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Hello fine folks and welcome to PASS
We sincerely hope you enjoy your stay,
here are a few "tips" to help you along the way.

Rules for posting in the ana and mia section:
1. First and foremost, please feel free to introduce yourself. We are a curious and cautious bunch and like to know whom we are speaking with. Do read through some of the posts to get a feel for the group. Before asking questions, check the ongoing posts and see if they are already being discussed.There is a chance that the same question is being answered elsewhere.
And with that in mind.....

2. Please do not ask for tips or tricks. Even though we know them all, we will not be sharing with you. We will not be responsible for your downward spiral into our hell. And there really isn't any need for you to share your tips and tricks with us either, we can starve and puke just fine, thank you.
Sad, but it's what we do.

3. Think twice before discussing "dieting" with anas, they do not eat much, but I grant you that for this, some may take a bite out of your ass. It's just their way. To think that you may want to be like them upsets them greatly, for they want you to avoid the hell if at all possible. If you need to diet, PASS has created a dieting section especially for you. And there is a lot of love there.

4. The mia's cannot stand ipecac or laxative threads. They are smart enough to know what these things can do to you. Most of it has already happened to them, and they would like for you to avoid the same mistakes if at all possible. Trust me when I tell you that they will chew you up and spit you out when these subjects are approached. Sex, now that's an all together different story. The mia's are a sexy bunch and don't have a problem with sharing details ;-)

5. The Mia's do not tolerate diet pill threads well. The ana's handle them pretty well, but everyone knows that it is a touchy subject with ephedrine getting a bad rap and all. There is a possibility that it could put the board in jeopardy but even moreso, one never knows if there are teeny boppers hanging about, ready to gobble bad information.
So, approach with caution.

6. Also, save your judgement for those who need it. We are our own judge and jury and we are hell-bent on making ourselves pay for any little perceived imperfection that we can imagine within ourselves. Your judgement of us is minute compared to our own, so save your breath.

7. Do be aware that with your account comes a mail box. If topics are touchy and you are unsure as to how to proceed, feel free to mail one of the Moderators. If this is not feasible or comfortable for you, one can always try to make contact with those whom you feel may be receptive.

8. If you want to become well known and liked in either forum, there are steps that you can take that almost ensure that you will be. Be supportive of those going through a rough time. Offer a sympathetic ear. Answer posts that do not have many replys. And if starting a thread, be sure to answer those who are responding to you. No one likes to feel as if you have split after them taking the time to answer you.

9. Do know that it is the Moderator's job to keep the forum's integrity intact. We are counting on you to post appropriate threads in the appropriate section. If you do not, the posts will be moved, locked, or deleted, whichever the Moderator sees fit. So, if you start a fasting thread in the mia section, there is the possibility that when you return to the forum, it will have been moved.

So, enoy your stay, and have fun. Just keep your nose clean, treat
others with respect and support, and the same will be afforded to you. And please take in to consideration that this board is the only means of support for some. Please do not jeopardize it.

Thank You,
The Ana and Mia Mods:
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