Haldric's Book Of Lore For Newcomers Of Pangaea Greetings, traveler. You're reading Haldric's guidebook for newcomers. This book contains lots of information you might be interested of, regarding the Pangaea shard. Some of the information is inaccurate, especially in the Skill Training Guide section, but it should and probably will guide you into the right direction in any case. On the other hand, most of the information in other sections should be accurate. You can contact the author by a pigeon at 378-093-000, Britain. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Index 1. Vendor Commands 2. Animal Commands 3. Boat Commands 4. House Commands 5. Dot Commands 6. Names Of Weapons And Armour 7. Names Of Miscellaneous Items 8. Jewels For Moongates 9. Fame 10. Container Weight Limits 11. Prices And Effects Of Weapons And Armor 12. Alchemy Prices 13. Animal Prices 14. Strength Requirements For Armors 15. Skill Training Guide 16. Descriptions Of Skills 17. Druid Spell Guide 18. Religious Power Guide 19. Necromancer Chant Guide ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Vendor Commands You should use vendor commands as complete sentences. You should not say "vendor buy", you should say instead "Hello, I would like to buy something." for roleplay reasons. Sell - Opens the sell menu Sell all - Sell a group of objectsStable - To deposit an animal in a stable Sell bag - Sells everything that?s in a bag Buy - Opens the buy menu Job - Takes a job depending on your skills Vendor train - See the skills you can train in Bank - Opens your bank box Vendor train (skillname) - For example "vendor train magery" trains the skill you ask the vendor to train, if the vendor trains that skill Sail - To see where a ship captain can get you Sail (placename) - For example "sail Ocllo" transports you to the specified place by a ship captain Stable - To deposit an animal in a stable ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Animal Commands Follow - Animal follows you Stop - Animal Stay - Animal stays still Guard me -Animal guards you Kill - Animal attacks the target you choose Get - Animal takes item from the ground Drop - Animal drops the items he carries Transfer - You can give the ownership of the animal to someone else You can use animal commands by different methods. You can say "All follow me" so all the animals would follow you. If you have a horse called Josef for example, you can say "Josef get" so Josef will get an item from the ground ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Boat Commands Drydock - Turns boat into a newbie miniature Sail furl - Stops boat Sail full - Sets speed to full Sail half - Sets speed to half Sail port - Turns boat counter-clockwise Sail starboard - Turns boat clockwise Sail drift - Your boat just starts floating randomly Sail slow - Sail slowly Sail come about - Turns vessel Extend planks - Opens planks permanently until drydocked Retract planks - Closes them back up Sail troll - Lets you target bait then you sail to see if you catch monsters The following can be used in groups: forward, back, left and right Examples: Sail forward right Sail back left And on top of that you can use the command one as in the following: Sail forward one Sail back right one ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. House Commands I wish to raise this - Raise a item I wish to lower this - Lower an item I wish to refresh this house - Prevent decay (decaying means you lose the house because of lack of activity in it) I ban thee! - Kick someone out I welcome thee - Un-kick someone I wish to lock this down -Lock an item I wish to release this - Unlock an item I wish to secure this - Locks a container Lock and release work the same way, it?s mainly for the roleplay. Double click on furniture to turn it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Dot Commands All these commands can be used while playing here on Pangaea. .arm: Usage is .arm [1 2 or 3]. The default is .arm 1. This command will arm whichever weapon/shield set is assigned to the number chosen. The weapon and shield may be in any container in your pack. .backstab: Can only be used when you are in stealth mode. Will let you backstab a person. .changepassword: Changes your password. Just use command and follow instructions. .consider: Gives you a status on your current murdercount situation. .count: Allows you to see how many toplevel and total items are in a container. .disarm: Will remove your weapon/shield; .disarm [1 2 or 3] will assign what was disarmed to the number (see .arm). ".disarm bag" will allow you to designate a container. .door: Will open every door within one tile of you. You won't be able to open locked doors unless you have the key. .dump: Will move everything FROM one container to another container. (buggy, doesnt work for now) .fix: Will move your character to the "world height" at your location. Sometimes this helps to get you unstuck. (don?t forget to report the hole to GM?s) .flip: Turns furniture without double-clicking on them. .grab: Will loot your own corpse INTO your lootpack. .grab 2 will ask which bag to loot into. ".grab bag" will allow you to designate a lootpack. .lastsong: Plays the last song you played with an instrument. .motd: Displays the message of the day, like the one you receive when you logon. .move: Will ask you to SELECT an item and a container. It will then move all the items of that type FROM the container it is in, to the container you choose. .online: Will SHOW you a list of all the people online. .options: Lets you set ?sell?, ?job? and some new ?sound? options .reg: Lists the number of reagents, bandages, arrows, potions, etc. that you are currently carrying. .reply: Will send a message back to the GM or Counsellor, who last sent a message to you. (useful after a macrocheck, or other msg's a GM) .undress: Will move everything you are wearing INTO your backpack. .mayday : Alerts any Law member nearby. .use [text] : uses the [??] item ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Names Of Weapons And Armour 1 is the worst, and 5 is the best in each. Fire damage is: 1) flaming 2) infernal 3) burning 4) molten 5) incinerating Electric damage is: 1) electric 2) dazzling 3) thundering 4) striking 5) blinding Cold damage is: 1) icy 2) frozen 3) shivering 4) frosty 5) frigid Weapon and armor prefix (durability of the weapon) are: 1) durable 2) substantial 3) massive 4) fortified 5) indestructable Weapon suffix (attacking power) are: 1) of ruin 2) of might 3) of force 4) of power 5) of vanquishing Armor suffix (how well the armor protects) are: 1) of Defense 2) of Guarding 3) of Hardening 4) of Fortification 5) of Invulnerability ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. Names Of Miscellaneous Items Magical instruments: 1) Sonority 2) Accord 3) Melody 4) Harmony 5) Consonance Maps: 1) tattered 2) frazzled 3) frayed 4) worn 5) ragged Magic Clothing: 1) Durable +2% 2) Substantial +4% 3) Massive +6% 4) Fortified +8% 5) Indestructable +10% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Jewels For Moongates Amber - Minoc Ruby- Skara Star sapphire - Britain Tourmaline - Yew Amethyst - Trinsic Emerald - Magincia Sapphire - Moonglow Citrine - Jhelom Diamond - Choose any ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Fame 1 = a tiny amount of 2 = a very small amount of 3 = a small amount of 4 = some 5 = a good amount of 6 = a lot of 7 = a great amount of Up = a massive amount The Honorable 200-400 The Commendable 400-800 The Admirable 800-1600 The Reknowned 1600-3200 The Famed 3200-6400 The Noble 6400-12800 The Illustrious 12800-25600 The Glorious 25600 and UP The Rude -200 to -400 The Unsavory -400 to -800 The Dishonorable -800 to -1600 The Dastardly -1600 to -3200 The Malicious -3200 to -6400 The Ignoble -6400 to -12800 The Vile -12800 to -25600 The Sinister -25600 and down ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Container Weight Limits Pouch - 200 Bag - 400 Keg - 400 Armoire - 500 Backpack - 500 Bookshelf - 500 Chest of dravers - 500 Small crate - 600 Wooden box - 800 Medium crate -.900 Chest - 1000 Large crate - 1200 Barrel - 1500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Prices And Effects Of Weapons And Armor You should only buy exceptional tailored armors. Exceptional bone armor sets: Large humanoid (magic resistance) - 40,000 Daemon (physical damage reflection) - 60,000 Dragon (physical damage reflection) - 100,000 Enchanted (very good poison resistance) - 80,000 Orc (protects from stamina drain) - 2,000 Rat (weak poison resistance) - 2,000 Troll (protects from paralyzation) - 5,000 Spider (weak fire resistance) - 15,000 Gargoyle (protects from paralyzation) - 10,000 Terathan (good energy resistance) - 20,000 Ophidian (good cold resistance) - 20,000 Vampire (average resistance for fire, cold, energy and poison) - 25,000 Phoenix (high physical resistance) - 350,000 Lizard (protects from stamina drain) - 2,000 Exceptional leather and exceptional studded leather sets: The first price is for normal leather, and last for studded leather. Cyclops Hide (no special effect) - 14,000 - 20,000 Black Deamon Hide (reflects physical damage) - 40,000 - 65,000 Red Deamon Hide (reflects physical damage) - 25,000 - 45,000 Dolphin Hide (reflect physical damage) - 15,000 - 30,000 Black Dragon Hide (unknown) - 140,000 - 200,000 Green Dragon Hide (poison resistance) - 130,000 - 200,000 Grey Dragon Hide (resists paralyzation) - 20,000 - 30,000 Royal Dragon Hide (magic resistance) - 100,000 - 150,000 White Dragon Hide (weak resistance, but to every element type) - 130,000 - 200,000 Frenzied Ostard Hide (energy resistance) - 15,000 - 25,000 Gorilla Hide (no special effects) - 2,000 - 3,000 Gremlin Hide (no special effects) - 2,000 - 3,000 Grizzlybear Hide (no special effects) - 2,000 - 3,000 Icefiend Hide (resists stamina drain) - 50,000 - 80,000 Firefiend hide (unknown) - 50,000 - 80,000 Imp Hide (decent fire resistance) - 5,000 - 8,000 Lizard Hide (decent energy resistance) - 1,000 - 1,500 Lizardmanwarlock Hide (magic resistance) - 5,000 - 8,000 Llama Hide (no special effect) - 2,000 - 3,000 Nightmare Hide (no special effect) - 8,000 - 12,000 Orc Hide (no special effects) - 1,000 - 1,500 Pig Hide (no special effect) - 1,000 - 1,500 Polarbear Hide (decent cold resistance) - 5,000 - 8,000 Rat Hide (no special effects) - 1,000 - 1,500 Red Dragon Hide (reflects physical damage) - 100,000 - 150,000 Seaserpent Hide (resists mana drain) - 5,000 - 8,000 Serpent Hide (decent poison resistance) - 2,500 - 4,000 Titans Hide (very good fire resistance) - 23,000 - 35,000 Troll Hide (blocks physical damage) - 1,500 - 2,500 Unicorn Hide (resists paralyzation) - 250,000 - 350,000 Fire giant hide (very good fire resistance) - 150,000 - 220,000 Storm giant hide (unknown) - 200,000 - 300,000 Water giant hide (unknown) - 120,000 - 180,000 Hill giant hide (very good energy resistance) - 160,000 - 240,000 Stone giant hide (unknown) - 190,000 - 280,000 Cloud giant hide (decent resistance to all elemental damage types) - 200,000 - 300,000 Frost giant hide (unknown) - 200,000 - 300,000 Exceptional platemail and chainmail set prices and effects: The first price is for exceptional chainmail set, the second for exceptional platemail set. Agapite (resists paralyzation) - 25 000 - 55 000 Atrintium (no special effect) - 25 000 - 65 000 Aughlite (resists stamina drain) - 10 000 - 20 000 Auropian (resists all elements) - 350 000 - 950 000 Daemonspine (reflects physical damage) - 45 000 - 85 000 Daemon's Rock (reflects all kinds of damage) - 250 000 - 450 000 Daemon's Skull (no special effect) - 300 000 - 700 000 Dwarven Olupius (energy resistance) - 250 000 - 650 000 Empyrean (no special effect?) - 130 000 - 230 000 Fatigue (resists mana drain) - 70 000 - 120 000 Ghuronius (unknown) - 80 000 - 100 000 Gloom (no special effect)- 20 000 - 35 000 Gold (no special effect) - 35 000 - 75 000 Gredstinuel (cold resistance) 60 000 - 120 000 Keltrunius (no special effect) - 100 000 - 200 000 Lhiolite (fire resistance) - 350 000 - 550 000 Malachite (poison resistance) - 25 000 - 55 000 Radlius (blocks damage) - 10 000 - 20 000 Royal (magic resistance) - 25 000 - 45 000 Scarletite (reflects physical damage) - 70 000 - 100 000 Shadow (no special effect) - 3 000 - 10 000 Shalius (cold resistance) - 65 000 - 120 000 Spirit Stone (no special effect) - 3 000 - 8 000 Syntian (no special effect) - 2 000 - 8 000 Valorite (no special effect) - 45 000 - 85 000 Weapon price list per amount of ingots the weapon takes: Azurite (drains stamina) - 100 Executor (good against ratmen) - 100 Atrintium (may paralyze) - 150 Iron (no special effect) - 200 Silver (good against undead, such as vampires, liches and all) - 250 Solar (fire damage) - 250 Lunar (energy damage) - 250 Devil's claw (good against ophidians) - 400 Devil's tooth (good against lizardmen) - 400 Pyrite (good against orcs) - 400 Startear (cold damage) - 600 Keltrunius (good damage) - 700 Kryztal (higher damage, breaks easier) - 900 Wraiths bone (drains health) - 900 Snograz (poison damage) - 1000 Dwarfish orkanian (good against trolls) - 1500 Onyx (high damage) - 1500 Tekrhan (good against terathans) - 1850 Aorkrhan (drains mana) - 2000 Deamons fear (good against demonic creatures) - 2000 Hekhranish (good against dragons, drakes and such) - 4000 And magical tool charge prices: Durable - 20 000 Substantional - 40 000 Massive - 60 000 Fortified - 80 000 Indestructable - 100 000 Elite weapons have at least double prices. Wooden weapons' effects: Oak - Staves drain stamina Walnut - Weapons drain mana Yew - Electric ammo Coconut - Throws enemy back Banana - Weapons paralyze Apple - Staves have health drain effect Yucca - Staves have fire damage, For making fire arrows Peach - Weapons paralyze Pear - Staves silence the victim Cedar - unknown Willow - Bows have health drain effect Date - unknown O?hii - For making cold ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Alchemy Prices This is a list of alchemy prices I gathered on my adventures. It may or may not be accurate. Greater agility-70 Greater strength-70 Full refresh-100 Greater explosion-250 Heal-50 Greater heal-100 Cure-50 Greater cure-100 Lesser poison-50 Poison-100 Greater poison-125 Deadly poison-800 Lesser weaken-200 Weaken-300 Greater weaken-500 Lesser manavampire-500 Manavampire-800 Greater manavampire-1200 Lesser clumbsy-400 Clumbsy-700 Greater clumbsy-1000 Lesser manaregen-125 Manaregen-250 Greater manaregen-3000 Lesser liferegen-125 Liferegen-250 Greater liferegen-3000 Lesser reactive-400 Reactive-1000 Greater reactive-3500 Lesser incognito-100 Incognito-300 Greater incognito-600 Lesser poison shield-150 Poison shield-250 Greater poison shield-700 Lesser invisibility-400 Invisibility-900 Greater invisibility-1500 Lesser protection-250 Protection-600 Greater protection-1100 Lesser flashbang-200 Flashbang-700 Greater flashbang-3000 Lesser shockwave-300 Shockwave-500 Greater shockwave-1000 Reflect-3000 Plague-8000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Animal Prices This list I got from the Guild of Tamers. Horses: Horse Brown - 500 Horse [2] Beige Horses - 500 Horse [3] White - 500 Horse [4] Light grey - 500 Horse [5] Black/Dark blue - 500 Shabooli Warhorse - 2000 Ethereal Horse - 15000 Undead Steed - 8000 Nightmare - 30000 Unicorn - 250000 Llamas: Normal llama - 500 Odd colored llamas - 1000 Ethereal llama - 15000 Ostards: Desert ostard - 1500 Forest ostard - 1500 Swamp ostard - 2500 Mountain ostard - 5000 Ocean ostard - 6000 Dust ostard - 6000 Frenzied ostard - 6000 Praetorian ostard - 6000 Lava ostard - 10000 Snow ostard - 10000 Ethereal ostard - 20000 Other mounts: Ridgeback - 10000 Savage ridgeback - 20000 Kirin - 15000 Giant Beetle - 20000 Drakes/Dragons: Drake [1] - 10000 Drake [2] - 15000 Frost Drake - 20000 Lesser Wyrm - 15000 Swamp Dragon - 15000 Armoured Swamp Dragon - 25000 Grey Dragon [1] - 150000 Grey Dragon [2] - 175000 White Dragon [1] - 200000 White Dragon [2] - 400000 Green Dragon [1] - 300000 Green Dragon [2] - 325000 Royal Dragon [1] - 600000 Royal Dragon [2] - 650000 Ancient Dragon - 2000000 Other beasts: Phoenix - 300000 Cave Bear / Grizzly bear / Ursa - 2500 Giant serpent - 2500 Anaconda - 2500 Rock/Fire lizard - 2000 Frost Wolf - 2500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Strength Requirements For Armors Normal Leather: No strength requirements Studded Leather: Studded Cap - 40 Studded Gorget - 40 Studded Gloves - 42 Studded Sleeves - 45 Studded Leggings - 48 Studded Tunic - 48 Female Studded - 48 Studded Bustier - 48 Ringmail: Ringmail Coif - unknown Ringmail Gloves - 53 Ringmail Sleeves - 55 Ringmail Leggings - 58 Ringmail Tunic - 60 Chainmail: Chainmail Gloves - 68 Chainmail Coif - 68 Chainmail Leggings - 72 Chainmail Tunic - 72 Platemail: Platemail Gorget - 72 Platemail Gloves - 78 Platemail Arms - 80 Platemail Legs - 85 Female Plate - 85 Platemail Breastplate - 90 Bone Armour: Bone Arms - 43 Bone Tunic - 50 Bone Gloves - 37 Bone Helm - 39 Bone Legs - 45 Helmets: Helmet - 60 Bascinet - 70 Nose Helm - 70 Close Helm - 70 Plate Helm - 82 Shields: Wooden Shield - No strength requirement Buckler - No strength requirement Bronze Shield - 60 Metal Shield - 60 Wooden Kite Shield - 70 Metal Kite Shield - 70 Heater Shield - 90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Skill Training Guide The skill training guide is not accurate. Stats (str, dex, int) seem to affect skill success and gain rates. Alchemy: 20-50 - Lesser of each potion 50-55 - Normal cures, few normal heals, some lesser poisons 55-60 - Normal heals, few normal cures 60-65 - Normal heals, few normal poisons It's recommended that you start with 50% alchemy. The skill is hard to gain and the explosions and poisonings make it even more annoying. Anatomy: 20-40 - Yourself 40-45 - Healer 45-50 - Tinker Guildmaster 50-55 - Blacksmith Guildmaster 55-65 - Warrior Guildmaster Animal Lore: 20-30 - Cow, llama 30-40 - Horse 40-50 - Forest ostard 50-60 - Shabooli warhorse, giant serpent 60-65 - Praetorian war ostard, frost wolf Animal Taming: 20-30 - Cow, sheep, chicken 30-45 - Horse, deer, wildboar 45-55 - Brown bear 55-60 - Great hart 60-65 - Ostards You cannot use same animal to gain again by releasing and retaming it. Also this list doesn't contain all the animals you could use to gain skill, you will learn soon which will give you gain and which ones will not. Archery: 20-23 - Bow 23-38 - Short Bow 38-53 - Crossbow 53-65 - Heavy Crossbow If you shoot arrows to the training targets on training ground, you can retrieve about half of them from the butte so you don't need to buy so many new ones. Arms Lore: 20-65 - Use the skill on anything, like a carrot or a dagger. The gain doesn't depend on which items you use the skill on. Blacksmithy: 20-25 - Ringmail gloves 25-30 - Ringmail coig 30-35 - Ringmail arms 35-40 - Ringmail legs 40-45 - Ringmail tunic 45-50 - Chainmai gloves 50-53 - Chain coif 53-57 - Chain leggings 57-65 - Chainmail tunic Bowcraft/Fletching: 20-30 - Normal log and flute 30-40 - Normal log and tamborine 40-50 - Try tamborine with ribbon with walnut log 50-65 - Try lute with normal log Camping: 20-65 - Keep using kindlings in war mode. You can train it like that to 65. Carpentry: 20-40 - Stools 40-50 - Small crates 50-60 - Large Crates 60-65 - Oaken Thrones Cartography: 20 - 40 - Detailed 40 - 65 - Regional Cooking: 20-65 - Cook the amount of fish steaks at once which has the skill requirement closest to your skill Detect Hidden: 20-65 - Do it with a friend training hiding. The person must be hiding around your detecting target. If you have 30% detect hidden, use someone with 40 hiding. If you always find him, try with someone with higher hiding, and if you can never find him do it with someone that has lower hiding. Discordance (Leadership/entincement): 20-35 - Sheep 35-41 - Great hart 41-62 - Black bear 62-65 - Cave bear Evaluating Intelligence: 20-35 - Yourself 35-50 - Bless yourself 50-60 - Banker 60-65 - Carpenter Guildmaster Fencing: 20-30 - Dagger 30-40 - Pitchfork 40-50 - War fork 50-60 - Short spear 60-65 - Kryss Fishing: 20-65 - Just keep fishing with a fishing rod anywhere where there's fish around Forensic Evaluation: 20-65 - Just kill some animal or use it on a friend's corpse, chop it with your dagger and macro Forensic Evaluation on it. Healing: 20-60 - Just keep healing your wounds. The more wounded you are, the harder it's to heal. 60-65 - You can use lesser poison on yourself and after that cure yourself. Herding: 20-33 - Rabbit 33-45 - Cat 45-65 - Goat Hiding: 20-30 - Hide alone 30-40 - Hide beside one person 40-50 - Hide beside 2 people 50-60 - Hide beside 3 people 60-65 - Hide beside 4 people Inscription: 20-30 - 2nd circle scrolls 30-40 - 3rd circle scrolls 40-50 - 4th circle scrolls 50-60 - 5th circle scrolls 60-65 - 6th circle scrolls Item Identification: 20-65 - Use the skill on anything, like a carrot or a dagger. The gain doesn't depend on which items you use the skill on. Just like with arms lore. Lockpicking: 20-30 - Unknown 30-40 - Try those chests in Yew forest 40-50 - Maybe try those chests on first level of Covetous and Despise 50-65 - Unknown Just keep lockpicking chests you see, they have different difficulty depending on their location. Lumberjacking: 20-50 - Normal logs 50-62 - Walnut 62-65 - Oak, apple, pear, peach Mace Fighting: 20-23 - Pickaxe 23-28 - Club 28-33 - Hammer pick 33-38 - Mace 38-43 - Gnarled staff 43-50 - Sledge Hammer 50-58 - Black Staff 58-63 - Quarterstaff 63-65 - War hammer Magery: 20-30 - 1st Circle (Magic Arrow) 30-40 - 2nd Circle 40-50 - 3rd Circle (Poison) 50-60 - 4th Circle (Lightning) 60-65 - 5th Circle (Paralyze) Meditation: 20-40 - The altar at Britain. 40-65 - Keep meditating when training magery. If you have a religious character, see below. For religious characters you should use restoration or effulegence from 40 to 50, ennervation from 50 to 60 and encumberance from 60 to 65. Mining: 20-30 - Normal ores. Dull copper, copper, bronze 30-40 - Clay is the fastest. 40-50 - Some sand to begin, then verite, syntian, iron, and aughlite to begin 50-65 - Aughlite, verite, syntian, radlius, spiritstone, some dclaw and shadow. Also mine Azurite. Musicianship: 20-30 - Fertility 25-30 - Lightheadedness 30-35 - Shielding 35-40 - Transportation 40-45 - Bane 45-50 - Sound of damage 50-55 - True seeing 55-60 - Boosting 60-65 - Recovery Some songs are easier to play with a certain instrument. Wood types also affect the success rate, and therefore gain rate. Parrying: 20-23 - Wooden shield 23-38 - Buckler 38-53 - Bronze shield 53-65 - Metal shield Peacemaking: 20-65 - Go to some place with harmless monsters such as headless ones, arm yourself with a weak weapon to not kill them and repeat peacemaking in peace mode. This skill is very fast to gain. Use it in a place with lots of monsters who aren't really dangerous. Poisoning: 20-40 - Lesser poison potion 40-65 - Poison potion This is a very hard skill to train. Provocation: 20-30 - Dog, sheep 30-40 - Wildboar, cow, brown horse 40-50 - Black horse, black bear 50-60 - Forest ostard, desert ostard 60-65 - Corpser Remove Trap: 20-30 - Unknown 30-40 - Try those chests in Yew forest 40-50 - Maybe try those chests on first level of Covetous and Despise 50-65 - Unknown Just keep removing traps from chests you see, they have different difficulty depending on their location. This skill's training is similar to lockpicking. Resisting Spells: 20-50 - Bone Mage 50-60 - Bone warlock 60-65 - Lich Snooping: 20-65 - Buy snooping gloves, and keep snooping in a friend's backpack. If you are caught snooping, you are grey for some time, so be careful. Spirit Speak: 20-65 - Keep using the spirit speak skill Best way to do this is by res-killing with someone training healing. Stealing: 20-65 - Not many people will tell you about this one. Try and try again. I give you one hint, the weight of the item. Stealth: 20-65 - Doesn't matter who or what you do it around, you just have to do it over and over. You might as well do it near many people however, you probably need to gain hiding as well. Swordsmanship: 20-25 - Cleaver 25-35 - Axe or hatchet 35-43 - Bone harvester 43-48 - Cutlass 48-53 - Katana 53-58 - Scimitar or executioner's axe 58-63 - Longsword 63-65 - Broad sword or double axe Tactics: 20-65 - Just keep being hit by as many attackers as you can, but don't die. Tailoring: 20-25 - Bandana 25-32 - Skullcap 32-40 - Floppy hat 40-50 - Jester hat 50-60 - Wizard hat 60-65 - Fancy shirt Taste Identification: 20-50 - Greater dexterity potion 50-65 - Deadly poison potion Tinkering: 30-35 - Clay vases 35-50 - Glass bottles, goblets, large vases 50-60 - Lockpicks 60-65 - Pen and ink, scrolls Tracking: 20-65 - Just keep using the tracking skill. To make your life easier just make a macro that tracks and closes all gumps. Or do it somewhere where no one's around Veterinary: 20-42 - Cow 42-65 - Llama You could try using weak weapons to hit the animal, but not kill it or damage it so much that you can't heal it. Wrestling: 20-65 - Just keep hitting something or someone unarmed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Descriptions Of Skills Thanks to Destra Falon for this jewel. It has been edited by myself, too. Alchemy Makes potions, and charges alchemical symbols Tools needed: mortal & pestal, bottles, reagents, amblic and heating stand. Anatomy Helps healing and I think helps with critical hits. Tools needed: Hours of macro'ing staring at your target. Animal Lore Let's you control stronger animals, tells you how hungry they are. This is also the druid's spell casting ability. Works like magery but for druid spells. It is said you get bonus to taming by having animal lore skill high. Tools needed: Hours of macro'ing staring at your target. Animal Taming The better your taming the better animals you can tame. Can even tame dragons when you are good enough. Tools needed: Lots of different animals (can't tame same animal over and over. 1 chance of gain per animal). When you get better, someone to ressurect you. Archery Fighting skill, the better your archery the better bow you can use and you hit more often as well. Tools needed: Bows, and LOTS of arrows and bolts. Something/someone to hit. Arms Lore This can tell you what condition a weapon or armor is in as well as who crafted it. If done on ingots, logs, hides or bones it will destroy some in order to tell you what the properties of that item is. This also helps when you blacksmith/bowcraft/tailor something, it increases the quality of the item. Tools needed: Again, hours of macro'ing. Begging Not implemented Blacksmithy This will let you craft different types of armor and weapons as well as some misc items. Also allows you to repair armors and weapons. Tools needed: Anvil, smith's hammer or sledge hammer, and ore/ingots. Bowcraft/Fletching This will let you craft bows, arrows, elemental arrows, wooden staves, instruments and misc items. Tools needed: skinning knife, logs. Camping A campfire, when "Now, That's a fire!", will regenerate your mana, stamina and health back. Will also produce snakes who will attack people. Someone being in war mode or having a guard near you will disturb the fire and it will no longer work. If it heals a murderer or criminal you will become a criminal. Tools needed: Dagger (against a tree will produce kindling), hours of macro'ing. Carpentry Will craft chairs, fences, containers, beds, tables, wooden shields, etc... lots of stuff really. Misc items as well. Tools needed: logs, hammer and other items but those mainly. Cartography This lets you read/decode maps, decode alchemy pages and I think it helps with Scribing but not sure. Tools needed: Lots of blank maps to train on. Cooking Makes all sorts of food. There is a recipe guide on the main page with what skills and ingredients needed to make different things. Can also cook furrow deeds which are needed to plant crops in fields. Tools needed: mixing bowl, water barrel (with pitcher), fireplace, oven, skillet, rolling pin, cow (with pitcher for milk) and ingredients. Detecting Hidden This can be used to find people that are hidden. :O Even with no skill, you can use this to find someone hidden in your house. Tools needed: Something with hiding +/- 10 points of your skill to gain. Discordance This will make monsters attack you instead of others. Usefull to keep monsters off of your parties ranged fighters and casters. When high enough you can hire warriors that are found in the lands (few and far between) When almost GM'd you can join either the Order or Chaos guards and get the shield they use. Tools needed: Lots of macro'ing and running. Evaluating Intelligence This is the strength of your spells. This will make your attack spells hurt more, bless spells bless more and summon stronger critters with summon creature. Tools needed: Hours of macro'ing staring at your target. Fencing Fighting skill. Pretty much it. Can find a chart of this on the main website. Tools needed: Fencing weapons. Something/someone to hit. Fishing Can fish up tons of different types of fish. Can also fish up monsters if on a boat and say "sail troll". You can also fish up MIBs (message in a bottle). These will lead you to a shipwreak and you can fish up items and finally a chest from that location. Tools needed: Fishing pole(s) and fishing net (80+ in skill) Forensic Evaluation Using this skill on a body will tell you who/what did the final blow to the critter/person and who (if any) cut up the body. Tools needed: Dead bodies Healing This helps you heal yourself. If good enough it will cure different levels of poison. I believe it can cure flesh rot and plague but I am not sure on this. Tools needed: Injured or poisoned person, lots of bandages Herding This will move a untamed animal from one place to another. It is said it also gives a bonus to animal taming success rate. Tools needed: sheppards crook, and an animal. Hiding This skill lets you hide. The better the skill the better the chance of hiding with more people around. You can not hide while hostiles are around. You need this skill to 65 before you can stealth. Tools needed: You. And other animals/people around you as your skill gets better. Along with hours of macro'ing. Inscription This lets you copy spells, inscribe chants into Codex's (necro tome), embue wands, make runebooks, copy protect books, copy books, etc. Not sure what all they can do. Tools needed: Pen & Ink, blank wands, and lots of blank scrolls. Possibly more though. Item Identification This will identify magical items found on monsters and in chests. This also helps tinkers with their tinkering skill (or so I am told). It works like arm's lore does but for tinkering. Tools needed: Items to identify. Any item will work. Just some work better than others. Could also help scribes in inscription. Lockpicking This will let you open locked chests like those found on monsters, in caves and fished up from MIBs. Tools needed: Lots and lots of lockpicks, and locked chests. Lumberjacking You gain in this skill by chopping on trees. Used to gain when havesting fields too but not sure now. Tools needed: Hatchet and trees. Different trees are have different levels of skill. Mace Fighting Fighting skill. Use weapons to build it. List can be found on main page. Tools needed: macing weapons. Something/someone to hit. Magery This will let you cast certain spells. Higher the skill the higher the circle you can cast. Tools needed: Spellbook, spells, and LOTS of reagents. Meditation This skill does a lot. Lets you control stronger animals, regens your mana faster, lets you cast and meditate in stronger armors, and helps you still cast when hit as well. Tools needed: LOTS of practice (macro'ing as well) Mining This lets you dig on the beach for sand, swamps and dungeon floors for mud, and in mountains and inside caves for ores. Tools needed: pickaxe, hammer pick, shovel (for sand and mud), forge (for smelting and resmelting), and tongs (for resmelting) Musicianship Let's you play all kinds of songs. A list and lots of info can be found on the main page with the players guides. Tools needed: Instruments Parrying This allows you to block hits. The better the skill the better the shield you can wear. It also adds to your armor when using a shield compared to someone without parry and a shield. (1ar for shield with no parry) Tools needed: Shields. Something to hit you. List of shields can be found on main page. Peacemaking This will allow you to "dazzle" critters that are hostile. Tools needed: instrument, and a hostile critter. (and no players don't count) Poisoning This allows you to poison bladed and fencing weapons, arrows and bolts, as well as food. It can also be used to check to see if food or a weapon has been poisoned by targeting the item first instead of a poison. Tools needed: LOTS of poisons, food, arrows & bolts, bladed/fencing weapons. Provocation This will allow you to have a critter (monster/animal/and some npcs) attack someone/something else. Example: have a ogre attack an ettin. It kills it, you get the loot. Tools needed: instrument, and critters to provoke. Remove Trap This will let you remove traps from chests found on monsters as well as traps on chests throughout the map. If you try to open a chest that still has it's trap... You can be hurt, poisoned or even killed. Tools needed: Traped chests (the spells remove trap and trap do not work and will not work on this) Resisting Spells The higher your resist, the less pain you feel from spells. Tools needed: Spell casters. I do not believe players can gain from casting on themselves. If they gain from other players, it is very little. Snooping This allows you to peek into someone else's backpack. This skill probably helps when stealing but don't know for sure. Tools needed: Snooping gloves (can only be made from player Tailors) and a victim. Spirit Speak This skill lets you hear what dead people are saying. Otherwise you just hear OoO Oooo. You have to use the skill to understand them. I believe it works for 3 mins. This is also the skill necromancers use for their chants. It works like magery for them. (similar to the druid's animal lore) Tools needed: Graveyard or dead people. Stealing This allows you to steal random items from the victim's main pack. If you snoop first then you can use this skill to target a specific item. Newbified items (things you keep even though you are dead) can not be stolen. Tools needed: Snooping gloves and a victim. Stealth This allows you to move about while hidden. If you run, you will reveal yourself. As well as putting items on or doing anything other than moving. You can not stealth while mounted. Tools needed: To be hidden and have a 65 or better hidding skill. Swordsmanship Fighting skill. Can see the list of weapons on the main page. Tools needed: Swordsmanship weapons. Something/someone to hit. Tactics I believe that this helps with blocking attacks, as well as hitting your target. Not sure really but it's a good guess. Tools needed: To gain, you need something to hit you. The more the merrier. Tailoring This skill allows you to craft clothes, curtains, armors made out of bone and hides as well as misc items. It lets you repair armors and clothes. Also, with a glowing blue magical sewing kit, you can newbify clothes. This does not work on magical clothes. Tools needed: sewing kit (to craft/repair items, to fortify a head armor piece into a hat or mask, and to make folded cloth out of bolts of cloth). Spinning wheel (to make balls of yarn out of cotton and flax), loom (to make bolts of cloth out of balls of yarn), scissors (to make bandages out of everything), seem ripper & dress form (to tear apart hide and bone armor). Could be more. Not sure. Taste Identification This skill helps alchemists with their alchy skill. Not sure how it works but I believe it helps like arm's lore does for smithing/tailoring/bowcraft. Tool needed: Something to taste. Tinkering You can craft all kinds of things with this skill. Some of the higher points are obsidian/porcelain steeds, stat jewelry (+3 to +5 jewelry that adds to str, dex, or int. Necklace, earrings, ring and bracelet), lock kit for your containers, blank maps and scrolls, etc etc etc. Lots of things. Tools needed: Tinker tools, ingots, logs, smoothing plane, and boards. Probably more though. But those will work. Tracking This allows you to track mobiles in a certain area. The better your skill the further the distance you can track. Tools needed: a heartbeat. And lots of macro'ing. Veterinary This allows you to heal hurt animals. If the owner of the animal isn't in your screen, the animal will be too skittish to allow you to heal it. The better the skill, the stronger the animal you can heal. Tools needed: Lots of bandages, and a hurt animal. Wrestling Fighting skill. Tools needed: Something/someone to hit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Druid Spell Guide (Name of spell) - (Words of power) ( Regents required to make the rune, Must be in your main backpack ) ( What regents are needed to cast the spell ) *Reaper Heartwood* Stinging Swarm - Sgob Sgaoth 1 Reaper Heartwood, 5 Bee's wax, 5 Spider silk 1 Bee's wax, 1 Spiders Silk Tidal Wave - Sdhbhal Roiseal 1 Reaper Heartwood, 10 Black pearls, 1 Raw mandrake root 2 Black pearls, 1 Mandrake root Sylvan Guardian - Coileach Crogan 5 Reaper Heartwood, 10 Deadwood, 5 Executioners caps 3 Deadwood, 1 Executioner's cap, 1 Spider's silk Fire Snakes - Dreallsach Nathair 1 Reaper Heartwood, 20 Serpant scales, 1 Shockwave Potion 1 Volcanic ash, 2 Serpent's scales, 1 Executioner's cap Natures Curse - Jarrood Sabaid Ealadh 1 Reaper Heartwood, 1 Diamond, 1 Raw nightshade 1 Fertile dirt, 1 Amber, 2 Nightshade Snow Storm - Ceau Sniaghtee 1 Reaper Heartwood, 1 Sapphire, 1 Daemon bone, 1 Raw Mandrake root 1 Sapphire, 2 Black pearls, 1 Mandrake root Rebirth - Sov Sabaid Ealadh 1 Reaper Heartwood, 3 Deadwood, 1 Diamond, 1 Raw Ginseng 1 Deadwood, 3 Ginseng, 2 Garlic *Ent Heartwood* Grasping Roots - Tiolp Luibh 1 Ent Heartwood, 10 Brimstone, 5 Nightshade 2 Brimstone, 1 Nightshade Tranquility - Siochaint 1 Ent Heartwood, 1 Raw ginseng, 10 Feathers 1 garlic, 1 ginseng, 3 feathers Cloak Of Protection - Cleoca An Dion 1 Ent Heartwood, 1 Raw garlic, 10 Serpant scales, 10 Serpant hides 10 Cloth, 3 Serpent's scales, 5 Garlic Wolf Pack - Filliu Prasgan 1 Ent Heartwood, 5 Raw ribs, 5 Spiders silk, 5 Bloodmoss 1 Raw rib, 1 Spider silk, 1 Bloodmoss Stone Rain - Artan Braile 1 Ent Heartwood, 25 Volcanic ash, 1 diamond 1 Amber Tree form - Craobh Cuma 5 Ent Heartwood 1 Deadwood, 1 Bloodmoss, 1 Nightshade Summoning - Shiva Sov 1 Ent Heartwood, 3 Rubies, 1 Raw mandrake root 1 Ruby, 3 Serpent's scales, 5 Mandrake roots Nature's Blessing - ionnsaich Sabaid Ealadh 1 Ent Heartwood, 1 Diamond, 1 Raw ginseng 1 fertile dirt, 1 amber, 2 manadrake roots. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Religious Power Guide Some information here is not up to date! The canon/tome is a holy book, containing sacraments, rites and rituals. It can be compared to the spellbook of a mage, however your ability to use it depends on your skill in meditation and your piety. A canon will after creation (use transformation) and beatification (the rite), contain 8 sacraments and the order's rituals. After creation, a fellow cleric can teach you rites by using the sacrament called revelation. 24 different rites with different usage can be tought, the power of rites are again based on piety and meditation, some rites are so difficult to cast that a single cleric will be unable to do it. The sacrament concentration will allow a fellow cleric to supply you with his power, making rites more powerful and some even possible. The piety scale of a tome ranges from 0 to 20. To use rites and rituals, you need focis that work quite much like reagents, but they don't necessarily consume when a rite is cast. To create a holy tome with the rite transformation, you need 100 blank scrolls, 100 gold ingots, 10 of each foci (not the empyrean ones). Sacraments Communion Recharges your mana through any kind of armour or weaponry, you remain frozen until your mana is recharged. Concentration Combine piety by concentrating on another knight, priest, ranger or monk attempting a rite. This strengthens the power of rites and makes certain rites easier to cast. Two or more heads are better than one. Excommunication Removes someone from the religion, the caster`s piety must be higher than the person being removed. Indoctrination Joins someone to the religion, minimum of 30 piety required. Palimpicest Removes a rite from a holy tome. Requiem Ressurrects a member of the same religion and sends them back to the temple. Revelation Teaches a rite to a member. Transformation Used to create holy tomes and symbols at your religion`s alter. Rites Abjuration This rite has many effects, it can be used to dispel summoned monsters, reverse the effects of the polymorph spell, modify empyrean sigils, dispel field spells like poison field, and is the rite used when attempting to make indestructible foci (blessed foci). Absolution Used to remove the effects of the nasty malediction rite, also removes the effects of corruption from a corrupted religious item, can then be made useful to your own faith if it was not before. Apotheosis Call upon the power of your god to instil you with super power. Armament Bless weapons and armour, this modifies the damage or AR rating respectfully for a temporary amount of time. Banishment Banish a player or ghost to a random island, sometimes it backfires and sends you instead, be careful. Beatification Grant a symbol or tome its power (piety, from 0 to 20), the more combined piety when cast, the more power put into the symbol or tome. Blessed Peace Create a holy field, works like you alter, if there is enough combined piety it can resurrect players like the alter too. Conflagration Mass damage rite, area effect, will not damage yourself. Convocation Sends out a call to all members of your religion, if they choose to do so they can teleport directly to your location. Corruption Corrupt a religious item, making it useless. Foci, tomes, symbols and even religious alters can be corrupted. Create Focus Makes the foci used to power your rites, the higher piety the less mana is required to make one. Discorporation High damage rite, can also be an instant kill, and can poison or make victim lose stamina or mana. Divination Can Identify an item/player/magic prison and give you any holy info about the target. Divine Sanctity Gives you 1 instant resurrection after next death, with full HP/mana/stamina and all your items in your backpack. Effulgence Area effect light. Empyrean Sigils Go to any of the moongate locations and use this rite, if you succeed an empyrean sigil will appear for you to use. Encumberance Paralyze any one target. Ennervation Boosts the target players stats, like the bless spell. Freedom Freedom has quite a few uses: -free a player from magic prison -destroy undead monsters -free tamed animal Immolation Turns the caster into a flaming ball of fury, of course this kills him or her and drops their strength a few points permanently, but everything and everyone in your view is completely eradicated. Imprisonment Imprison a player, the higher combined piety when imprisoned, the more it takes to free the player using the freedom rite. Interdiction Prevents any travelling spells or rites from working, such as untrodden paths, recall, gate and mark. Intervention Use it on yourself to get a stat boost, and AR boost. In addition it can be used on an empyrean sigil to create a holy gate to the moongate location of the sigil, use it as well to remove corruption from your religious alter. Libation Sacrifice food, gold, gems, or raw material to your god and receive a blessing, AR and or full HP and or full mana or X-amount of foci. Malediction Random curse on a player, can change their gender, turn them into a chicken (both permanent and temporary), cause death, drop stats permanently, poison, skill loss, an equipped item will be destroyed, or an item will be randomly dropped on the ground. Negation Creates a negation field, blocking off magic of all sorts in that area. Purification Cure poison and other diseases like plague and flesh rot. Restoration Heals yourself and or others. Resurrection Resurrect players or pets. Retribution Simple attack rite, single target. Sense Aura Sense religious devotion from all players around you. Untrodden Paths Use on a sigil to travel to that moongate location the sigil was created at. Any other players concentrating on you successfully will also travel with you. TEKSTONE RITUALS Affliction Putrescere (description missing) Banshee’s Wail Quiritatio Mass damage rite that is generally good for killing people who hide inside their houses, as it works through walls. This rite is unique as your magic resist skill helps you to resist the rite. Blight Vasto Populi A mass plague rite that permanently lowers your strength a bit when you use it. Destruction Exitialis (description missing) Disguise Dissimulo Changes your appearance and name, like the spell Incognito or an incognito potion. Pestilence Calamity Lues Single target plague rite. Poison Wind Ventus Vitiare Poisons your target heavily. Swarm Congregari Summons monsters to help you on the battlefield, the best ones are black wispes. Has a delay, you cannot use it repeatedly. NATURE RITUALS Earthen Warden Hic Opus Terrenum Summons some earth elemental-style creatures to help you. They tend to be stronger than earth elementals though. Gaea’s Mount Matris Equus Succurro Summons an ostard for you. The ostard takes 0 petslots and doesn't need food. Holy Word Veritas Deals mass damage to nearby undeads, daemons and enemy religion members. Sticks to Snakes Serpentis Adeste Summons giant serpents to help you, but you need logs to use this ritual. Swarm Congregari Summons strong monsters to help you, the best ones are wispes. Has a delay, like the Tekstone ritual, but the delay is shorter. Sylvan Silence Omnes Silences monsters so they cannot cast spells. Gaea's Shelter Defendo Bestia Moves animals near you away for some time. They will be returned to their original location later. Gaea's Punishment Terrae Motus Turns someone into an animal for some time. Will unmount the person and lower stats, but not permanently. There must be animal corpses nearby or the ritual won't do anything. LAW RITUALS Holy Word Veritas Deals mass damage to undeads, daemons and enemy religions. Also heals you and squelches the enemies. Judgement Confiteor Turns a "blue" person "grey" (criminal) for some time. Lustrous Aura Exsplendescere Constantly heals you, other Law members and Law's guards near you. Regenerates mana too. Order Advoco Praesidium Summons guards to help you. Salvation Sentio Ignosco Occisor Used to send criminals into prison to make them "blue" again. The more they have murdercounts, the more time they will remain in prison. Solitude Solitas Comminuo Scelestus Can be used in Britain and Trinsic areas. A powerful ritual that tends to instakill - the more murdercounts the enemy has, the more damage the ritual does. Spiritual Hammer Malleus Low mana consumption, high damage, works through walls. A popular Law ritual. Summon Mount Equus Equus Summons a white shiny holy steed for you to ride. It takes 0 petslots and doesn't need food. IMPERIAL RITUALS Alliance Patrocinor Custodiae Temporarily makes some Imperial enemy considered non-enemy, so that the Imperial guards won't attack that person. Entangle Inreto A better version of druid's grasping roots. Considered useless nowadays. Esuna's Blessing Prosper Artis Merchantbless of max +2% Esuna's curse Consecro Artis A heavy, but temporary curse to merchant skills. Sounds pretty useless. Holy Word Veritas Deals damage to undead, daemons and enemy religion members. Imperial Bane Vomica Prenda Makes the targeted player unable to hunt for some time, as all the loot from his kills vanishes away. Rescue Salus Quisque People who are sent to Dungeon Wrong by Law guards can be saved by using this ritual without needing to go through the dungeon. Safeguard Advoco Praesidium Summons Imperial guards to help you on the battlefield. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Necromancer Chant Guide The codex damnorun consists of 16 chants - 8 greaters and 8 lessers. The lesser chants consume cheaper reagents and are weaker than the greater chants. Greater chants are much harder and need a lot more Spirit Speak to succeed. The necromancer needs to hold a Lich Staff to use the chants in the Codex damnorun These are: Chant name Powerwords Reagents needed Description Lesser chant: Darkness Nox 1 brimstone Single target spell - Blinds the target for some time, depending on the skill of the caster Commune Dice 1 bone, 1 volcanic ash Single target spell - connects the target with the neather realm so he/she can see what a ghost is speaking Animate dead Corpus Sine Nomine Expergefaceret 1 bone, 1 fertile dirt, 1 vial of blood Target a corpse of a NPC and you'll bring him back alive, but he's weak as a regular zombie. Tho this chant can be very useful, find out the secret yourself Control Undead Nutu Magistri Supplicare bloodspawn, bone, mandrake root Turn undead monsters to your side, works mainly with lesser monsters but not with magicians. Sacrifice Animus Ex Corporis Resolveretur bspawn, dead wood, mandrake, black pearl Sacrifice a summoned creature and it will make a lot of mass area damage around the summon - the stronger is the summon, the bigger is the damage done. Spectre's Touch Enervare exe cap, brimstone, daemon bone This is a blessing chant which will increase your stats depending on the skill of Spirit Speak. Mostly used on corpsers because they give the biggest bless. Wraith's Breath Manes Sollicti Mi Compellere daemon bone brimstone, bloodspawn Mass-area damage spell which drains mana from the victims. Does a great ammount of damage and is very fast to cast. Very popular in PvP. Frostfield Umbrae Tenebrae Venarent One serpents scale, one black pearl, one spiders silk Creates a wall of frost (the same as fire field only is blue and longer duration). This is a rare chant. Greater chants: Kill Ulties Manum Necarent daemon bone, draggy blood, exe cap, vial of blood This is a single target spell - mainly used in PvP because it had a high chance of instakilling the victim. It's expensive and takes a lot of time to cast. Raise dead Manes Turbidi Sollictique Vocam bone, vial of blood, brimstone, fertile dirt Summoning spell - summons random undead monsters - with better skill you have a better chance to summon stronger and a bigger ammount of monsters. Wraithform Manes Sollicti Mihi Infundite daemon bone, brimstone, bloodspawn This is a transformation/changing shape spell - you'll turn into a wraith and do mass-area damage around you every few seconds, tho you'll be unmounted but you can still cast other chants/spells while beeing in the form. Release Nutu Magistri Se Resolvere bat wing, vial of blood, exe cap Mostly used in hunting - this chant does an extrodinary ammount of damage to undead creatures. With very high skill you can instakill very powerful monsters. Summon Spirit Manes Turbidi Sollictique Resolverent daemon bone, brimstone, draggy blood, blood spawn Summon chant like Raise dead but summons stronger undead's - spellcasters. With high skill you can summon lich lords. Lich Umbrae Tenebrae Miserere Animi Non Digna Ferentis daemon bone, draggy blood, blackmoor, exe cap, vial of blood Transformation/changing shape spell - turns the caster into a lich giving a high stat and shield boost. Only down is that it'll unmount. Plague Fluctus Puter Se Aresceret draggt blood, vial of blood, serpent scale, nightshade Single target chant - infects the target with a terrible disease. Transfusion Nutu Magistri Se Compellere 1 vial of blood, 1 mandrake root and 1 ginseng Does decent damage to the first targeted person, heals the second targeted person with it - good in PvP and good in PvM. Rare and expensive chant.