indwelling, transforming
presence of the Spirit that leads to a life of sanctified discipleship:
Jn 7:37 - 39 & Eph.1 :11 - 14, Col. 3:1 - 17, Titus 2:11 - 14,
etc.; note 1 Jn 5:9 - 15 for confidence that biblically justified
prayers are answered]. [Adapted, Rightcyberup
web page on baptism's discussion of the ICOC objection to the Sinner's
the leadership of Kip McKean, and given the Restorationist stress on replicating
what they perceive to be vital NT church structures and teachings today
(as is seen in the "Non-Instrument" stress), and evidently through
what has to be termed a misreading and mis-application of Evangelical
Theologian Robert Coleman's Master Plan of Evangelism, mingled
with pyramid scheme-like multilevel
marketing techniques, it has unfortunately also come to insist on
an extreme and abusively manipulative, legalistic, works-oriented form
of "Discipleship" as part of the practical requirements to gain
(and, maintain!) one's status of salvation.
this light, even though a degree of disapproval is inevitable, and will
come out even from simply listing demonstrated facts, it is appropriate
for us to seek to follow Paul's instruction:
Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone,
able to teach, not resentful. Those who oppose him he must gently
instruct, in the hope that God
will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth,
and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of
the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will. [2 Tim 2: 24
- 26.]
us proceed in this spirit, and with this hope and prayer.
so doing, we will focus on the doctrine
of justification as it is taught in the ICOC, i.e. Campbellite five-step
baptismal regenerationism: one must hear the NT message [as taught in
the ICOC], believe it, repent, confess Jesus as Lord, and be baptised
to thereby access forgiveness, to thereby provisionally/probationarily
enter salvation. (There is a highly legalistic form of Arminianism, manifested
in the repeated baptism of members who fall into sin, apparently it may
not have "taken" the first time around. One recalls even seeing
in KCOC bulletins, the names of known, prominent, long-standing members,
who are listed in one and the same weekly bulletin as being baptised that
week and also leading Bible Talk/study groups to be held that week!)
too, since most of the rest of the Christian world does not hew to these
teachings, the
ICOC party-line is that they are not really saved and the various
churches are illegitimate "Denominations" rather than true movements
of God; naming themselves after their founders, and following traditions
of these men and the later religious leaders so established, or else people
are merely following their personal religious feelings, rather
than the Word of God only.
those who find themselves enmeshed in abusive high-demand, legalistic
distortions of discipleship
through the ICOC movement, are alienated from many possible places of
refuge and suspicious of people who could help them. Further to this,
they are taught that to leave the ICOC system is to leave the One True
church thus to apostasise from Christ. The resulting plight and desperation
can easily be imagined -- or simply
read for oneself in the Delphi Forum or other places where online
discussions on the ICOC are hosted. The Reveal.org
site is especially helpful.
to this, if we are to break the stranglehold of this distorted teaching,
we need to first set justification straight, so that people may gain confidence
to go get the help they need. With that noted, let us now proceed, starting
with the NT teaching on justification.
Texts on Justification
translates Heb. and Gk. forensic terms meaning: a Judge's action to
acquit or pronounce righteous, the opposite of his action to convict and
condemn. [Cf. Dt. 25:1, Pr. 17:15, ROM 8:33.]
the New Bible Dictionary goes on to say of Paul: "His synonyms for
'justify' are 'reckon righteousness','remit sins', 'not reckon sin' (see
ROM 4:5-8, RV) -- phrases expressing the idea, not of inner transformation,
but of conferring a legal status and cancelling a legal liability.
Justification, to Paul, is a judgement passed on man, not a work wrought
within man. The two things go together, no doubt, but they are distinct."
we consider texts and arguments on "how to be saved", then,
our focus is not on the further aspects of salvation, such as sanctification
and glorification, but rather on God's first step of pronouncing righteous
"those who have faith in Jesus," and thus forgiving guilty sinners
and sending His Spirit to dwell within and begin the process of transformation
that leads to a life that flows over in ever-growing streams of love,
truth, purity and power. [ROM 3:26, cf. 4:4 - 8, 4:18 - 5:2. Also, Jn 7:37 - 39; Acts 10:43 - 48, 11:14 - 18, 15:7 - 11; Eph. 1:11
- 14, 2:8 - 10, 4:9 - 24; ROM 8:9 - 17; Gal 3:1 - 5; Titus 2:11 - 14;
1 Jn 1:5 - 2:6, 3:1 - 3, 5:1 - 21.]
1.1 The Case of
case actually settles the issue of justification:
it is by grace alone through faith alone that then overflows in good
works [Eph 2:8 - 10, ROM 4:4 - 5, Jn 3;14 - 18, 5:24, 17:3, cf. Ac
10:43 - 47, 11:14 - 18, 15:7 - 11]; but we will also need to point out
just how Acts 2:38, 22:16; ROM 6:3 - 4, 10:9 - 13; Gal 3:27; Titus 3:5;
1 Peter 3:21 and John 3:5 are unfortunately misread by many in the ICOC
tradition. But, to do so, we must first positively establish the
case that justification/forgiveness is by God's grace through repentant
faith. This is what the case of Cornelius does, through a concrete example
backed up by direct statements of the C1 Apostles in Council.
is worth beginning with a citation of the relevant texts:
Ac 10:43
[Peter, in Ceasarea, to Cornelius et al:] " . . . All
the prophets testify about him [Jesus the crucified and risen, v. 39
- 41] that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of
sins through his name."44 While Peter was still speaking
these words, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message. 45 The
circumcised believers . . . were astonished that the gift of the Holy
Spirit had been poured out even on the Gentiles . . . 47 [Peter:]"Can
anyone keep these people from being baptized with water? They
[Gentiles] have received the Holy Spirit [CF Eph 1:11 - 14, ROM 8:9
- 17, Jn 7:37 - 39] just as we [Jewish believers] have."
Ac 11:
15 - 18: [Peter, back in Jerusalem, to the Apostles and other Jewish
believers [cf. vv. 1 - 3]:] "15 As I began to speak [to Cornelius and
co.], the Holy Spirit came on them as he had on us. 16 Then I remembered
what the Lord had said, 'John baptised with water, but you will be baptised
with the Holy Spirit.' 17 So if God gave
them [Gentiles] the same gift [of the Holy Spirit, cf. 10:43 - 47] as
he gave us [Jews], who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I
to think that I could oppose God?" 18 When they [the
Apostles and other Jewish believers, cf. vv 1 - 3] heard this, they
had no further objections and praised God, saying, "So
then, God has granted even the
Gentiles repentance unto [=EIS,
as with the "for" in Ac 2:38] [eternal, cf. Jn 3;14 - 18, 36, 5:24,
17:3] life."
Ac 15:
7 [In Council in Jerusalem, on the legitimacy of Paul's teaching, ~
AD 49:] After much discussion, Peter got up and addressed them: "Brothers,
you know that some time ago God made a choice
among you that the Gentiles might hear from my lips the
message of the gospel and believe.8 God, who knows the heart [1
Sam. 16:7], showed that he accepted them by giving the Holy Spirit to
them, just as he did to us. 9 He made no distinction between us [Jews]
and them [Gentiles], for he purified their hearts by faith.10
Now then, why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of the
disciples a yoke that neither we nor our fathers have been able to bear?11
No! We believe it is through the grace of our
Lord Jesus that we are saved [cf. Eph. 2:8 - 10], just as they are."
and remarks follow:
1. Given
Ac 11:19 - 21 & 8:4 - 17, 26 - 40,
on a preliminary point: while Cornelius' case forced the general Church
leadership to accept that "God has granted even the Gentiles repentance
unto life." [Ac 11:18], one cannot prove that Cornelius was the first Gentile saved. There
is thus no basis for the "first, and thus exceptional"
argument that is presented by some ICOC leaders. [Why isn't the
first TYPICAL? Indeed, given Ac 15:7 - 9, Cornelius' case
is clearly not exceptional -- but rather typical or even representative
-- in regards to God's plan, given: "He made no distinction . .
2. Ac
10:34 - 48. From 43, Peter preaches: "everyone
who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name."
Just then, the Spirit is poured out on the listeners, who have heard
and believed (cf. ROM 10:17, Eph 1:11 - 14). This outpouring forces the Jewish believers to recognise that
they received the Spirit just as Jewish believers had -- never mind
that they had neither been circumcised nor as yet baptised. On the strength
of this receiving of the seal of God that guarantees inheritance of
the kingdom as a co-heir with Christ [Eph. 1:13 - 14], they proceeded
to baptise these Gentiles (47, 48), accepting that God has given them
"repentance unto [eternal] life." (11:15 - 18) In Spirit-led Council (15:28), Peter's decisive input was: "God
made a choice among you that the Gentiles might hear from my lips the
message of the gospel and believe. God, who knows the heart, SHOWED
THAT HE ACCEPTED them BY giving the Holy Spirit to them, JUST AS he
FOR HE PURIFIED THEIR HEARTS [i.e. from sin] BY FAITH. [15:7 -
9, NB 10 - 11; emphasised. Cf. the close parallels with Eph 1:11 - 14
& 2:8 - 10; i.e. over a decade later, Paul was citing Peter's Spirit-inspired
statement in the Council.]
3. Thus,
the universal basis for forgiveness/justification and the receiving
of eternal life is repentant faith that trusts God who justifies the
wicked [cf. ROM 4:4 - 5 & # 4 just below!], and the Cornelius case
forced the early church to accept this. In fact, the observable
outpouring and overflow from within of the Spirit was God's outward
& visible sign and proof of an inner & spiritual grace: the
giving/receiving of repentant faith, issuing in forgiveness/justification
and eternal life. So undeniable was the impact that it forced the clearly
reluctant church's hand. [Cf. ROM 8:9 - 16, Eph 1:11 - 14, Jn 7:37 - 39.] If, then, the ICOC system cannot pass the Cornelius Test,
it is unfortunately gross heresy . . . rejecting those God has shown
that he accepts by having given the Spirit to them so that they overflow
from within in streams of living water: love, truth, purity and power.
[Cf. Jn 7:37 - 39 & 17:3, 20 - 23, Ac 10:43 - 48, 11:17 - 18,
15:7 - 9, ROM 8:9 - 17, Eph 1:11 - 14.]
4. But, ICOC champions will as a rule try to rebut: "first,
and so exceptional," or else they use a version of the J W Mc Garvey
argument that God poured out his Spirit on these believers in Jesus
without having yet forgiven them [cf. Jn 7:37 - 39, ROM 8:9 - 17 &
Eph 1:11 - 14!], then they rush on to a favourite proof text.
Even so, the biblical position is clear: it is faith which releases
justification, not immersion in water.
Sometimes, the mere citing of these texts is not enough, as it is argued
(directly or indirectly following J W McGarvey's 1863 commentary) that
the pouring out of the Spirit/receiving of the Spirit by Cornelius and
the others was not a sign of their having been forgiven/accepted/justified
by God. Such debaters -- and Jefferson once all too aptly defined debate
as the wicked art that makes the worse appear the better case -- should
consider the following passages carefully:
In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the
plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose
of his will, in order that we, who were the first to hope in Christ,
might be for the praise of his glory. AND YOU ALSO WERE INCLUDED IN
OF HIS GLORY. [Eph 1:11 - 14, cf. Num. 11:24 - 29, Joel 2:28 - 32,
Acts 1:4 - 8, 2:1 - 4, 13 - 21, 31 - 39.]
' Jesus stood [in the Temple at the Feast of Tabernacles] and said
in a loud voice, "[Phase Ia:] If anyone is thirsty, let him come
to me and DRINK. [Phase Ib:] WHOEVER BELIEVES IN ME, as the Scripture
has said, [Phase III:] streams of living water will FLOW FROM [Phase
II:] WITHIN HIM." By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who
believed in him WERE LATER TO RECEIVE. Up to that time the
Spirit had not yet been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorified."
[Jn 7:37 - 39, cf. Ac 2:1 - 4, 17 - 21, 29 - 39.] '
NB: This text outlines the basic biblical theology of receiving
and manifesting the Spirit in the New Covenant, post-passion era:
I: (a) thirsting and (b) drinking/believing -->
II: The Spirit is now within [cf. Eph 1:11 - 14, ROM 8:9 - 17]
III: The Spirit overflows from within, in streams of living water:
love [ROM 5:1 - 8, 1 Cor 12;31 - 13:7], truth [Jn 16:13 - 15,
Eph. 4:11 - 16, 1 Jn 1:5 -7 [cf. Jn 3:19 - 21!], 2:18 - 27], purity
[Gal. 5:13 - 26, cf. Col. 3:1 - 17 & Titus 2:11 - 14, with
2 Peter 2:1 - 22], power [Acts 1:4 - 8, 1 Cor 12:7 - 11, NB
13:8 - 14:5]
[Peter, at Pentecost:] "God has raised this Jesus , and we are
all witnesses of the fact. Exalted to the right hand of God, he has
received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit and has poured
out what you now see and hear [cf. vv. 1 - 4]. . . . let all Israel
be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both
Lord and Christ . . . . The promise is for you and your children
and for all who are far off -- for all whom the Lord our God will
call." [Ac 2:31 - 39.]
In these we may see several key points:
- Explicitly, (a) it is having BELIEVED that the disciples were sealed
with the Spirit. [Cf. Ac 10:43 - 44, 11:18, 15:7 - 9 as discussed
above.] And, that, in the context of Jesus' proclamation (b) that
those who believed in him were to have streams of living water flowing
from within, due to the Spirit that they were to receive after his
glorification. As Peter proclaimed at Pentecost, (c) the promise was
then operative: "In the last days, God says, I will pour out
my Spirit on all people . . . and EVERYONE who calls on the name
of the Lord [cf. ROM 10:8 - 13, & note below] will be saved."
[Ac 2:17 - 21, cf. Joel 2:28 - 32.]
- Thus, the focus of the gospel, as Romans 4:5 so eloquently argues,
is faith: "trusting God who justifies the wicked" -- not
to be confused with simply believing that there is one God, or even
that he has sent and raised up Jesus as Saviour and Lord [Jas. 2:18
- 19 & Eph. 2:8 - 10]. Note the explicit statement concerning
one who so trusts God that immediately follows: "his faith is
credited as righteousness."
- This is why Paul was so controversial: he argued that no-one could
keep the righteous requirements of the law of God, so God accepts
trust in him as if it were the missing righteousness [Jesus having
paid the penalty!], then pours out the Spirit who dwells within and
overflows as he works to transform us across time through growth in
- The seal of such faith and deposit guaranteeing inheritance is:
(a, b & c) "the promised Holy Spirit." ROM 8:9 - 17,
excerpted, adds: ". . . if anyone does not (b) have the Spirit
of Christ, he does not belong to Christ . . . . you (b) received the
Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry 'Abba, Father.' The Spirit himself
testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. Now if we are
children, then we are heirs -- heirs of God and (a) co-heirs with
Christ . . ." (NB: In case someone needs it, the first clause
cited can be reversed using the logic of implication: NOT-A =>
NOT-B is equivalent to: B => A; Paul uses this in 1 Cor 15:12 -
24. So we may freely infer: "If one belongs to Christ, then (b)
he has the Spirit of Christ." And of course, this is the same
as the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God.)
- Indeed, in Acts 2:17 ff, Peter points out the defining characteristic
of the age of the gospel -- "in the last days, God says, I will
pour out my Spirit on all flesh." Then, in v. 21 he concludes:
"And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
- So also, we now see again why there was such a strong response to
the pouring out of the Spirit in Acts 10:45 - 48, 11:15 - 18, and
15:7 - 9: the gentiles, by receiving the Spirit even without being
circumcised [or baptised] were living proof that "it is by grace
you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves,
it is the gift of God-- not by works, so that no one can boast. For
we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works,
which God prepared in advance for us to do. " [Eph 2:8 - 10.
Especially note how works -- things we do -- are doubly distinguished
from faith: faith originates in God as a grace gift that we can only
decide to accept [or, reject], and are NOT to be identified with works.
But, good works flow out of us through the indwelling Spirit, as a
result of salvation. Baptism of course, from Matt 3:15, is such a
good work.]
- Further, these interventions by the Spirit can be amplified: the
Spirit convicts of sin and leads us to Christ [Jn 16:8 - 11]; He guides
us into all truth, revealing the things of God [vv 12 - 15];
it is the Spirit who empowers us to love: 'God has poured out
his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given
us" [ROM 5:5] ; it is by walking in the Spirit that we will not
fulfill the lusts of the sarx [sinful flesh] and will instead
receive power to carry out the righteousness that the law aims at
but we are otherwise powerless to perform: purity; it is the
Spirit who anoints us, giving us power in witness and service.
- [Here I must also note that in 1 Cor 1:17, Paul is so bold as to
observe, without qualification: "Christ did not send me
to baptise but to preach the gospel" -- a stunning contrast,
if baptism is as integral to justification, as the Campbellite 5-step
teaching on accessing forgiveness implies. While I have seen ICOC
advocates try to brush this Apostolic denial of their teaching aside,
they have never in my experience provided a satisfactory answer. Just
explain: could you see say Mr. Kip McKean declaring the above without
further elaborate explanation and qualification? Read the context:
Paul did just that!]
Further to these points, Acts 15:7 - 11 also shows how legalistic
doctrinal error tends to promote abusive discipleship practices and
hypocritical leadership, through creating a heavy yoke of "necessary
obligations" that no-one can in fact carry:
"God made a choice among you that the Gentiles might hear . .
. the gospel and BELIEVE. God, who knows the heart [cf. 1 Sam 16:7],
showED that he acceptED them BY giving the Spirit to them [Gentiles],
just as he did to us [Jews]. He MADE NO DISTINCTION between us and
you try to test God by putting on the necks of the disciples a yoke
that neither we nor they have been able to bear? No! We believe it
is by the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they
Acts 2:38 and Affirming the Consequent
is the key ICOC proof text: "What should we do?"
Peter replies: "Repent and be baptised . . . EIS
forgiveness . . . " [the '78 NIV
translates "so that your sins may be forgiven", but
the '84 reads
"for the forgiveness of your sins," reflecting the more
generic, context-sensitive nature of this Greek preposition as compared
with English ones -- itself a warning flag about freighting EIS here with
the weight the ICOC puts on it!].
a rule of "simplicity" -- "a nine year old boy could understand
. . ." -- ICOC leaders often understand this as follows:
(a) If one repents and is baptised, then his sins are forgiven [True,
as these would be SUFFICIENT for one to be forgiven, but cf. Ac 10:17
- 18 to see that repentance is EIS
eternal life!];
(b) Therefore, if your sins are forgiven, then you must have both
repented and been baptised [This is based on Affirming the Consequent,
a basic logical fallacy, as will be discussed in comment # 2 below.];
(c) The specific purpose of baptism, then, as the "fifth step"
of response to the gospel is to release forgiveness [Cf. Rightcyberup's
telling discussion of the
translation/interpretation of EIS; we will not elaborate below
as this is not directly relevant for the inductive study and logical
aspects of the case; besides, those in the ICOC system so
suspect outsiders that they will have difficulty accepting that
the proposed translations are legitimate, regardless of the qualifications
of the translators. instead in the below, we will reckon from the
sufficiency of obeying the Apostle's instructions to enjoy the fruits
of the promise: forgiveness and receiving the Spirit];
(d) If, therefore, one has not been immersed
to thereby become forgiven, he is not "Scripturally Baptised,"
and is not yet forgiven. [But also, cf. 1 Cor 1:17 for Paul's
"For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel"
-- words that would be strange indeed if baptism was in fact such
the fifth, culminating step of response to the gospel, the one that
specifically triggers forgiveness and the new birth! (Could you see
say Mr McKean saying that without a cluster of qualifications? And
yet, that is just what paul did in the cited text -- see for yourself.)]
This further implies that, with
but few exceptions, the ICOC movement thinks it comprises the One
True Church. Of course, the Boston Movement goes on to insist
that one must be involved under their system of "discipling,"
and leaders of the movement have declared that leaving
the system is tantamount to leaving God. [This claim to have cornered
the market on legitimacy as Christians, and on salvation, is one of
the surest warning-flags that the movement in question is on the wrong
track. just ask any expert on cults and otherdestrucrtive religious
Implication vs. Equivalence. An implication
argument argues: IF A, THEN B, or, A => B; which means "A being
true is sufficient for B to also be true," or equivalently, "for
A to be true, it is necessary for B to be true." (NB: We pronounce
A => B: "A implies B." For a related theological application
of the logic of implication, see here.)
- The equivalence argument, A <=>
B, by contrast -- and as its symbol suggests -- claims a double
implication: A => B AND B => A; that is, A being true is
"a necessary and sufficient condition" for B to be true.
- In 1 Cor 15:13 - 19, Paul uses implication to
correctly argue A => B => C => D etc.; but in fact,
NOT-B, so NOT-A (cf. v 13), and also there is thus no basis for
concluding C, D etc. Implication logic, an aspect of how
language/meaning works, is therefore clearly used by God as he
communicates with us: especially, to express the so-called conditional
promises of God. [Perhaps, too, it is wise to note here Peter's
remarks, in 2 Pet. 3:15 ff, on certain wise and inspired [cf.
2 Tim 3:13 - 17] teachings of Paul that are hard to understand.
For, he warns that the unstable and unlearned are prone to twist
these less obvious points, to their spiritual peril. Cf. Solomon's
very similar remarks in Prov. 1: 1 - 7, 20 - 33. In short, not
everything in the scriptures is obvious, being written at a third
grade level, as ICOC advocates are wont to claim.]
- For if we meet certain conditions God promises
to bless us in specific ways. [Cf. 2 Pet. 1:2 - 4; Jn 3:14 - 17,
5:24, 7:37 - 39, 17:3; ROM 4:5, 8:9 - 17; Eph 1:11 - 14, 2:8 -
10 etc.]
- Logic is thus not mere empty "worldly wisdom"--
which ICOC leaders are wont to say when pressed [cf. Col 2:3,
1 Cor 2:6 - 16, James 3:13 - 4:2] -- it must therefore be carefully
taken into account as we seek to correctly handle the Word of
Truth [2 Tim 2:15, 3:14 - 17].
2. Unfortunately,
the ICOC use of Ac 2:38 mistakes implication for
equivalence. Where P = "You have repented and been baptised"
and F = "you are forgiven," it argues: P => F; F is so;
therefore P (i.e. it argues that P => F entails F => P). To see
that in general P => F does NOT entail F => P, try P = "I
am a pig" and F= "I am an animal." [The specific
fallacy is Affirming the Consequent, and can be checked
in any standard work on Logic, e.g. Copi's deservedly famous Logic
3. Further,
Ac 2:38 actually is a command: Repent and be baptised. On the assumption
that a Spirit-led Apostle is telling the truth, we may infer P as a
compound proposition: P = "you have repented" (R) AND "You
have been baptised" (B). (Notice, I am NOT arguing based
on the disputed interpretation
of EIS, but from the general principle that those who obey God's
spokesmen receive God's promised blessings.) Thus, the argument in fuller
form reads:
AND B) => F. (That is, one who repents and is baptised will
be forgiven.)
formal logic (Truth Tables, or Boolean Algebra), it
can be shown that this proposition is equivalent to {(R=> F)
OR (B => F)}, where OR is the" Inclusive Or" (Latin:
VEL = and/or; not AUT [ which latter is "either/or, but not both"]).
simpler terms, Ac 2:38 is true if "repentance implies forgiveness"
or "baptism (in submission to Christ) implies forgiveness"
or both:
"(R AND B) => F" is EQUIVALENT TO "(R => F) AND/OR
(B => F)": RHS
See Technical Appendix below for details. But,
it can be seen intuitively, by noticing that the claimed implications
on both LH and RH sides of the equivalence would be overthrown by
the same event: if someone were to repent and be baptised but found
him-/her-self unforgiven, then the implications on the left and right
of the equivalence would both fail. This can be checked with a
Truth Table, which mechanically inserts cases into the relationship
then uses the properties of implication to assign T/F i.e. 1/0 values
to the expressions. Thank God, such a purely mechanical conditon will
never be met in reality, for he is so faithful to his promises that
no-one who comes to him in repentant faith will be cast out!]
4. In
Ac 3:19 Peter, in his next recorded sermon, affirms that the former
implication (R => F) is true [cf. 11:18, where repentance is EIS
(= unto) forgiveness of sins, directly parallel to 2:38], and given
that one who submits to the risen Christ's Lordship and obeys him in
water baptism thereby expresses his repentance and faith, the latter
implication (B => F) is also true. It is repentance which gives
meaning to baptism, in short. Otherwise:
one dry sinner + immersion = one wet sinner
5. Further,
since repentance (metanoia) denotes a change of attitude to one
which trusts and surrenders to God, who justifies the wicked [ROM 4:
4 - 8, Acts 20:21, Heb 6:1, 2], repentance implies faith (which
requires hearing and receiving God's word; ROM 10:17) and faith (trusting
God) implies repentance, that is, logically REPENTANCE <=>
FAITH. We may expand this by speaking of "repentant faith"
as contrasted with the "dead faith" of James 2:17; summing
up via Eph 2:8 - 10, we are saved by grace through faith, leading to
good works laid out in advance for us to do. Thus, when we see
that "everyone who believes in [Jesus] receives forgiveness of
sins through his name" [Ac 10:43; cf. 11:18 and 15:9], this is
simply consistent.
sum, Acts 2:38 fits into the general NT teaching: "For God so loved
the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in
him should [from "shall," i.e. far stronger than "will"!]
not perish but have [present and continuous state of possession!] eternal
life." [Jn 3:16; cf. 17:3, which explains: "this is eternal
life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom
you have sent." That is, eternal life denotes "a right
-- and intimate -- relationship with the Father through the Son."]
2:38, once the Affirming of the Consequent is ruled out as a fallacy --
and even ignoring the pertinent question of what
EIS means in that context -- therefore gives no grounds for Baptismal
1.3 Acts 22:16 -- The
Importance of Respecting Context and Language Forms
ICOC argues that the metaphor "wash your sins away" refers to
forgiveness occurring during immersion. However, a metaphor must
be understood in the light of its context and the common-sense, basic
rule of biblical Interpretation that: Scripture Clarifies Scripture, so
one understands the less clear or figurative by the more explicit or declarative.
1. In
the immediate context, vv 6 - 10, Paul encounters the risen Christ:
"Why are you persecuting me?" "Who are you, Lord?"
"I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you are persecuting."
"What shall I do, Lord?" "Get up . . . you will
be told all you have been assigned to do."
2. Thus,
on the road to Damascus, Paul is confronted by the risen Christ, repents
of his persecutions, confesses the risen Jesus of Nazareth as
his Lord, and is accepted and commissioned as a servant of Christ, which
clearly implies forgiveness. Comparing ROM 10:8 - 13, the condition
for salvation is: "if you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,'
and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will
be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified,
and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved."
Paul, as recorded in a letter from his own pen long before his speech
in Ac 22, met the conditions for justification, and was forgiven three
days [9:9] before his baptism in Damascus. (NB: compare Rightcyberup's
discussion, which argues that "wash" is coordinated with
"calling" on Christ in the Greek text. That is, the Greek
arguably supports a parallel with ROM 10, and it is at best questionable
to freight the text as the ICOC does. But, considering the audience
and its suspicions of anyone outside the system, it is best to leave
the translation issue to those who can profitably discuss such technicalities,
and focus on inductive
Bible study approaches.)
Therefore, we observe that "washing" in 22:16, even ignoring
the technical claims regarding translation, should not properly be read
as a reference to the point of justification. Rather, it more
naturally and contextually speaks of how Paul would bury and leave behind
his old "Egyptian" life in the (public) waters of baptism,
as he underwent an act of: (i) identification with Christ's burial and
resurrection, (ii) separation from the "Egypt" of the world,
and (iii) sanctification and consecration to Christ and his service,
as Paul points out in ROM 6:1 - 5 and 1 Cor 10: 1 - 3. Indeed,
so sharp was this shift that the Paul of only a few days before would
have immediately arrested such a Christian as he had now become.
For, on the Road to Damascus, he had met the risen Christ, turned from
persecuting him, surrendered in repentance and trust, and was now setting
out on a life that would serve him as Apostle to the nations. Thus,
the natural, contextually justified reading of Acts 22 is that Paul
was forgiven/justified on the Road to Damascus, three days before his
baptism, which marked a public confession of his new faith.
The ICOC error here, sadly but understandably, is to read into a metaphor
what their indoctrination makes them expect to see, rather than carefully
reading it in its proper context, against the backdrop of its specific
textual and general cultural setting, respecting the way in which it
uses language (esp. imagery).
ROM 6:3 - 4 (and Col 2:11 - 12) and Reading Carefully
views water baptism as a dying, being buried and rising, and sharply rejects
the view that the burial and resurrection in this text are a symbolic/dramatised
confession of faith.
1. ROM
6:3 - 4 actually reads: "Or don't you know that all of us who were
baptised into Christ Jesus were baptised into (EIS)
his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism
into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through
the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life." (Col.
2:11 - 12 also describes baptism as a burial, and so fits in here. NB
how in ROM 4:1 - 5:2, esp 4:9 - 17, Paul carefully separates the times
of faith/justification for Abraham as a paradigm example for justification,
and that of the covenant ritual that marks formal entry into the community
of covenant and faith. Also cf. Rightcyberup
2. This
passage clearly links baptism with death as a symbolic burial
and resurrection: baptism is clearly stated to be a burial (not
a crucifixion!); we are not physically dead when immersed, nor are we
under water for three days before rising out of it. And, as Rightcyberup
cites Beisner: "will those who believe it is an actual participation
also believe that verse 6 speaks of an actual crucifixion with Christ,
instead of a symbolic one?" (Rightcyberup also aptly observes that
the baptism EIS
Moses in 1 Cor 10:1 - 3, is plainly symbolic: those who were immersed
in that sea, drowned!)
3. Moreover,
there is a major context problem: ROM 1 - 5 is the main passage in the
Bible teaching justification by faith! It culminates in 5:1 -
2, which reads: "Therefore, since we have been justified through
faith [cf. 4:4 - 8, 3:21 - 26], we have peace with God through our Lord
Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this
grace in which we now stand. . ."
excerpting ROM 1:16 - 5:2, our theology for justification must first
of all accord with the following explicit, direct statements of the
principle of justification by faith:
am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for the salvation
of everyone who believes . . . in the gospel a righteousness from
God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last,
just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith."
[1:16 - 17] . . . . a righteousness
from God, apart from law, has been made known . . . This righteousness
from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe [3:21
- 22] . . . God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through
faith in his blood . . .So as to be just and the one who justifies
those who have faith in Jesus [3:25 - 26] . . . we
maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from observing the
law . . . there is only one God, who will justify the circumcised
by faith and the uncircumcised through that same faith [3;28 - 30]
. . . . If, in fact, Abraham was justified by works, he had something
to boast about -- but not before God. What does the Scripture say?
'Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness.'
[cf. Gen 15:6] Now when a man works, his wages are not credited to
him as a gift, but as an obligation.[Cf. 6:23!] However, to the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies
the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness
[4:2 - 5] . . . . Abraham's faith was credited as righteousness. Under
what circumstances was it credited? Was it after he was circumcised,
or before? It was not after but before! And he received the sign of
circumcision, a seal of the righteousness that he had by faith while
he was still uncircumcised. [Cf. Col 2:11 - 12] So then, he is the
father of all who believe but have not been circumcised, in order
that righteousness might be credited to them. And he is also the father
of the circumcised who not only are circumcised but who also walk
in the footsteps of the faith that our father Abraham had before he
was circumcised. [4:11 - 12] . . . . The
words 'it was credited to him' were written not for him alone, but
also for us, to whom God will credit righteousness -- for us who believe
him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. [Cf. ROM
10:8 - 13.] He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised
to life for our justification. Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have
peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have
gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And
we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God." [4:22
- 5:2.] "
is fair comment to observe that the above summarises a strong Scriptural
testimony/promise, consistent with Ac 10, 11, 15, that: trusting God
who justifies the wicked -- us! -- in Christ Jesus is a sufficient condition
for us to enjoy justification, thus peace with God and hope of glorification
in Christ.
this, we add the observation that Acts 10:43 - 48, 11:14 - 18 and 15:7
- 11, with Jn 7:37 - 39 and Eph 1:4 - 2:10 esp. 1:11 - 14 and 2:8 -
10 strongly indicate the timing of such justification: we are
forgiven when we trust Christ. For, with no distinction between
Jews and Gentiles, God purifies hearts by faith, and in the case of
Cornelius and co he demonstrated this visibly by pouring out the Spirit
in power so that these men began to praise God ands speak in tongues,
even while they had simply been listening to Peter as he preached that
"everyone who believes in [Christ the crucified and risen] receives
forgiveness of sins through his name."
4. So,
having settled justification by 1:16 - 5:2 (a long sustained argument
in which baptism and its cognates do not appear once [cf. 1 Cor 1:17])
Paul then turns to sanctification; as he stood accused of promoting
impure lifestyles. So, ROM 6:3 - 4 answers to vv 1 & 2: "Shall
we go on sinning, so that grace may increase? By no means, we
died to sin, how can we live in it any longer?" Clearly,
the question at stake is sanctification -- consecration to God, separation
from worldliness, growth in purity -- and Chs 7 & 8 carry the theme
on, through struggles with the enslaving power of sin to the liberating
power of the Holy Spirit, culminating with glorification in 8:29.
Thus, to read justification into 6:3 - 4 is to misread the stated question
at issue in the text.
ROM 10: 9 - 13 and "Calling on the Name of The Lord"
insists that, historically, one "calls on the name of the Lord"
(13) when one is baptised.
1. The
text reads: "the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all
who call on him, for, 'Everyone who calls on the name of the
Lord will be saved' [citing Joel 2:32, CF Ac 2:17 - 21]."
To "call on (the name of) the Lord" [NB how Paul views the
two phrasings as synonymous!], simply put, is to pray earnestly!
2. It
should also be noted that baptism is not in view in the text: as v 8
points out, "the word of faith" in the heart and mouth is.
While we do confess Christ and faith in him at baptism, this is not
the first moment our hearts and mouths possess and profess this faith!
[See the discussion of Acts 22:16 for Paul's own example.]
3. The
text's emphasis on calling on God, i.e. PRAYER, also challenges
the ICOC's tendency to deride and dismiss the Sinner's Prayer of contrition,
repentance and faith. While it is plainly true that Rev 3:20
is sometimes taken out of context in this situation (it refers to Jesus
being "locked out of" a local church), passages such as ROM
10:8 - 13, Heb 11:6 and 1 John 5:9 - 15 give abundant justification
for sinners to turn to Christ by (initially -- and naturally!) expressing
their repentance, faith and consecration in prayer. The last is particularly
5:13 I [John] write these things to you who believe in the name
of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.
[Cf. Jn 3:16, 5:24, 17:3, Acts 10:43 - 47 & 11:17 - 18]14
This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we
ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 15 And if we
know that he hears us--whatever we ask--we know that we have what
we asked of him.
Of course, given Mt 28:18 - 20, 1;15, and ROM 6:3 - 4, with Eph 2:8
- 10, it is a mark of obedient discipleship to go on to publicly confess
one's faith in Jesus as Lord and risen Saviour -- and commitment to
God and his people -- in the waters of baptism.
1.6 1 Peter 3:21 and "Baptism
text, as is cited by the BCOC's Acts Study [p. 8], "says that baptism
DOES save you through the resurrection of Christ." [This is an earlier
form of what is now the First Principles studies.]
1. The
context discusses how "God waited patiently in the days of Noah
while the Ark was being built. In it only a few people, eight
in all, were saved THROUGH water, and this water SYMBOLISES baptism
that now saves you also -- not the removal of dirt from the body but
the pledge of a good conscience toward God.
It saves you by the resurrection of Christ." [1 Pet. 3:20,
21, emphases added.] Thus, the context is explicitly symbolic
[NIV]/figurative [KJV], and it explicitly describes baptism as a PLEDGE.
We shall clarify the basis for that pledge, and develop the symbol.
NB: Arising from an online discussion in the Delphi Forums, on June
18, 2003 I was
informed [by Mr. Casey Perkins] that the NASB renders: "Corresponding
to that, baptism now saves you--not the removal of dirt from the flesh,
but an appeal to God for a good conscience--through the resurrection
of Jesus Christ." [Cf. http://bible.crosswalk.com/Lexicons/Greek/grk.cgi?number=1906&version=nas
for the NAS rendering, from which NASB derives.] Thus, it is reasonably
established that a small minority of respected versions renders the
Greek in a fashion that those of the ICOC tradition would regard as
sympathetic to their views. However, since the key term, EPEROTEMA,
is a hapax legomena which may mean: promise, answer or request
[UBS Dictionary, Appendix to the Nestle Aland Gk NT]; it is evident
that context controls interpretation and translation. NO KEY DOCTRINE
where there are relevant contextual factors such as are raised in the
points below.
2. The
first issue is how one's conscience is so cleansed that one can, in
baptism, make "the pledge of a good conscience toward God."
[NIV, reflecting the majority of English renderings.] And Peter
himself supplies the answer in Acts 10:43 and 15:9 -- "the prophets
testify about [Jesus] that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness
of sins through his name"; "he made no distinction between
us [Jews] and them [Gentiles], for he purified their hearts by faith."
As we saw above, God poured out his Spirit as a mark of this state of
forgiveness, and Cornelius and those with him were baptised in response
to this mark of God's forgiveness. [It must be repeated that these
two texts are explicitly universal: "everyone", and "he
made no distinction" allow no other fair interpretation.]
If one instead selects the minority rendering, it is still compatible
with justification being by faith. How so? Not only because of the great
weight of NT teachings as cited above, but also because baptism is a
public test of one's commitment of faith: one's willingness to obey
Jesus by being baptised -- sometimes, in the face of persecution --
manifests the sincerity of one's faith; thus, it can be viewed as an
appeal to God for a good conscience, in light of having submitted to
this good work that God requires. As ROM 4:5 states: "to
the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his
faith is credited as righteousness." Thus, by taking God
at his word and bearing in mind the test case of Cornelius, we see that
it is at the point of trusting God that we are forgiven; but such faith
naturally and conscientiously seeks to "fulfill all righteousness"
[Matt. 3:16], and therefore expresses itself in baptism.
3. The
case of Noah [cited by Peter in1 Peter 3:18 - 20, i.e. the immediate
context] is also enlightening. For, in Gen. 6:9, Noah is introduced
120 years before the flood: "Noah was a righteous man, blameless
among the people of his time, and he walked with God."
In 7:1, as God instructs Noah to enter the Ark, he says to him: "Go
into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you
righteous in this generation." Heb. 11:7 sums up: "By
faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built
an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world
and became heir of the righteousness that comes by faith."
4. Thus,
in light of these cited texts, the flood waters cannot properly be held
up as a symbol of justification; rather, Noah, being right with God
by faith, obeyed God and so was saved through the waters of judgement
in the Ark, a 450 foot, 120 year long expression of his faith, built
before the flood. Indeed, as Rev. Clinton Chisholm points out,
"those who were immersed, drowned" [the same fate which met
Pharaoh's army in the Red Sea, cf. 1 Cor 10:1 - 3]. Instead, being
buoyed up by faith, Noah was set apart from the disobedient, faithless
people of his day and was delivered from destruction. Thus, given
this context, baptism is to be linked with standing up with and for
God in obedient faith, being set apart -- i.e. sanctified --
for his purposes.
5. In
the text, Peter links baptism with Christ's resurrection. This
reflects the emphasis of ROM 6:4, "We were therefore buried with
him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised
from the dead . . . we too may live a new life." ROM 4:23
- 5:2 adds " '[Faith] was credited to [Abraham] as righteousness.'
The words 'it was credited to him' were written not for him alone, but
also for us, to whom God will credit righteousness -- for us who believe
in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. He was delivered
over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.
Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace
with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained
access by faith into this grace in which we now stand." Thus,
baptism is a dramatised confession of faith, an identification with
Christ in his death, burial and resurrection, and a commitment to a
new way of life (that is, an act of sanctification).
6. Rightcyberup's
remarks on the proper translation
are worth a look, though experience shows that such a linguistic-contextual
discussion is hardly likely to be decisive, except for one technically
competent in Greek.
sum, we see that it is the faith that trusts God who justifies the wicked
which releases God's forgiveness, not the water. Rather, water baptism
is an act that expresses this faith, dramatically states one's separation
from the ways of the world unto the Way of God, and declares commitment
to walk in a new way of life in the power of the risen Christ [Cf. Eph
1:17 - 23]. That is, it is and act of sanctification (Phase II salvation
in the triad: justification --> sanctification --> glorification)
-- i.e. of separation from the world and dedication to God and his purposes.
Titus 3:5, John 3:5 and the Washing of Rebirth
these texts, the Bible uses water imagery: "He saved us through the
washing of rebirth and [KAI -- "and" or "even"] renewal
by the Holy Spirit"; "no-one can enter the kingdom of God unless
he is born of water and [KAI] the Spirit." The inevitable ICOC
claim is that water imagery refers to baptism.
1. In
Titus 3:5, the text describes the regenerating work of the Spirit as
a "washing of rebirth and renewal." Thus, "washing"
refers to the Spirit's work of rebirth and renewal, not to any specific
mechanism for that rebirth. As we have seen from the critical
case of Cornelius, "God, who knows the heart, showed that he accepted
them by giving the Holy Spirit to them, just as he did to us.
He made no distinction between us and them, for he purified their hearts
by faith." [Acts 15:8, 9.] The mechanism of rebirth, in short,
is that God, who knows the heart [cf. 1 Sam 16:7!], forgives and gives
his Spirit to those who put their trust in Christ; it is the faith
which releases forgiveness, not the water. Cf. Eph. 1;11 - 14 on what
the significance of giving the Spirit is.
2. Again,
John 3:5 is metaphorical. Jesus first says " no-one can see
the kingdom of God unless he is born again" [v. 3]; in v. 4, Nicodemus
objects that a grown man clearly "cannot enter a second time into
his mother's womb to be born." In vv. 5 - 8, Jesus declares:
"no-one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water
and the Spirit";
(ii) "Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth
to spirit";
(iii) "The wind blows where it pleases. You hear its sound,
but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So
it is with everyone born of the Spirit."
3. Mystified,
Nicodemus replies: "How can this be?" The answer takes
up vv. 10 - 21, first marvelling at the lack of insight, then explaining:
"Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert [cf. Num. 21:4
- 9], so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes
in him may have eternal life [cf. Jn. 17:3]. For God so loved
the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in
him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send
his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through
him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does
not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in
the name of God's one and only Son." Again, it is faith
which releases forgiveness, not water.
4. The
celebrated case of the thief on the cross and others such as the woman
caught in the act of adultery, simply reinforce this point. Moreover,
the ICOC cannot consistently both use Jn 3:5 to argue baptismal regeneration
and then turn around to protest that such cases were "before the
declaration of Acts 2:38." The tense used by Jesus above
is PRESENT, so if rebirth requires immersion in water, then Jesus contradicted
himself in such cases. Of course, obviously, the true answer is
that it is faith which releases forgiveness and renewal of heart, not
Gal. 3:27 and Clothing Oneself with Christ
verse states: "for all of you who were baptised into Christ have
clothed yourself with Christ." The ICOC argument, is as one
would expect. However, the actual text of vv. 26 and 27 paints a
very different picture: "You are all Sons of God through faith
in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptised into Christ have
clothed yourself with Christ." By omitting the immediately preceding
verse, a false impression has been created. (Similarly, when we look at
Gal 3:1 - 3, we see that one receives the Spirit by the hearing of faith,
a telling text when read in parallel with Eph. 1:11 - 14, which highlights
the significance of having the Spirit: He is the deposit guaranteeing
our inheritance of the Kingdom as CO-heirs with Christ.)
for the sake of argument, the point that "baptised," a Greek
word spelled with English letters, may well be better rendered "placed"
here, as many Scholars argue, the text is in a context that specifically
declares that it is faith, not water which is the critical issue.
As the case of Cornelius and company, and many explicit biblical statements
such as Gal 3:26 plainly state, it is faith which releases adoption as
sons of God; not contact with water.
UP: We can now
sum up the case. Classically, salvation is summarised in three main
aspects -- better, phases: justification (salvation from the penalty of
sin), sanctification (salvation from sin's enslaving power and habits),
glorification (final salvation from the presence of sin). [These
phases can be seen most explicitly in Romans: (i) ROM 3:19 - 5:2
-- Justification; (ii) ROM 6:1 - 8:17 -- Sanctification; (iii) ROM 8:18
- 39 -- Glorification [cf. 1 Jn 2:28 - 3:3; Rev. 21: 1 - 8].
we have seen repeatedly above, the true NT teaching is that justification
is by God's grace through faith "unto [NOT by!] good works"
[Eph 2:8 - 10]; baptism's place is that it is an act of faith, a dramatised
confession of that faith and a public mark of commitment and consecration
to God, his purposes and his people, the church.
is the faith which releases God's forgiveness, not the water, as the case
of Cornelius so clearly proves; it has thus been no surprise to see that
attempts to teach otherwise invariably are tainted by basic mistakes in
interpretation, such as we have seen.
Discipleship vs. Abuse
Lord's Great Commission reads: "All authority . . . has been given
to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising
. . . and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
[Matt. 28: 18 - 20.]
we are mandated to call people from all nations to submit to the Lordship
of Christ, filling all of life with his fulness [Eph 1:17 - 23, 4:9 -
16.] Each person is to surrender to Christ, identify with him and
his church in the waters of baptism, and to grow in obedience to him as
he/she is trained as a disciple of Christ.
in the modern church, this mandate has often been neglected so that many
who profess Christ have hardly been transformed from within by his Spirit
and are instead squeezed into a worldly mould. It is hardly surprising,
then, to note the stinging relevance of Paul's rebuke: "You are still
worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarrelling among you,
are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere men?"
[1 Cor 3: 3 and ROM 12:2.]
extremes provoke extreme reactions, so it is no surprise to note that
many unbalanced, abusive forms of "discipleship" have popped
up in recent times. Within the Charismatic Movement, for instance,
the Shepherding and Maranatha sub-movements at one time were notorious
for abuse. Fortunately, in both cases, the major leaders have acknowledged
and turned from their errors and excesses, for quite some years now.
(Sometimes, the Cult-Watch literature has not kept up to date with such
developments, a tardiness that is to be regretted and should be corrected.)
the ICOC movement has built up a track record of abuse and unwillingness
to acknowledge and turn from excesses, at least since the early 1980's.
Specifically (but with no attempt to fully document -- see various other
sources for such details, e.g. http://www.reveal.org
1. Recruitment
targets members of other churches. For instance, in the Acts Study,
p. 2 begins with the heading "Studying with non-Christians"
and yet on p. 5, one is instructed: "Need to know the person's
background. Ask two questions. 1) When did they [sic] become a Christian?
2) How were they [sic] saved?" This exploits
a difference between the usual understanding of the term "Christian"
and the ICOC's sectarian
use of the term. Double-talk, in short. Clearly, such
hidden agenda tactics lead to a pattern of deception and manipulation
of the unwary.
2. The
befriending, Bible Talks and One-on-One studies exploit the naïveté,
social needs and ignorance of prospects. That is, the "friendliness"
is designed to pull in the lonely or disoriented and isolate them from
their family, and from other friends and religious leaders; it is switched
off as soon as one asks too many questions or is resistant in any way.
The Bible Studies -- as many others will confirm -- are both misleading
and designed to indoctrinate the unwary.
3. The
ICOC's teachings are only given out, layer by layer like an onion, to
those who are willing to accept them without question. Public
Bible Talks deal with innocuous topics, and members are warned: "Do
not get into baptism discussions," which are reserved for the one-on-one
sessions. In these sessions, if one shows independence, one is
soon cut off. Indeed, it took from 1985 to 1987 in Jamaica to
obtain documentation of the teachings, due both to concealment and to
direct refusal by top leaders of direct requests for such materials
for evaluation. (The documentation originally came mainly from
ex-members; we have been told that it is only possible to properly understand
them under the guidance of an ICOC leader, sharply contrasting with
1 Jn 2:18 - 27. But now, the First
Principles can be accessed online, as can Anderson's
telling critical assessment.)
4. One's
life and thought are controlled by leaders. A Christian must
be an obedient disciple, and one's ICOC-derived leaders hold that this
requires detailed confession of sins to the leaders (without their respecting
confidentiality), consultation with them about all significant decisions,
and unquestioning loyalty and obedience to the church's hierarchy, starting
with the assigned Discipleship Partner. [Apparently, this is based on
reading of Heb 13:17: since disciples should obey Biblical requirements
(as the leaders view them!) without question, the ICOC originally baldly
taught that this text "must" relate to leaders' discretionary
authority to make rules covering things the Bible does not speak to.
Now, this has been made more subtle, but to much the same effect: http://www.reveal.org/library/psych/stumpk.html#authority.]
Any independence of thought, action or relationship with God is crushed.
Such dependency sets the context for high-pressure, high-demand abusive
discipleship; in a context where it is evident that members
are also taught (explicitly or by implication) that to leave the ICOC
is to apostasise from Christ, and that to read critical materials
is to indulge in spiritual pornography.
5. Psycho-social
intimidation is also extensively used as a control lever. For
instance, those who begin to question teachings or practices soon find
themselves "shunned," members are encouraged to report on
one another to the leaders, and some have been forced to confess their
sins before the congregation in lurid, step by step detail. Finally,
since to leave the ICOC movement is viewed as apostasy from Christ,
those who do leave are often burned out and alienated from Christ.
Thus, one has little or no refuge within the system from the high-pressure
tactics of the leaders.
6. Eventually,
after a few years, most members can no longer endure the pressure, burn
out and leave. At this stage, exit counselling and restoration
are difficult and there is often a high failure rate. Usually,
the best that can be done is to offer unconditional love and prayer
in a supportive Church environment. In such a context, the imbalances,
errors and exploitation can be exposed and corrected, and emotional
healing can begin.
of this could easily turn us against even the word "Discipleship."
This must not be: while extremes do provoke extremes, the
point of balance is the true opposite to all extremes. For, discipleship
needs neither be neglected nor abusive. Love, humility, leadership
by example, careful use of the Scriptures, integrity and a stress on helping
each disciple follow and grow under the leadership, example and Lordship
of Christ are effective correctives.
extension of Jesus' warning about wolves in sheep's clothing [Matt. 7:15
- 23; cf. Jn. 10:1 - 15 and Ezekiel 34] will serve well to keep us out
of abusive situations. Sometimes, wolves wear sheep's clothing,
but they may also hide in shepherd's clothing; inside, however, they are
always the same: "ferocious wolves." Thus, be on your
guard against spiritual [mis-]leaders whose ways ["fruit"] are
wolfish: self-centred, crafty, money-grubbing, lustful, deceptive, power-hungry,
abusive and exploiting -- the wolf cares for his own appetites, not for
the sheep.
particular, beware of those who subtly try to isolate you from your family,
good (morally upright and uplifting) friends and spiritual leaders you
have learned to respect:
Let us therefore learn from the mistakes
of others and go on to work under our Lord's mandate to disciple the nations.
As we do so, the world, and its individual families and communities will
more and more be filled with the fulness of Christ. And that is
the purpose of the church.
the Logic of Acts 2:38 (& Mark 16:16)
INTRODUCTION: Baptismal regenerationists, such as those of the
ICOC, often argue that Acts 2:38 means that unless one repents and is
baptised, then one cannot be forgiven of one's sins. In this note I have
argued that this is based on a misreading of the logic of implication,
and that the case of Cornelius provides further empirical demonstration
of that error, as it is a case -- accepted by the church as typical of
how hearts are purified from sin by faith, ever since the Spirit-led Jerusalem
Council of AD 48 - 49.
do I think so?
because I believe that since many biblical promises are of the form IF
P, then Q, the logic of implication is directly relevant to understanding
and applying the promises of God in our lives.
since the Spirit of Christ who spoke through Peter is the Spirit of him
"in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge"
[Col 2:3], and since it is the same Spirit who inspired Paul to very powerfully
use the logic of implication in 1 Cor 15:12 - 24; then I take it that
some of those treasures include the logic of implication.
this is accepted, then the results shown below follow. (I have used symbols
to work it out, but in principle it can be done "in plain language"
though not as clearly and directly. For, that is the nature of symbolic
reasoning. Please note: the symbolic logic used below is the basis for
the modern computer technology you are using to view this web page --
I take this as strong evidence that in practice you consider the mathematics
to be sound.)
us now turn to the actual logic:
Deriving the Logic of Acts 2:38
the context is:
"let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus,
whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ" When the people heard
this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter . . . "Brothers,
what shall we do?"
replied, "Repent and be baptised, every one of you, in the name
of Jesus Christ for [EIS]
the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the
Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all
who are far off-- even as many as the Lord our God will call."
[Ac 2:36 - 39.]
may infer a propositional, symbolic form of the statement; based on modern
mathematical logic and the theory of proof, thusly:
Peter, a Spirit-inspired Apostle, instructs that those who respond to
the gospel should (R) repent and (B) be baptised. If they do so, they
will (F) be forgiven.
An obedient person will enjoy the fruit of his/her obedience, so we
may infer that repentance and faith are SUFFICIENT for forgiveness:
a person repents and is baptised, THEN he/she will be forgiven."
That is, once one hears and heeds Peter's words, s/he would repentantly
trust Jesus as Lord and Saviour, and would seal that commitment in the
waters of baptism. Such a person would be saved. (Note: here, we are
NOT depending on the precise
meaning of EIS in this context, but on the general basis for blessings
under God: hearing and heeding his Word through faith: cf. Heb 11:1
- 6, 1 Jn 5:13 - 15, etc..)
Thus, we may immediately and properly infer an implication [i.e. IF
. . . THEN . . .] statement from Peter's command, on the concept that
obedience leads to blessing. In short, we can recognise IF we repent
and are baptised in water, THEN we would be forgiven -- i.e. a statement
of a sufficient condition -- as a verbal form of an equivalent symbolic
proposition. (Notice, this is inferred from the circumstances of the
command given, not the fine points of the translation of the statement.
That is, the IF-THEN is a proposition, not a translation. The proposition
is entailed by the Apostle's response to those who asked him what they
were to do as people guilty of contributing to the murder of the long-awaited
Messiah. [NB: It is helpful to contrast these circumstances to those
in Ac 16:29 - 33, where the Philippian Gaoler asked "What must
I do to be saved?"])
Symbolically, the proposition may be represented as:
AND B) => F.
This symbolic form is identical in meaning to the preceding verbal
form [from which it was derived], but allows an easy manipulation
using principles of Mathematical logic. The
required mathematics is accessible to anyone who has done A Level
Mathematics or the equivalent. This UK-derived course would be generally
comparable to the level of serious first year courses in Math in a
4-year North American style degree programme. You may make reference
to Copi's Logic, or even Bostock & Chandler's A Level
Mathematics text for the Core A Level course and/or their Further
Pure Maths text, which gives a rather nice discussion. If you
have done a first course in Digital Electronics or in the Logic of
Computing, the maths should be quite familiar, especially De Morgan's
Theorem; which we used to use in the bad old days of TTL ICs to reduce
AND-OR-NOT gate logic circuits to NAND chips -- which were cheaper
and faster due to the electronics involved. If you use a computer,
a Calculator, a digital cell phone, an ATM machine, an MP3 Player,
or a PDA etc, you are relying on the soundness of the Maths used below.
(a) Paul uses the logic
of implication explicitly, with a so-called Modus Tollens
argument, in 1 Cor 15:12 - 24 (of course without modern symbols);
and (b) Jesus himself uses the Modus Ponens in Matt 22:41 -
46 -- so this is not just "worldly wisdom." But rather,
logic is deeply embedded in how language caries meaning by making
distinctions between ideas -- indeed, the root word for "Logic"
in Greek is the word for "word," LOGOS, and it is further
rooted in LEG, which speaks of making a choice or distinction: cf.
Paul's discussion in 1 Cor 14:7 - 12 on the centrality of having a
distinct intelligible meaning as a basis for communicating and mutual
edification. Logic and the often
derided law of non-Contradiction, are at the heart of coherently
and safely understanding and living in the real world -- e.g. "That
onrushing car is both there and not there, since the law of Contradiction
is just Aristotelian linear, black and white thinking, so I can ignore
that blaring horn." Then: CRUNCH!
those who for theological reasons wish to deny the applicability of
formal logical reasoning to biblical questions but are willing to
use PCs, Cell phones and other digital equipmentin their daily life
and work, should therefore take second thoughts on how their lives
belie their words: 1 Jn 1:5 - 7. As a starter for those thoughts,
consider the implications of the biblical teachings that: (1) Jesus
embraces "all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" and
that (2) by His Spirit, who "searches all things, even the deep
things of God . . . that we may understand what God has freely given
us"; we thus (3) have access to "the mind of Christ."
[See Col 2:3, 1 Cor 2:10, 12, & 16.])
But does this also immediately entail that repentance and baptism are
necessary conditions for forgiveness? No, on two grounds. First, in
logic -- a key aspect of how language works -- it can be shown that
a statement of form (R AND B) => F is NOT equivalent to one of form
F => (R AND B).
For, to make this error of reversing an implication is to commit the
FALLACY called
Affirming the
Consequent. This is best seen by e.g.: "If Tom is a
cat, then Tom is an animal" is obvious, but does not at
all lead us to: "Tom is an animal, so Tom must be a cat."
But, to think that P => Q is the same as Q => P is quite common,
as we often confuse implication with equivalence. In the example cited,
Tom could be one of the iguana lizards or agoutis that live in or around
my neighbourhood! {A general definition and discussion of "fallacies"
as counterfeit arguments that often persuade but fail to give us good
grounds for trusting them is here.}
That is, in short, it would NOT be proper to think that the logic of
(R AND B) => F is equivalent to that of F => (R AND B), which
would have to be separately shown: that is, baptismal regenerationists
have to show on separate grounds that UNLESS one repents and is baptised
(R AND B), then s/he cannot be forgiven (F). Assumptions and assertions
are not enough.
But, already, as we have seen above, such an
attempt runs head on into the case of Cornelius and co., which is an
empirical refutation of this proposed reversal of the implication (R
AND B) => F. For, Cornelius et al received the Spirit before they
were baptised, with all the implications highlighted in Eph.1:11 - 14,
ROM 8:9 - 17, and Jn 7:37 - 39. From the key passages in Acts and the
Epistles and Gospels, we can see that:
anyone may receive the Spirit and be forgiven of sins by repentantly
believing in Jesus the Crucified and risen one [Ac 10:43 - 47 &
15:7 - 9, ROM 10:8 - 13; cf. ROM 4:5 for the definition of such
faith; & James 2:17 - 19 for the kind of empty "belief
that" which is NOT meant here. But also note that from Eph
2:8 - 10, such faith is a grace-gift from God and leads to a life
of good works. Such activities express faith but are not
to be equated with the inner attitude that repentantly "trusts
God who justifies the wicked" -- i.e. us. One of those good
works, of course, is to follow our Lord in fulfilling all righteousness
[Matt. 3:15] through the waters of baptism. ]
repentance is EIS [eternal] life [Ac 11:18; cf. 2:38 for a parallel
EIS so if repentance and baptism are sufficient for forgiveness,
then repentance is sufficient for eternal life. Of course, repentance
is METANOIA: the mind-change required if we are to "trust God
who justifies the wicked." Repentance and faith come together
as two sides of the same coin.]
God, who knows the heart (and needs no external sign, cf. 1 Sam
16:7 & Mk 2:8) showed that he accepted these believers by giving
the Spirit to them "just as" he had done with Jewish believers;
as soon as they simply heard about and believed in Jesus the crucified
and risen Saviour. [Ac 15:7 - 8, cf. 10:34 - 47.]
God thus purified the hearts of Cornelius and co "by faith"
and saved them by grace. [Ac 15:9 - 11, cf. Eph 1:11 - 14 &
2:8 - 10 for Paul's direct parallel.] )
10) So,
it would not be correct to infer from Acts 2:38 that IF a person is
forgiven THEN s/he must have both repented and been baptised. On the
contrary, the case of Cornelius and co, and the testimony of many millions
since over the past 20 centuries who overflow from within in living
streams of love, truth, purity and power [cf. Jn 7:37 - 39], gives us
every reason to be confident that Baptismal Regeneration is a doctrinal
What Does Acts 2:38 actually Imply?
will now first show mathematically that the proper logical equivalency
AND B] => F} <=> {(R => F) AND/OR (B => F)} . . . .
Eqn 1
R = "one has repented", B = "one has been baptised",
F = "one has been forgiven" and the logical symbols bear their
usual meanings. This equivalence can be seen intuitively, by noticing
that the claimed implications on both sides of the equivalence sign would
be overthrown by the same event: if someone were to repent and be baptised
but found him-/herself unforgiven -- something that will not happen in
the real world, because God is faithful to his promises. This equivalency
in logic can be checked with a Truth Table, which mechanically inserts
cases into the relationship then uses the properties of implication to
assign T/F values to the expressions. It will show that the LHS and RHS
are true/false under the same mechanically inserted conditions, i.e. they
are equivalent. Of course, the biblical model of how we are saved will
forbid certain of the mechanically imposed states in the resulting logical
truth table, e.g. that where R = 0, B = 0, but F = 1, or that where R
= 1, B = 1, but F = 0; where 1 and 0 have the usual meanings, True and
do the derivation, for convenience, I will now use the equal sign [=]
for equivalence [<=>], the asterisk (*) for AND, the plus sign (+)
for AND/OR, and ~P to mean NOT-P.
To begin, let us clarify what P => Q asserts:
P => Q asserts ~[P *~Q], that is "You cannot have P true and
Q false."
the case of Ac 2:38, "You cannot have repented and been baptised
AND still be unforgiven." This is why repentance and baptism are
logically SUFFICIENT for forgiveness. P => Q means "P is sufficient
for Q" and "Q is necessary for P." To reverse these, as
we have discussed above, is to commit a basic fallacy, Affirming the Consequent.
For instance, "IF Tom is a cat, then Tom is an animal," does
not at all lead us to "Tom is an animal, so Tom must be a Cat."]
But, in logic, there is an important theorem, by De Morgan, on how
the negation distributes a conjunction:
(P * Q) = ~P + ~Q
can verify it with a Truth
Table. It allows us to mechanically manipulate intuitively obvious
logical statements into forms that we may not "see" as easily,
but which are logically equivalent. Therein lies the power of effective
symbols: they "chunk" information and allow us to manipulate
it in ways that we would not otherwise see if we had to keep in mind a
flood of words. For instance, every complex mathematical derivation CAN
be read in plain English, but that would be more likely to confuse than
to clarify what is going on!]
So, by De Morgan, P => Q = ~[P * ~Q] = ~P + ~ (~ Q) = ~P + Q, as
~ (~ Q) = Q
summarising: P => Q = [~P + Q] . . . Eqn 0 (as it is logically prior
to Eqn. 1)
Applying "Eqn 0" to the sufficiency condition deduced from Ac
* B) => F = ~[ (R * B)* ~F]
De Morgan: ~[ (R * B)* ~F] = ~ (R * B) + F and ~ (R * B) + F = (~R + ~B)
+ F
But also, F + F = F ; i.e. "I am forgiven AND/OR I am forgiven"
is the same as "I am forgiven."
~[ (R * B)* ~F] = (~R + ~B) + F + F = ~R + ~B + F + F
* B) => F = ~[ (R * B)* ~F] = (~R + F) + (~B + F) = (R => F) +
(B => F)
Cleaning up:
* B) => F} = {(R => F) + (B => F)} . . . Eqn 2
is, once we use Eqn 0, we see Eqn 2 is the same as Eqn 1, except for slightly
different symbols.
This means (as can be checked with a simple truth table: the LHS and RHS
of Eqn 2 will fail under the same mechanically imposed condition, where
R = 1, B = 1, but F = 0. We have confidence that in reality such will
not happen as God keeps his promises!):
a person repents and is baptised, THEN s/he will be forgiven"
a person repents, THEN s/he will be forgiven" AND/OR "IF
a person is baptised, THEN s/he will be forgiven."
both are quite true:
In light of ROM 4:4 - 8 etc, metanoia is logically equivalent
to pistis: that is, one changes his attitudes/repents
in order to have faith, the attitude that trusts God who justifies the
wicked; and, if one now trusts God who justifies the wicked, then that
is because s/he has repented. According to ROM 4:5: "to the
man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith
is credited as righteousness." That is, IF one repents/trusts
God who justifies the wicked, THEN his faith is credited as righteousness.
In short, s/he will be forgiven. [Cf. Acts 15:76 - 9.]
In Ac 3:19, and 11:18, we read: ""Repent, then, and turn to
God, so that your sins may be wiped out . . ." and "So, then,
God has granted even the Gentiles repentance unto [EIS] life. (This
last is the same construction as in Acts 2:38: EIS forgiveness, EIS
[eternal -- cf. Jn 3:14 - 17, 5:24, 17:3] life.) That is, R =>
F is true; and of course there are a great many texts and passages
on being justified by faith. ROM 1 - 8 is the most important, especially
the section 3:19 - 5:2. ROM 9:30 - 10:17 is not far behind.
Since we are dealing with the case of a repentant believer in Jesus
being baptised, B => F is ALSO true, as baptism is
an expression of that believer's repentance and faith.
then accounts for both the case of Ac 2 and that of Ac 10, or for that
matter, that of Paul himself in Ac 9, 22 and 25-26. It also accounts for
the cases of Acts 8 and 19, the other major cases in the NT where we are
given detailed accounts of how people were converted to Christ. The key
to this is Jn 7:37 - 39, as discussed above, which outlines a three-phase
model for the theology of receiving the Spirit:
P I: thirsting & drinking/believing --> P II: indwelling
--> P III: overflowing
NT shows that the overflow is in streams of love, truth, purity
and power)
7:37 On the last and greatest day of the Feast, Jesus stood and
said in a loud voice, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me
and [PHASE I:] drink. [Thus, PHASE II: The Spirit dwells within,
cf. Eph 1:11 - 14, ROM 8:9 - 17] 38 Whoever believes in me, as
the Scripture has said, [PHASE III:] streams of living water will
flow from within [i.e. PHASE II] him." 39 By this he meant the
Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive.
Up to that time the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had
not yet been glorified [cf. Ac 2:30 - 39 for the glorification
and its consequences in light of Joel 2:28 - 32 and Moses' prayer
in Numbers 11:24 - 29].
the model:
Ac 2:1 - 4, the company of gathered believers [PI] (who had either
been baptised under John or Jesus in his pre-crucifixion ministry),
had the [P II - III] Spirit fall on them in power. Later, Peter
tells those who respond to his sermon that those who repent [P
I] and are baptised will be forgiven and will receive the
promised Spirit [P II - III], in a context where the sign of this
reception as highlighted in a quote from Joel 2:28 - 32, is prophetic
utterance. As we saw above, such believers have repentantly trusted
Christ, and are saved.
Ac 8, the Samaritan believers came to trust -- i.e. believe in
-- Christ [P I]. On the strength of Jn 7:37 - 39, they had thirsted
and drunken of the Spirit through faith in Christ (with the notable
exception of the insincere magician, Simon Magus), but to the
surprise of Philip, something was missing. Based on the expectations
created by Ac 2, we can see from "the Holy Spirit had not
yet come upon any of them" in v. 16 that it is likely that
even though already baptised in water, the new believers did not
at once overflow in streams of power as had happened in Ac 2 --
BTW a situation that is quite common today. The Apostles were
called in, and the third phase of receiving of the Spirit as highlighted
in Jn 7:37 - 39 was completed, as the new believers received the
Spirit in power. So obvious was the manifestation of power, that
Simon Magus inadvertently revealed his as yet impenitent heart:
he offered money to the Apostles, for the power to impart the
Ac 9, Paul meets the risen glorified Christ on the Road to Damascus,
and surrenders to him [P I, which entails P II], being accepted
and commissioned as a servant; thus, on the strength of ROM 10:8
- 13, he was forgiven/justified at this point. Then, in Ac 9:17,
Ananias laid hands on him, that he might receive his sight and
be filled with the Spirit [P III, demonstrating P II].
Ac 10, while Peter was still preaching, and saying that everyone
who believes in Jesus receives forgiveness of sins, the Spirit
fell on Cornelius and co, showing to the astonished Jewish believers
that God had forgiven them [PI, entailing P II], given them eternal
life ,and that they had received the Spirit [PIII, implying P
I and PII], who as Eph 1:13 puts it is the deposit guaranteeing
our inheritance of the Kingdom as CO-heirs with Christ. This of
course happened before they were baptised.
- In
Ac 19, Paul met a circle of disciples NB how Luke DOES NOT identify
them as Disciples of John, i.e. using the term mathetes without
modification to indicate these were not disciples of Jesus -- who
seemed to be in the condition of Appollos in Ac 18:24 -25: knowing
and teaching accurately about Jesus, but only knowing the baptism
of John. Paul, recognising that something was wrong, asked if they
had received the Spirit [P II & III] when they believed [PI],
hearing in reply a statement that is best understood (given the
role of the Spirit in the teaching of John and Jesus and the apparently
idiomatic expression used) as saying that they did not know that
the Spirit had yet been given [Cf. Jn 7:39!]. From this, Paul asks
concerning their baptism, and learns they knew only John's baptism.
On preaching Jesus [P I], baptising them in his name and placing
his hands on them, "the Holy Spirit came on them, and they
spoke in tongues and prophesied." [P III, implying P II] Again,
the three-phase model fits the case very well.
What about Mk 16:16?
text is quite problematic on textual critical grounds; where most competent
scholarship views Mk 16:9 ff as being a later insert, not composed by
the author of the rest of Mark as we have it. Those who insist on using
it as a major plank in their doctrinal system, therefore, are skating
on very thin textual ice. But, for the sake of argument we may accept
it as a relatively early tradition generally consistent with the rest
of the NT.
In this case, we actually have a declarative statement that can readily
be rendered as a proposition without inference from a command:
believes and is baptised will be saved, but whoever does not believe
will be condemned."
This is a compound statement, that can be rendered:
a person believes (T) and is baptised (B), THEN s/he will be saved (S);
AND also IF a person does not believe, THEN s/he will be condemned.
AND B) => S} AND {NOT-T => C} . . . Eqn 3
Why do I claim that the left part of (3) is essentially the same as (1)?
(a) repentance and belief/faith in the sense of trusting God who justifies
the wicked are logically equivalent, (b) If one is saved, then as a
sinner s/he will be forgiven, (c) If one is unfortunately condemned,
then clearly one is not forgiven of his/her sins.
Thus, we may see that Mark 16:16 entails the claim:
a person repents (R) and is baptised (B), THEN s/he will be forgiven
(F); AND also IF a person does not believe, THEN s/he will not be forgiven.
AND B) => F} AND {NOT-R => NOT-F} . . . Eqn 4
should be clear that the left part of 4 is the same as 1 above.
the same concern that we not confuse implication with equivalence and
reverse the implication also is relevant.
conclusion, I have already shown above many times, cf. ROM 4;4 - 8, Acts
3:19, 11;14 - 18, 15:7 - 11 etc that Faith/Repentance is also a sufficient
condition for justification, the correlate of forgiveness.
In light of Mark 16:16 and the statement of say Ac 10:43 etc that affirm
that faith is sufficient for forgiveness/justification, the right part
of Eqn 4 would justify the further claim that repentance/faith is NECESSARY
AND SUFFICIENT for salvation; but I here concede the textual problem and
will not base such a claim on that text. But if one would wish to use
this verse in the argument, s/he will have to reckon with the fact that
taking the left and right halves of 4 in light of the above equivalence
of repentance and faith, leads to the chain:
=> ~S, so S => T; converting the right part of Eqn. 4 as Paul
did in 1 Cor 15:20.
T => S; from the "left part" of Eqn 4 and many other NT
is, T => S AND S =>T.
T <=>S . . . Eqn 5.
is as strong a statement of justification by faith as one can have; "trust
in Jesus the Saviour of the wicked --i.e. 'believing in Jesus' -- is NECESSARY
AND SUFFICIENT for salvation.")
CONCLUSIONS: I therefore
conclude, based on the logic of implication, that the concept that one
is justified by faith accounts for both the cases of Acts 2 and Acts 10.
it is perfectly logically consistent for Peter to preach that:
if one repents and is baptised one will be saved,
that everyone who believes in Jesus receives forgiveness of sins through/in
his name!
the problem is with us, not with Peter.
is a basis for my call for reformation in and far beyond the ICOC and
other Christian traditions.
course, some will object that the above is technical. It is. It uses the
same basic implication logic Paul does in 1 Cor 15:12 - 24; no surprise
as the apostle came from Tarsus a famous University Town, and used quite
effective reasoning and rhetorical strategies in his ministry. In Matt.
22:41 - 45, also, Jesus himself uses the same basic IF . . . THEN . .
. argument pattern, putting his critics to silence -- and to plotting.
we can see that the use of such logical arguments fits in under Col 2:2b
- 3, where we may read: "Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures
of wisdom and knowledge." That is, the Logos of Jn 1:1 - 3 is Omniscient
and therefore fully aware of the implications of the things he inspired
holy men to speak and write by his Spirit, the Spirit of Truth. [Cf. Jn
14;15 - 17, 16:12 - 15.]
more importantly, the above argument in essence formalises the reasoning
process that we always have to use in carefully and properly interpreting
the Scriptures. I believe that I have good reason to conclude that, by
the grace of God, I have objectively established the case.
that matter, the underlying logic and Boolean Algebra are the basis for
the computer technologies used to access this web page. Thus, one's use
of such technologies is an implicit acceptance of the trustworthiness
of the Mathematics and logic involved.)
anyone objects, then, let him/her produce good reasons why. I may be contacted
This set of notes [at https://www.angelfire.com/pro/kairosfocus/resources/ICOC_response.htm
in the Kairos Focus
reference site] was created by Gordon Mullings, M.Sc Physics, MBA,
from 1986/7 on as noted above, for use as part of a reference resource
for preparing God's people in the Caribbean to respond in a balanced,
informed way to the claims, agendas and tactics of the International Churches
of Christ [ICOC] recruitment efforts in the Caribbean. Through online
dialogue from 2003 on, in the Delphi
Forums, especially the interminable baptism discussion threads, they
have been subsequently revised and developed, to date. (DISCLAIMER: While
reasonable attempts have been made to provide accurate, fair and informative
materials for use in training and dialogue, no claim is made for absolute
truth, and corrections based on factual errors and/or gaps or inconsistencies
in reasoning are welcome.)
FAIR USE: The contents of this web page and its linked pages are intended
for use as a support for learning about responding to the typical kind
of sectarian challenges to
the Christian Faith and gospel that are commonly encountered in the Caribbean,
as exemplified by the ICOC movement. Permission is therefore granted to
link to this page for fair use under intellectual property law, and for
reasonable citation of the linked content on this site for church- or
parachurch- group related training and/or for personal or academic use;
this specifically excludes reproduction, linking or citation for commercial,
controversial or media purposes without the Author's
written permission -- especially where matters relating to the validity
and value of the teaching of Justification
by Faith, or Faith/Religious/Deistic/Atheological
Worldview Commitments and key Christian Truth-Claims such as the resurrection
of Jesus are being debated or disputed
. COPYRIGHT:GEM 1987 - 2004. All rights are reserved.