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Paranormal Photography

Wherever you look on the internet, You can find hundreds of "ghost" photographs. Everyone who owns a camera seems to be shooting incredible pictures of "ghostly entities".

In this small article, we will look at some examples of both "good" and "bad" anomalous photographs.


This Example shows hundreds of anomalies. at first glance, a very haunted site.


No. The objects outside the window are insects taken with a digital camera.

In our quest to have some proof of the existance of 'Spirits', we (as human beings) will assume that what we get is what we hope for.. (or what we fear).

This is an honest mistake, but first we must eliminate the possible (or in this case obvious) explanations before we assume the paranormal.


This is what is commonly labeled as a vortex.

The clue to what this really is could be taken by where it appears on the film.

Most 'vortex' photgraphs seem to show the anomaly situated in one corner of the picture. Why is that?

A very simple answer is available. Usually it can be attributed to either a camera strap, or (in this case)to the photographers own hair.

Square Anomaly

This was a quite cool picture and it had me intrigued.

At the time it was taken, it coincided with high emf readings, and a sudden temperature drop.

But when it was enlarged, it revealed the square to be merely a reflective traffic sign.

Unfortunately, most ghostly photographs are just mundane objects viewed from a unique perspective.


