
   The President of India,

   Govt. Of India,



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Date : 1.1.2014


Sub : Vicious criminal conspiracy & crime ruining my life for the last 15 years


Dear Sir,


                This is to inform you again that I’m an extreme victim of vicious criminal conspiracy and hi-tech crime from Kultali Village, South 24 pgs, West Bengal for the last 15 years ..I’ve informed many times about it to all possible authorities concerned in the last so many years , but of no avail so far.. This is intolerable, unbearable and an absurd life , getting criminally deprived by gross perverted rascalism. This is an unimaginable crime & conspiracy against a single individual ever .This includes a heavy dose psychological crime, physiological crime, emotional crime and criminal financial leeching that reduces my worth criminally and illegally ..


                My brain, body and mind is purely my property and can’t be violated without my full consent . So all attempts to violate it illegally, criminally to murder, butcher, slaughter , rob, rape and oppress me severely over the years amounts to an unimaginable crime ..

This is also a gross human rights crime, gross perverted sadistic rascalism, gross misuse and abuse power, position and rights, extreme criminal exploitation, criminal slavery, criminal privacy violation and false criminal blackmailing attempts in the evil disguise of Science research and some cheap gimmick terms. This should immediately be stopped, and any such criminal technology being used in here for manipulative, exploitative, oppressive purpose as mass mind control machinery must be demolished and any act arising out of it must be abolished ..


                A black crime racket operating from a corruption and crime hub of the suburbs of South 24 Pgs, near Notunpara is operating with black power, black funding  and black influence and manipulation .The have made it an international crime and conspiracy and making it look like a “murder and puppet show” .. Both Govt of West Bengal and US Govt officials are involved in this and all these amounts to criminal misrule and disorder and criminal misgovernance .


                An evil police-criminal nexus was the main reason for criminal proliferation of the crime over the years .This is an example of huge Police corruption and Political party corruption and crime .Illegal influence , manipulation, instigation and provocation are the keywords of the way the crime and conspiracy is spreading it’s tentacles throughout India and US.


                I’m suffering  pathetically and languishing as a victim of this kind of unprecedented crime and conspiracy for long . It was a huge crime and crime deceit act from that region that was fooling the world for quite sometime .Illegally made, manufactured, fabricated and concocted rubbish is used as cheap instigating  and provocative craps to act against me .Please rubbish and reject any complaints concocted against me as a part of false criminal frame up and false criminal fix up attempts ..


                I condemn this kind of cheap rascalism with utter disdain and demand exemplary punishment for all those involved in the corruption , crime and conspiracy .I also demand heavy crime compensation and damage amount on account of criminal loss of life, career, family and anything and everything that there is in the world to look for ..I demand a free and fare life free of any manipulation, exploitation, oppression , torture and cruelty extreme like this …


                Thanking you ,


                                                                                                                                Yours faithfully,


                                                                                                                                Deb Chakraborty

                                                                                                                13/6, Dr. Nilmani Sarkar Street


                                                                                                                                Kolkata – 700090





NB : Please read the attached documents also .