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flyfishing painting

Bryce Canyon

Flyfishing Bryce Canyon Utah

ELLO everyone. My name is Roland Reynolds and I am from Panguitch, Utah. Panguitch is located in a very colorful area of southern Utah located about 30 miles from the infamous Bryce Canyon National Park which is known for its hoodoo sandstone rock formations and red course sands. Inbetween work and driving backcountry roads sightseeing one of my favorite things I enjoy to do is go fly fishing on one of the many nice streams and lakes in the area here. You could say I am somewhat of an avid fly fisherman on my days off.

Bryce Canyon National Park

As I live in and around Southwest Utah we get alot of tourist traveling through to check out the National Park and surrounding area here, and as I get to talking with them they ask about what kind of other activities is there to do here besides checking out Bryce Canyon National Park. Well being a fisherman is what comes to my mind and why not try to do some fishing to unwind; especially fly fishing which in my minds eye is the ultimate outdoor sport for the travelling tourist to this fine area in Utah.

One of the questions I often get from people visiting and staying in the area from inclined fishermen or women is that they often don't know the area well enough and/or don't have the time to know where to go find them "sweet hot spots" you can't tell from looking on a map to try thier luck catching fish. Also people ask me which places are hot at the moment and what type of flies the trout here are hitting on . And that is why I decided to create this website to help people with these questions; like where is the best places around here to catch big fish in the little amount of time I have here? Panguitch by the way is an old Native American Piute name that means "big fish". And these are the secrets which the local fly anglers keep to themselfs and what I want to tell you all about!

Want to know more about hooking that monster whale of a trout while visiting here? See page 2.


One of the "dry flies" that is common but has limited success with the trout here; the mosquito (ouch!)

Questions or comments about my site? Just e-mail me at Thanks.


Check out myPHOTO GALLERY for colorful lakes and streams in Bryce Canyon area.

flyfisherman drawing

copyrighted 2005 by Roland Reynolds