Rant 1- PMS

Katherine Swanson



Women are regularly told that we use PMS as a bogus excuse to act all bitchy. BULL! Really, PMS is the ultimate power tool, and we dont use it enough. The real problum is that we use PMS in the wrong way. We use PMS usually on our family and friends and our boyfriends. That is where the real problum lies. PMS has many effects on us. I know it makes me feel anywhere from Horney to Pissed and Mopey. It only takes one person giving you "the look" to piss you off. Once angry all the anger is directed at the closet person who is stupid enough to ask "Whats wrong?". So someone who is used to being seen and not heard is heard all the way to the shores of France. Here is what I propose! Instead of the usual targets lets switch to the people that are forced by law to listen to us. No not the theripist... the Government. That is their job. Think about it! They expect it. Call the complaint line, (202) 456-1000 , and rant about everything from raceism to the enviroment. They want you to. Another option is to e-mail the big man out east George W., at president@white-house.gov . remember the GOV otherwise it goes to a porn site. [funny side note: i was reading the most recent copy of THE SOCIALIST and it said a boy was carrieing at a bush protest the read "If George W. is on earth, then whos runing hell?" ] So, give the people in the government an earful, instead of you mother. REMEMBER- you are a women. you can complain about what ever you want to when ever you want to. Its you constatutinal right to complain to the government, take atvantage of it! -katherine swanson ... june 12, 2003 ... 3:03 PM