Losing focus? Stay on the path to reach your goal. Imagine what is around the bend. Stop smoking? Weight control? Reduce Stress. You decide your direction.
The Effects of Suggestion
Scientists have studied procedures identifiable as hypnosis for 200 years. Most of the detailed investigation took place between 1950 and 1980. This was before the current medical research into the chemical links among the body systems took place. Links between the nervous and immune systems have been of particular interest recently, along with their significance in health and disease. A large percentage of the earlier research into hypnosis went into demonstrating that suggestion (traditionally an agent in the shadowy realm of the psyche) could influence various autonomic body systems in an observable manner. Today this result is considered unremarkable. However, before the days of hypnosis and biofeedback research (and before the discovery of neuropeptides, cytokines, and other mediators of autonomic functions), this was considered an incredible, even supernatural claim.
The classic hypnosis research also demonstrated that some or all people respond differently to suggestion under different conditions. Relatively little work has gone into determining the precise details of how each suggestion effect occurs, because so much of the focus has been on determining that 'something happens.' The situation is not too far from what we come across in modern anomaly research. In both areas, we need to move forward to detail what is going on in each case, rather than simply prove that something interesting is happening.
Today, there is basic agreement among most researchers that such a thing as hypersuggestibility does occur in some sense. This means that under certain conditions, unusual feats of attention control, psychosomatic regulation, perceptual distortion, and cognitive dissociation can be consistently produced in some subjects, whereas under other conditions the same subjects can seemingly not deliberately produce those same behaviors. Opinions are split about exactly what conditions cause hypersuggestibility; i.e., whether it is a unique biological state or whether it is the result of responding to the social demands and expectations of the situation. Also, there is controversy over the relationship between hypersuggestibility and cognitive dissociation. Another thing that most researchers today do agree on is that hypnosis is not the only procedure whereby such hypersuggestibility (or dissociation) may be produced.
Hypnosis as distinct from Suggestion
Current theoretical frameworks appear to be moving toward an even clearer distinction than we had in the past between the hypnotic induction process and the resulting condition of hypersuggestibility. Most classical hypnotic induction is indistinguishable from other means of helping to induce a relaxed condition in the body. Also, a number of experiments have demonstrated enhanced suggestibility under conditions where the body is not relaxed (suggestion works outside of hypnosis.)
The common link between most situations of hypersuggestibility appears to be a narrow selective focus of attention. This is something which seems to result from such diverse conditions as sensory isolation, relaxed attentiveness, and extreme fear. There does not appear to be a single common general EEG pattern in hypersuggestibility, or which makes hypnotized individuals distinguishable from awake ones, though there are hints of possibly unique evoked potential responses during periods of enhanced suggestibility.
One of the more intriguing recent theories is that hypersuggestibility may somehow also be mediated by the immune system and other chemically linked autonomic systems rather than the brain alone. A two-way chemical feedback loop has been discovered to operate between the nervous and immune systems, but it will take further research to determine its relationship to suggestibility and psychosomatic illness and healing in general.
How does hypnosis feel?
Since hypnosis is a natural state of mind, clients are often surprised that they hear every word. Unless one enters a deeper state, or at least a medium state, he or she may not "feel" any different than when relaxing in the favorite easy chair with a good book. One may feel quite mellow, and may feel light (or weightless), or very heavy as if sinking into the chair. If one enters a really deep state, the feeling may be euphoric for some, or almost like being intoxicated without the side effects. In a light state, it is entirely possible for a client to believe that he or she was not hypnotized; so it is important for a Hypnotherapist to know how to competently handle the pre-induction discussion as well as the discussion after hypnosis.
There are certain abilities which are enhanced during the actual hypnotic process itself: (a) the ability to IMAGINE, (b) the ability to REMEMBER, (c) the CREATIVE abilities, and (d) RESPONSIVENESS TO SUGGESTIONS. Naturally, it is this last ability which creates the appeal of hypnosis to some and the fear of hypnosis to others. And before you go experimenting with hypnosis, be advised to seek competent "hands-on" training--or at the very least, invest in a quality Home Study course! Simply reading is not enough if you plan on facilitating hypnosis.
(Credit for above information goes to Todd Stark, FAQ 7/93 & Roy Hunter, FAQ 11/95 from Hypnosis.Com)
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Sonya Rehrer, MSW, is a private practice clinician with an office @ 4300 Dayton Blvd. in Chattanooga, TN. Call 423.847.8596 for an appointment.
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