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Healing the Separation

It is always about healing, isn’t it?
Even when it appears to be about healing another,
it is always about healing the Self.

It is about healing the Separation,
the sense of loss created by living in a place
where duality is always present.

Our minds, our way of thinking, have been conditioned
to focus on the idea of separation
to see the differences rather than the similarities.

As a species, we have been taught to trust our minds and thoughts
more than our feelings and the way our bodies can sense energy.

As a species, we have been taught to focus on and trust
what is observable outside of our Selves;
rather than what is hidden within ourselves.

As a species, we have lost our way because we have lost our Selves.
We no longer know who we are.

We begin our journey as a species,
to find our Selves, to find our way,
by Remembering who we are.

We do this by merging our thoughts and feelings; but first ~ We must separate the two
so that we may see how our thoughts (influenced by others and by life experiences)
have affected and molded our emotional responses to what we feel.

Darkness can only exist where there is no light.
Illuminate the mind and the understanding that follows will clear the emotional turbulence
that keeps so many bound to the illusion of Duality.

When the light begins to penetrate the darkness there is pain.
People fight to keep hold of the illusion
because it is all that they can remember.

As your eyes become accustomed to the Light,
the pain of illusion will evaporate with a new understanding
of who you are and why you are here.

May your path be easy ~

Carol Marie
