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   T.H.P.S. 4

   T.H.P.S. 3

   T.H.P.S. 2


T.H.U.G. Cheats/Codes/Secrets

Oldschool Level Locations

New Jersey - Located on a ledge above the train station. Use the roof of the entrance to the hospitol to get the secret oldschool icon.

Hawaii - Located by the tiki shop jump into the mouth of the big tiki monster statue and go down the tunnel and jumping at the end into the big area with the big tiki monster and jump up and get the secret oldschool level icon.

Moscow - Grind the ledge of lenins tomb beside the concrete benches and jump through the window of the red building and you should see it on the right side in the room and hop off your board to get it.

Secret Tape Locations

New Jersey - Located under the bridge go down the hill and under the bridge to get it.

Manhatten - Located on top of the sign in front of the metro center climb up onto the sign useing the ladder beside it to get it.

Tampa - Located on top of the building across the street from the d'amato building and security building skitch a car down the road to get enough air to launch up the to get it. you can also get on top of the roof by useing the powerlines the go up to the top of either end of the building to get it.

San Diego - Located in the theatre area get on top of the theatre and use the quarter pipe to get it.

Hawaii - Located on a wire between the big surf hotel and the pink palace hotel go around to the side of the pink palace hotel and use the quarter pipe to air up into a grind on the rail above then jump onto the wire to get it.

Vancouver - Located on top of the glass dome skitch down the road and spine transfer the pagoda and launch off the other side up in the air to get it.

Slam City Jam - Start in the big halfpipe and jump up into a grind on the circular rail and grind around and break through the glass of the scoreboard to get it.

Moscow - Follow the directions of the no, f&%king, And way gaps or just do the hangover cure goal on sick mode to get it.

Hotter Than Hell - Get up onto the catwalk above the stage and ollie across the raised portion to jump up in the air to get it.

Secret Characters

Iron Man - Unlock by completing stroy mode on any difficulty setting.
Signature Moves
The Scanner - Manual Trick - 3000 Points
Boot Burst - Grab Trick - 2000 Points

Gene Simmons - Unlock by completing story mode on the normal or sick difficulty settings.
Signature Moves
Lick It Up - Grab Trick - 1500 Points
Fire Fire Fire - Grind Trick - 800 Points

THUD - Unlock by completing story mode on the sick difficulty setting.
Signature Moves
Swimmer - Grab Trick - 1500 Points
Scary Grind - Grind Trick - 800 Points

Pedestrians - Unlock By finding every gap in the game.
Signature Moves

T.H.U.G. Movies

Bails 1 - Unlocked after finding 3 secret tapes.
Bails 2 - Unlocked after finding 6 secret tapes.
Always Hard - Unlocked after finding 9 secret tapes.
Kiss Concert - Unlocked by activating all the KISS letters on the hotter than hell level.

Other Stuff

Hotter Than Hell Level - Unlock by completing story mode on any difficulty setting.

Cheat Codes

Enter the code in the cheats menu under options.

getitup - Moon gravity
noforce - moon physics
keepitsteady - Perfect Manuals
letitslide - Perfect rail balance
digivid - Unlocks All Thug Movies

These cheats can be turned on or off in the start menu.

Always Special - Complete 129/129 Goals
Cool Specials - Complete 129/129 Goals
Flame (While Grinding) - Complete 129/129 Goals
Kid Mode - Complete 129/129 Goals
Moon Gravity - Complete 129/129 Goals
Perfect Manual - Complete 129/129 Goals
Perfect Rail - Complete 129/129 Goals
Perfect Skitch - Complete 129/129 Goals
Rollerskates - Complete 129/129 Goals

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