RANT 2- Niceness

Katherine Swanson


One of the most aggervating things that can happen in my day is a fight with my father. He goes on and on about how I'm "difficult" and "No one likes a Difficult Women", How i "will never get married if Im opionated and really tell people how i feel." He thinks I should trust people enought to get an acurate perseption of me and that there isnt anything wrong with being 'nice' and thats i should be nice. But really, If people always got acurate perceptions then we would have evaded World War 2 and Neville Chamberlin would acually have helped. So either my father hasnt been a teenager in a very long time, were talking 40 years, or he has gone metally insane. I think its the first one. But this whole ideas of people's preceptions got me thinking. My father is very wrong in this case (as he is about everything in my life) however if I want people to get an acurate perseption of me, why do i even care about what they think at all. Why do i worry that Im not bitchy enough or Bitchy enough? Its a double edge sword. I'm the one always carrying on about how i dont care about others and their preceptions. So why do I try to control the thoughts they have so? and why am i so afraid to be percived as nice a bitch or even as a person who is complex with many layers of thinking? To resolve the great mystry that has been plaugeing my mind all night i went to my copy of the Modern new wave feminist's bible (Kiss My Tiera). There is a whole chapter about how niceness=barf. I have to agree. Why be nice when you can be your self. YAY for hobbs, we arnt all naturally nice, WERE IN WARRE!!!!! Why worry about the worlds preception of yourself when you can brake throught the layers and see the real complex person? My conclusion is, the only way for people to see the real you is to accecpt the real you. For me, I need to accept myself as a multi layered person, and if people take the time to get to know me they will see that i am multi layered, and defanitly not always my fathers ideal of niceness and marrage material (FYI: im only 15, maybe my father has gone crazy...). However: If the defanition of bitch is some one who works hard and gets what they want (AKA MADONNA) then i am guilty, and i will always be proud of being difficult no matter what the defanition. HEY! we live in a socity that prefers Scarlett over Melinie, so who am i kidding. Niceness DOES = barf. SO why be so nice i want to barf on you when you can be real and liked? people are always ready for bitchyness, dont be afraid to be it!!!!!