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The Cold Iron Theory

Author: Jeff Harris
Paranormal Investigator
Pontotoc Mississippi

This is theory only and based on the assumptions that:

1) Ghosts Exist

2) Ghosts use electrical energy (measurable by EMF meter)

In most ghost hunting and spirit investigations today, you will almost always see at least one person carrying an EMF meter(electro-magnetic field tester). Wether or not they use them correctly (I already see another article there), EMF meters are almost always in use.

The EMF meter (to put it plainly) measures the electro magnetic field, and any elctrical appliance, even a light bulb, will send the needle byond the normal range. (Because of this, a lot of false readings can be achieved due to inexperience or the failure to create baseline readings).

Quite often the following scenario takes place during an investigation: Someone announces that the EMF meter is picking up high readings, people start shooting pictures and someone will announce that their camera battery is dead.

A simple and logical connection:

1)Batteries drain quickly at an investigation, even though (often enough to go beyond mere coincidence) the appliance holding the batteries was not in use.

2)The EMF meter reads an electrical anomaly, photographs are taken, and the photographs later reveal something not visible to the naked eye (mists, orbs, other anomalies, i.e. spirit photos)

3)In older or abandoned sites where electrical devices are not normally in use, batteries drain quicker.

4) Physics: Heat = Motion, Motion = Energy, therefore a "cold spot" would indicate that energy has been drained from an area.

5) Physics: Energy can be neither created or destroyed, but it can be converted

Therefore: (again theory only) Spirits (assuming they exist) use surrounding energy fields to manifest. (By manifest, I refer to any activity that takes place on the physical plane)

If this is the case, then we would have to look at modern science as well as ancient superstition and legend to determine what might effect a ghost and the reasons why.

According to folklore, cold iron would repel certain spirits. The horshoe was used to keep good luck and placing it at your door would repel evil spirits. Cemeteries were often surrounded by iron fences and gates (some still are) in order to keep the spirits inside. Placing an iron knife in he ground at your doorstep, was said to stop a witch from entering (a lot of times , spirits were thought to be witches .. the infamous Bell Witch of Tennesee for example)...

This may in fact have a connection to modern science.

If a spirit utilizes electrical energy to manifest, the simplest way to stop him would be to drain his usable energy.

The way to drain electrical energy is to "ground" it out.

When working with elecricity, the way to ground something is to connect it to a conductor that is literally placed into the ground (or connected to a source that is placed into the ground) Even on modern houses, if you look along the side of the dwelling (usually near the electric meter) you will find a copper cable (or other wire) connected to a ground spike (a peice of iron or copper placed into the dirt)

If in fact Ghosts utilize elctrical energy to manifest, then some of the old superstitions are correct. By touching a physical manifestation (or even the spirit itself ) with a grounded conductor (iron that is also touching the ground) you would be able to drain the usable current from that spirit.

This is ONLY theory and has not been tested. The effect it would have on the spirit (other than temporarily draining his energy) has not even been postulated. As far as I can see, most spiritual events are harmless and so are most "ghosts". Testing this theory could be taken as a personal attack and could (theoretically) get you in a lot of trouble.

So to use a famous quote," Dont try this at home kids"...

but it is food for thought.

copyright 1993 SPIRE (used by permission from the author)

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